George Tzanakos University of Athens
Outline MINOS Experiment Physics
Goals Beam Detectors NUMI Project Status MINOS
Detectors Status Calibration Detector FAR
Detector Performance MINOS 5 Year
Plan Conclusions
Precise study of atmospheric neutrino
oscillations, using the NUMI beam and two
Far Detector 5400 tons
3MINOS Physics Goals
- Demonstrate Oscillation Behavior
- Precise measurement of CC energy distribution
between near and far detector (2-4 sys.
uncertainty in En per 2 GeV bin). - Standard or non-standard oscillations?
- Can we see clear oscillatory behavior from the
first osc. max? Rise at low energy? - Are there features in the energy spectrum not
well described by a standard oscillation? - Precise Measurement of Oscillation Parameters
- Precise Determination of Flavor Participation
- Number of CC nm events far/near 2 Probability
for nm - nx oscillation. - Number of CC ne events far/near Sensitive to nm
- ne oscillation down to about 2.
Discovery/first measurement of Ue3? - Number of NC events far/near probability for nm
- nsterile oscillation down to about 10. - nms which disappear but dont appear as ne or
disappear to nsterile must be nt! - Direct Measurement of Atmospheric n vs n.
4MINOS Experiment How is it done?
2 Detectors Experiment
Near Detector
Soudan mine
towards Soudan mine
Neutrino Source
Far Detector
Argonne Athens Brookhaven Caltech
Cambridge College de France Fermilab Harvard
IIT Indiana ITEP-Moscow Lebedev
Livermore University College London
Macalester Minnesota Minnesota-Duluth
Oxford Pittsburgh Protvino - Rutherford
South Carolina Stanford Sussex Texas AM
Texas-Austin Tufts UNICAMP/USP-Brazil
Western-Washington - Wisconson
6Design Parameters for NuMI
- 120 GeV protons
- 1.9 second cycle time
- 4x1013 protons/pulse
- 0.4 MW!
- Single turn extraction (10ms)
- 4x1020 protons/year
- Initial intensity will be less
- 2.5x1020 protons/year?
- Possible to go beyond 4x1020/year with investment
in the accelerator complex?
Near detector
7NuMI Neutrino Beam
CC Events Rates in MINOS 5kt detector
- High 8,000 /2E20 POT
- Med 3,600 /2E20 POT
- Low 1,400 /2E20 POT
8The NuMI Neutrino Energy Spectra
nm CC Events/kt/year
Low Medium High 470
1270 2740
nm CC Events/MINOS/2 year
Low Medium High 5080
13800 29600
4x1020 protons on target/year 4x1013 protons/1.9
By moving the horns and target, different energy
spectra are available using the NuMI beamline.
The energy can be tuned depending on the specific
oscillation parameters expected/observed.
9NuMI Conventional Facilities at Fermilab
- Major complicated conventional construction
- Three major installations in three different
areas - Several hundred feet of accelerator
enclosurehalf of which is between two operating
machines - Downstream end of carrier tunnel, Pre-Target
and Target Areas--primary beam focus, 8KT
neutrino beam - MINOS areabeam monitoring, 1 KT hadron absorber
and 1 KT neutrino detector
10Installation Challenge NuMI in the Main
Injector Tunnel
MI ring on bottom, Recycler on top, NuMI in the
middle (fit between two accelerators)
NuMI Stub and Extension (needs cranes, utilities
11The NuMI Target Hall
12Neutrino Beam Devices
Target from IHEP
Horn 2
Part of NuMI shielding
13Fabrication and Testing of Horns
Horn 2 inner conductors.
Prototype horn 1 in test stand
14NuMI Technical Components
Upstream and Downstream Decay Pipe Ends
Assembly of inner and outer conductors of
(production) Horn 2. (DOE L-1-6)
15The NuMI Decay Tunnel
16The Decay Pipe
Pipe is embedded in concrete to protect
17MINOS Hall in May
18Service Buildings
Target Service Building (MI-65)
MINOS Service Building
19Status of NuMI Beamline Construction
- The excavation of the NuMI beamline halls and
tunnels is complete. - The decay pipe is installed along with the
concrete shielding. - The outfitting of the tunnels and halls is well
advanced. Done by November. - The surface buildings are being built.
- First protons on target expected in December
20Detector Technology
- Scintillator strips are extruded polystyrene
(Itasca Plastic) - PPO (1) and POPOP (0.03) fluors
- Co-extruded TiO2 reflective coating
- Fiber groove
- Kuraray 1.2mm WLS Fibers
- (Y-11 175ppm)
- PMTs
- Far Detector Hamamatsu R6000-M16 multi-anode
PMTs (16 channels), 8 fibers/pixel. - Near Detector M64, one fiber per pixel.
- Viking VA-based front-end electronics.
21The MINOS Far Detector
- 8 m octagonal steel scintillator tracking
calorimeter - Sampling every 2.54 cm
- 4 cm wide strips of scintillator
- 2 sections, 15m each
- 5.4 kton total mass
- 55/?E for hadrons
- 23/?E for electrons
- Magnetized Iron (B1.5T)
- 484 planes of scintillator
- 26,000 m2
One Supermodule of the Far Detector
- 2 Supermodules
- 5.4 kT, 8.0 m x 8.0 m
- 484 scint. Planes
- 192 strips / plane
- x8 Optical MUX
- 2-end readout
- 1452 M16s
- 92,928 strips (4.1 x 1.0 cm)
- 722 km WLS fiber
- 794 km clear fiber
23The Near Detector
- 3.8 x 4.8 m octagonal steel scintillator
tracking calorimeter - Same basic construction, sampling and response as
the far detector. - No multiplexing in the main part of the detector
due to small size and high rates. - Hamamatsu M64 PMT
- Faster Electronics (QIE)
- 282 planes of steel
- 153 planes of scintillator
veto - target - shower - m spectrometer
- 1 kT, 3.8 m x 4.8 m squeezed octagon
- 282 steel planes
- 153 scint. Planes
- 1-end readout
- no MUX (x4 at m spec)
- 220 M64s
- QIE-based front-end
- 12,300 scint.strips
- 65 km WLS fiber
- 51 km clear fiber
Emulates the Far detector in absorber, active
planes, Bfield
27(No Transcript)
28NEAR Detector Construction
29CalDet Overview
MINOS is underground No calibration beam 5
absolute energy calibration needed 2 relative
Near/Far Calibration detector for Response vs
particle type p,m,e,p Event topology Response vs
energy MEU energy scale Different
electronics Near QIE, Far Viking
CalDet in T7 (CERN)
30The MINOS Calibration Detector
- A mini-version of the MINOS near and far
detectors - 1m x 1m x 3.7 m
- 60 planes x 24 strips/plane
- Readout technologies of both the near and far
detectors - Being exposed to electron, pion, proton and muon
beams from 0.5-10 GeV/c momentum at the CERN PS. - First data in 2001 up to 3.5 GeV using far
detector readout. - Data in 2002 up to 10 GeV and to compare near
and far electronics. - Additional running in 2003 with full near
readout system. - Physics Goals
- EM and Hadron energy response
- EM and Hadron event topology
- Near/Far readout comparison
Last Dipole
Beam Line
Electronics and PMTs
24 strips
x 60 (3.7 m)
5.9 cm
31Calibration Detector
Measure detector response in electrons, muons
and hadrons
- L 3.7 m
- W 1.0 m
- H 1.0 m
- 8 tons
- 60 planes
- 24 strips/ plane
- total 1440 strips
- 2-ended readout
- WLS 3 m clear fiber ribbons
- FAR-Det / NEAR-Det readout
- No magnetic Field
- CERN test beam
- T11 0.5-3.5 GeV
- T7 1-10 GeV)
32Example events 2 GeV
33CalDet Response (Preliminary)
MC expectation
34Cosmic Ray Muon in the Far Detector
- Downgoing Cosmic Ray Muon
- Current rate of CR muons 2 Hz
- Magnetic field not yet on (curvature measurable
up to 70 GeV)
35Cosmic Ray Muon in the Far Detector
- Downgoing Cosmic Ray Muon
- Current rate of CR muons 2 Hz
- Magnetic field not yet on (curvature measurable
up to 70 GeV)
36Calibrating With Cosmic Rays
- Cosmic ray muons are used to
- measure the light output of the
- scintillator system in all detectors.
- The cosmic-ray muons are used
- to intercalibrate the three detectors.
- Clean muons (no showers) are
- selected for light calibration and
- for each muon the light output is
- corrected for the pathlength to
- the equivalent light
- for 1 cm pathlength.
- PMT gains are corrected
- using light injection data.
- On average 8.5 pes/cm
- (corrected for path-length and
- for muon energy underground)
Single end readout, no corrections.
Average light output for all detector planes.
37Light Output Uniformity
- Of the 90K scintillator strips currently online
- 0.17 scintillator strips with one-ended readout
- None (!) with zero-ended readout
- 8 pixels not reading out (out of 25k)
- No channels lost to bad cables no cabling
errors - Maintenance status as of last week (snapshot)
- 1 pmt readout hole
- 2 LEDs missing
- 1 light injection channel
11 variation (s) over 90 of production in plot
179,000 strip ends completed only 290 show any
damage lt0.2
38Downward Muons
- 86.8 of the muons recorded come from single muon
events - MINOS single muon rates consistent with world
averages - Strong test of muon efficiency angular
T.Gaisser, T.Stanev Particle Data Group
Preliminary MINOS Results (No field data)
39Time Resolution in the Far Detector
- The time resolution of the MINOS scintillator
system is determined primarily by the decay time
of the Y11 fluor in the WLS fiber 8 ns. - The time resolution for each scintillator strip
is expected to be 2.5 ns based on the
photoelectron statistics for muons. - Current measurement of resolution using downgoing
muons in the far detector is s2.6 ns/plane. - The direction of muons can be determined with
10 planes for contained vertex events. - To distinguish upgoing from downgdoing
through-going muons 20 planes are needed.
Distribution of measured time residuals for
muons Passing through all strips in the far
detector. The Time resolution of 2.6 ns is
calculated from this data.
40Upward-Going Muons
All eventsstopping through going
41Direction Determination
- Use Y direction timing and direction cosines at
vertex to identify upward-going muons - Tight 1/b (c/v) distribution indicates good
timing - Negative 1/b values indicate upward-going muons
- Peak at 1/b -1 clearly seen
s 0.056
42Example Eventm with p 5.4 GeV/c
Time vs z
Time vs y
y vs x
y vs z
Strip vs Plane
43Preliminary Upward-Going Muon Flux
- Horizon cos q 0
- Nadir cos q -1
- cos q bins of 0.1
- There are 12 upward going events in the data
44Charge and Momentum of Upgoing Muons
One Sign
The Other Sign
- All muons are assigned a charge, based on the
most likely hypothesis. - Above 100 GeV, the charges and the momenta are
not very reliably - determined at this time.
- Below 70 GeV, charge and momenta are generally
well determined.
45Contained Vertex Events
- We now have data from the completed and optimized
SM1 veto shield - Double layer everywhere but walls
46A very low energy contained event
47A medium energy contained vertex event
nm interaction
48Atmospheric Neutrino Measurements
- MINOS is the first large underground detector
which has a magnetic field. - Measure charge/momentum of muons from 0.5-70
GeV/c momentum. - Events with the neutrino interaction in the
detector and exiting muon still have complete En
measurement L/E measurements. - Event direction reconstructed using timing and
topology. - Able to distinguish CC nm and nm events from NC
and CC ne events over a very broad energy range
as long as pm gt 1 GeV/c. - We can directly compare whether atmospheric nm
and nm oscillate in the same way.
Probability of c2 for nominal neutrino
oscillation Parameters compared to different
values of dm2 For antineutrinos.
Number of events in 24 kT years
Neutrino Antineutrino Reconstructed contained
vertex with muon 620
400 Reconstructed upgoing muon
280 120
49Atmospheric nu/nubar in MINOS
Contained Vertex Events
Reconstruction efficiency vs neutrino energy
Reconstruction efficiency vs muon momentum
Use all reconstructed contained vertex
events Direction and charge determined for
all reconstructed events Up/down ratios and L/E
can be used. Upgoing Muons Direction determined
by definition, charge up to 70 GeV
50Neutrino L/E
L/E for all reconstructed contained-vertex
neutrino events in MINOS (5 years). Histogram is
no-oscillations while triangles are with nominal
Ratio of no-oscillation/oscillated L/E for all
reconstructed contained-vertex neutrino Events in
MINOS (5 years)
51MINOS Running Plan
- Draft Fermilab Long-Range Plan
- NuMI beam commissioning starting in Dec. 2004.
- 4 years of physics running for MINOS starting in
April 2005. - Goal for protons on target in first year 2.5 x
1020 - Plans are being developed for increased proton
intensity. - New MINOS Running Request (May 2003)
- MINOS has submitted a request to Fermilab for 5
years of running with a total of 25 x 1020
protons on target in that time. - MINOS has provided updated physics sensitivity
curves based on 7.4, 16 and 25 x1020 total
protons on target. (Original MINOS physics
sensitivity curves were based on 7.4 x 1020 pot.) - There are several options for providing this
number of protons.
52Topology of Neutrino Events
nm CC
- Two views of a nm CC event with the neutrino
interaction at the left side moving to the
right. Each histogram bin is one scintillator
strip. The height of each bin is the number of
observed photo-electrons (energy deposition). - Identified by a relatively long/simple track in
an event. At very low energies, there can be some
background from NC p-. - The near detector is used to understand event
53Topology of Neutrino Events
ne CC
Quasi-elastic event with a 4 GeV electron
- Two views of a ne CC event with the neutrino
interaction at the left side moving to the
right. Each histogram bin is one scintillator
strip. The height of each bin is the number of
observed photo-electrons (energy deposition). - Identified by lack of a long track and with a
relatively concentrated EM shower in the core.
Main background comes from NC p0 events.
54Topology of Neutrino Events
nm NC
- Two views of a nm NC event with the neutrino
interaction at the left side moving to the
right. Each histogram bin is one scintillator
strip. The height of each bin is the number of
observed photo-electrons (energy deposition). - Identified by lack of a long track and and lack
of a strong EM shower in the core. Some high y CC
events are background.
55Measurement of Oscillations in MINOS
For Dm2 0.0025 eV2, sin2 2q 1.0
Oscillated/unoscillated ratio of number of nm CC
events in the far detector vs Eobserved
MINOS 90 and 99 CL allowed oscillation
parameter space.
56Measurement of Oscillations in MINOS
For Dm2 0.0016 eV2, sin2 2q 1.0
Oscillated/unoscillated ratio of number of nm CC
events in the far detector vs Eobserved
MINOS 90 and 99 CL allowed oscillation
parameter space.
57Appearance of Electrons
For Dm2 0.0025 eV2
For Dm2 0.0025 eV2, sin2 2q13 0.067
3 s discovery potential for three different
levels of protons on target and versus systematic
uncertainty on the background.
Observed number of events identified as coming
from ne CC interactions with and without
oscillations. 25x1020 protons on target.
58Appearance of Electrons
(5 years, 3kt)
Dm2 0.0025 eV2
90 CL Exclusion Limits
MINOS 3s Discovery Limits
- MINOS sensitivities based on varying numbers of
protons on target
- The MINOS Detectors together with the NuMI beam
will permit a next step in precision measurements
of atmospheric neutrino oscillations - Precise energy distribution Showing the
oscillation signature (?) - Precise measurement of Dm2
- Precise determination of participation of
different neutrino flavors - Extend sensitivity for small nm - ne mixing
- Measurement of anti-neutrino mixing for
atmospheric neutrinos - Construction of the MINOS far detector is 99
complete and cosmic ray data is being accumulated
with installed planes. - Data acquisition for cosmic rays and atmospheric
neutrinos underway! - Construction of the NuMI beamline is nearing
completion. The tunnel excavation is complete.
The outfitting and final civil construction is on
schedule. The installation of beam components and
near detector is ready to go. - First protons on target scheduled for December
2004. - Running plans, including increased protons on
target are being developed.