The Human Population: Patterns, Processes, and Problematics Lecture - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Human Population: Patterns, Processes, and Problematics Lecture


New ideas suggested that secularization a ... I have two sisters and a brother (my parents had four children). I have one child and at most will have one more. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Human Population: Patterns, Processes, and Problematics Lecture

The Human PopulationPatterns, Processes, and
ProblematicsLecture 4 Demographic Perspectives
  • Paul Sutton
  • Department of Geography
  • University of Denver

Establishing your Demographic Perspective
  • Most people have a demographic perspective which
    influences attitudes about immigration,
    english-only policy, foreign aid, etc.
  • By taking this class you will be exposed to a
    significantly larger and more diverse set of
    Demographic Perspectives that will hopefully
    allow you to develop a fairly sophisticated one.
  • Demography at the Core whereas, various other
    Theories are influential in their attempts to
    link basic demographic phenomoena with social,
    economic, and political processes.

Development of Demographic Perspective
  • Basic Questions to answer
  • What causes populations to grow and change?
  • What are the consequences of population growth?
  • Doctrine vs. Theory
  • Plato, Adam Smith, etc. produced Doctrine
  • Easterlin, contemporary demographers produce
  • Doctrine is statement of perceived Truth
  • Theory is a scientific approach to explaining
    observations and generally evolves with time.

Examples of Pre-Modern Doctrines Concerning
  • 1300 b.c. Book of Genesis Be Fruitful
  • 500 b.c. Confucius Pop Growth Good but, Govt.
    should balance population with resources
  • 360 b.c. Plato Pop Quality more important than
    Pop Quantity
  • 340 b.c. Aristotle Pop size should be limited
    abortion ok
  • 100 b.c. Cicero Pop growth good to maintain
    Roman Empire
  • 400 A.D. St Augustine Abstinence best, Marry
    breed 2nd
  • 1280 A.D. Thomas Aquinas Celibacy NOT better
    than marrying
  • 1380 A.D. Ibn Khaldun Population Growth
    necessarily good because it increases
    occupational specialization and raises incomes.
  • 1500-1800 Mercantilism Increasing National
    Wealth depends on growing population that can
    stimulate export trade
  • 1700-1800 Physiocrats Wealth of a nation is in
    land, not people therefore population size
    depends upon the wealth of the land, which is
    stimulated by free trade (laissez faire)

Modern Theories of Demography
  • 1798 Malthus Pop grows exponentially Food
    Supply Arithmetically, Misery Poverty result in
    absence of moral restraint
  • 1800 Neo-Malthusians Same as Malthus but birth
    control ok
  • 1844 Marxism Each society has their own
    demographic destiny Poverty not a natural result
    of population growth
  • 1870-1930 Precursors of Demographic Transition
    Theory (Mill, Dumont, Thompson)
  • 1945 Demographic Transition Theory Evolution of
    Birth Death Rates stable pop gt Growing pop gt
    stable pop
  • 1963 Theory of Demographic Change and Response
    Causes and Consequences of Population Change are
  • 1968 Relative Cohort Size Ever increasing
    cohorts impact earning power and trade-offs are
    made between family size and standard of living
  • 1890-Present Various Other Theories of
    Predictable Consequences of Population Growth
    (Boserup, Goldstone, Durkheim, etc.)

Debates about the social, economic, and
environmental Consequences of human population
growth have raged for centuries. The figure on
the right summarizes some of the diverse
perspectives that have arisen from these dialogs.
18th Century Europe Prelude to Malthus 1798
  • Optimistic Time for Liberal Democracy
  • Marquis de Condorcet (shaped French Revolution
    but was nonetheless killed by revolutionaries
    wrote Sketch for an historical picture of the
    progress of the human mind Book was an outlandish
    writing that argued for universal education,
    universal suffrage, equality before the law,
    freedom of thought and expression, women rights,
    redistribution of wealth, system of national
    insurance and pensions what a wacky liberal ?)
  • William Godwin (father of Mary Shelly who wrote
    Frankenstein wrote a dont worry be happy book
    titled Enquiry concerning Political Justice and
    its influences on Morals and Happiness
  • Perfectibility of Human Society seemed possible
  • There were poor people (lots of them) but they
    existed because of bad social institutions
    (according to Godwin Condorcet)
  • Malthus shows up and pisses on this parade of
    optimism in his 1898 Essay on the Principle of

Thomas Robert Malthus 1766-1834
  • In this famous work, Malthus posited his
    hypothesis that
  • (unchecked) population growth always exceeds the
  • of means of subsistence. Actual (checked)
  • growth is kept in line with food supply growth by
    "positive checks
  • (starvation, disease and the like, elevating the
    death rate) and
  • "preventive checks" (i.e. postponement of
    marriage, etc. that
  • keep down the birthrate), both of which are
    characterized by
  • "misery and vice". Malthus's hypothesis implied
    that actual
  • population always has a tendency to push above
    the food supply.
  • Because of this tendency, any attempt to
    ameliorate the condition
  • of the lower classes by increasing their incomes
    or improving
  • agricultural productivity would be fruitless, as
    the extra means
  • of subsistence would be completely absorbed by an
    induced boost
  • in population. As long as this tendency remains,
    Malthus argued,
  • the "perfectibility" of society will always be
    out of reach.
  • In his much-expanded and revised 1803 edition of
    the Essay, Malthus concentrated on bringing
    empirical evidence to bear (much of it acquired
    on his extensive travels to Germany, Russia and
    Scandinavia). He also introduced the possibility
    of "moral restraint" (voluntary abstinence which
    leads to neither misery nor vice) bringing the
    unchecked population growth rate down to a point
    where the tendency is gone. In practical policy
    terms, this meant inculcating the lower classes
    with middle-class virtues. He believed this
    could be done with the introduction of universal
    suffrage, state-run education for the poor and,
    more controversially, the elimination of the Poor
    Laws and the establishment of an unfettered
    nation-wide labor market. He also argued that
    once the poor had a taste for luxury, then they
    would demand a higher standard of living for
    themselves before starting a family. Thus,
    although seemingly contradictory, Malthus is
    suggesting the possibility of "demographic
    transition", i.e. that sufficiently high incomes
    may be enough by themselves to reduce fertility.

Charles Darwin on Malthus
  • "In October 1838, that is, fifteen months after
  • I had begun my systematic inquiry, I happened
  • to read for amusement Malthus on Population,
  • and being well prepared to appreciate the
  • struggle for existence which everywhere
  • goes on from long- continued observation
  • of the habits of animals and plants, it at once
  • struck me that under these circumstances
  • favorable variations would tend to be
  • preserved, and unfavorable ones to be
  • destroyed. The results of this would be
  • the formation of a new species. Here, then
  • I had at last got a theory by which to work".
  • Charles Darwin, from his autobiography.

Summarizing The Principle of Population
  • Cause of Population Growth
  • People naturally breed more than enough to
    replace themselves
  • Consequence of Population Growth
  • Population oustrips food supply, starvation
  • Avoiding the Consequences
  • Moral Restraint

Criticism of Malthus(theres a lot of it)
  • Malthus Essay on the Principle of Population must
    have been important because it has been attacked
    by so many.
  • Flawed Premises Population growth geometric,
    Food Growth arithmetic (linear), Population
    growth causes poverty.
  • Failure to anticipate Technological progress and

  • People like Garret Hardin, Paul Ehrlich, Lester
    Brown, Sandra Postell, and others still contend
    that a growing population causes social,
    economic, political, and environmental problems.
  • There are good reasons for using Malthus as a
    point of departure in the discussion of
    population theory. These are the reasons that
    made his work influential in his day and make it
    influential now. But they have little to do with
    whether his views are right or wrong.Malthus
    theories are not now and never were empirically
    valid, but they nevertheless were theoretically

The Marxist Perspective
  • Karl Marx Friedrich Engels teenagers in Germany
    in 1834 when Malthus died. Malthus influential
    there and laws against marriage unless you could
    demonstrate financial viability. Unintended
    consequence more kids out of wedlock on the
  • Marxist theory has no explanation for the why
    of population growth (essentially agrees with
    Malthus). However, the consequences of population
    growth are dependent upon the social, economic,
    and political system in place. Capitalism
    produces overpopulation and poverty Socialism
    allows for ready absorption of new population
    into economy with no problems.
  • Capitalism created overpopulation intentionally
    to be used as a tool to keep labor in its place.
    Thus capitalism, not overpopulation, caused

Criticism of the Marxists
  • Marx and later Lenin held that under Socialism
    there would be no population problem(s).
  • Russia and China both had problems of a very
    different nature Russia was de-populating
    whereas Chinas population was growing too much.
  • In fact, China perceived its population problems
    to be so profound that it initiated the coercive
    one-child policy to curb its population growth.
    Promoting both later marriage (Malthusian) and
    abortion and contraception (Neo-Malthusian)

History of United Nations Population Conferences
  • 1972 Bucharest Developed Countries to 3rd World
    Stop having so many Children youll undermine
    your economic development 3rd World Response
    Development is the best Contraceptive
  • 1982 Mexico City Developed Countries to 3rd
    World Population growth has nothing to do with
    economic development 3rd World Response Can we
    have some foreign aid to help us curb these wild
    growth rates
  • 1992 Cairo Its all about status of women The
    Population Feminist Environmentalist
    rallying cry

Prelude to Demographic Transition Theory
  • John Stuart Mill
  • Arsene Dumont
  • Emile Durkheim

John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)
  • Standard of Living influences Fertility
  • In proportion as mankind rises above the
    condition of the beast, population is restrained
    by the fear of want, rather than by want itself.
    Even where there is no question of starvation,
    many are similarly acted upon by the apprehension
    of losing what have come to be regarded as the
    decencies of their situation in life.
  • Population Resources in a race. By increasing
    peoples standard of living you can decrease
    birth rates. (post Plague, post French
  • Empowering women reduces birth rates because
    women want fewer children than men.

Arsene Dumont
  • People limit their fertility to allow climbing
    the social ladder rather, than Mills ideas
    about falling down the social ladder. Social
  • Democracy increases social mobility thus causing
    lower fertility rates
  • Dumont was consequently an ardent socialist
    because he thought socialism would increase birth

Emile Durkheim(1858-1917)
  • Focused more on the consequences of population
    growth rather than the causes
  • The division of labor varies in direct ratio
    with the volume and density of societies, and, if
    it progresses in a continuous manner in the
    course of social development, it is because
    societies become regularly denser and more
  • Population growth leads to specialization which
    echoes Darwin and Ibn Khaldun

Demographic Transition Theory
  • Describes a transition from High Birth and Death
    rates to Low Birth and Death rates with
    population growth during transiton (cause death
    rates drop first)
  • Warren Thompson (1929) showed that countries fell
    into three main groups
  • Group A (Western Europe and U.S.) High increase
    to Low increase eventually to negative growth
  • Group B (Italy, Spain, and Central Europe)
    dropping growth rates. 30-50 years ahead of Group
  • Group C (The rest of the world) Little or no
    control over birth or death rates

Theory to Explain Fertility DeclineThe
Demographic Transition
Criticism of Demographic Transition Theory
  • Theory must match empirical observations,
    explain, and predict.
  • Many state that the Demographic Transition Theory
    only describes what has happened in some
    countries at certain times.
  • What is the cause of the changes to birth and
    death rates? Modernization, Industrialization,
    Improvements in Health Care, Changes to the
    status of women?

Reformulation of Demographic Transition Theory
  • Geographic studies of the spatial diffusion of
    fertility decline in places like Spain took place
    along cultural rather than levels of urbanization
    or economic development.
  • A certain level of economic development is a
    necessary but not sufficient condition for
    fertility decline. New ideas suggested that
    secularization a more important pre-cursor of
    fertility decline.
  • Macro to Micro explanations for fertility decline
  • Rational Choice Theory, the wealth flow in
    pre-modern societies is from children to parents
    but this changes as a society becomes modern.
    Children as helpers on the farm to children as
    expensive tuition bills and sullen teenage looks.

Demographic Transition asa set of transtions
  • The Epidemiological Transition Lower death rates
    from improved sanitation, antibiotics, etc.
  • The Fertility Transition Shift from high
    (uncontrolled) birth rates to low (controlled)
    birth rates
  • The Migration Transition Spatial differences in
    the aforementioned transitions and technological
    gains create an overpopulated rural area.
  • The Age Transition Much larger older population
  • The Family and Household transition Structural
    changes to economy and society resulting from
    older more urban population

Theory of Demographic Change and Response
  • How do causes and consequences of population
    growth interact? Are they independent?
  • Specifically How and under what conditions can
    a mortality decline lead to a fertility decline?
  • As mortality declines, more children survive to
    adulthood, more pressure on family resources,
    family responds to pressures.
  • Family response is to Personal Goals, NOT
    National goals.
  • I have two sisters and a brother (my parents had
    four children). I have one child and at most will
    have one more. Kingsley Davis and Richard
    Easterlin might argue that I am limiting my
    fertility in order to maintain the same or better
    standard of living that my parents had.

Easterlins Relative Cohort Size Hypotheis
  • People want to live at or better than the
    standard of living they experienced as teenagers.
  • If your prospects look good you will breed early,
    if they look bad you will postpone breeding.
  • Age structure of aggregate population also comes
    into play in a demographic feedback cycle
  • The increase in relative cohort size that occurs
    as a result of declining mortality during the
    demographic transition in part determines when
    the fertility portion of the transition begins.
    The increasing proportion of young adults
    generates a downward pressure on young mens
    relative wages this in turn causes young adults
    to accept a tradeoff between family size and
    material well-being. This acceptance of a
    tradeoff could mark a turning point in a
    societys regulation of fertility, setting in
    motion a cascade or snowball effect in which
    total fertility rates tumble as social norms
    regarding individual control of fertility and
    accaptable family sizes begin to change
    (Macunovich 2000)
  • Some people are now suggesting that one response
    to this kind of pressure was more women entering
    the workforce.

Theories about the Consquences of Population
  • Malthus laid down the gauntlet and stated
    population growth inevitably results in misery.
  • Much of pre 20th century thought addressed these
  • 20th century thought has gone back to looking at
    causes rather than consequences of population
    growth to gain greater understanding of the big
    picture (fertility, mortality, migration, age and
    sex structure, population attributes and spatial
  • Modern Outlook Population Growth not a simple
    thing not caused by any specific set of forces,
    not necessarily resulting in any particular

Consquences continued
  • Jack Goldstone Population growth a precursor of
    early modern world. Large young populations
    forced change and revolution
  • Stephen Sanderson (also Boserup, Durkheim
    others) Had paleo-lithic hunter gatherers been
    able to keep their populations from growing, the
    whole world would likely still be surviving
    entirely by hunting and gathering Population
    growth as driving force behind agricultural and
    industrial revolution.
  • Robert Kaplans The Coming Anarchy Shattering
    the dreams of the Post Cold War posits that
    demographic forces in tandem with natural and
    institutional resource shortages paint an ugly
    near future for the human race.

Why are there so few Demography departments in
Colleges and Universities?
  • Demography is weak on theory but strong on
    evidence. The evidence or empirical observations
    are numerous and confusing which makes it
    difficult to generate overarching theory.
  • Demography is embedded in many other disciplines
    (Geography, History, Sociology, Economics,
    Political Science) Statistics may meet the same

Next Up Population Processes
  • Chapter 4 Mortality
  • Chapter 5 Fertility Concepts and Measures
  • Chapter 6 The Fertility Transition
  • Chapter 7 Migration
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