Title: How society can affect science
1How society can affect science
- How social context can inform (good) science
- Things we have studied to consider
- The presence and role of auxiliary assumptions
- The role of systems or bodies of theories or
hypotheses in generating If H, then I - The role of paradigms in setting up a
puzzle-solving tradition - The theory-ladenness of observation
2How society can affect science
- Are the only relevant auxiliary assumptions,
bodies of theories, paradigms, etc. internal to
science or can they include social beliefs? - When are Broca and colleagues studying a
biological basis for (allegedly) innate
differences between races, classes, and sexes?
What is the specific historical and cultural
3How social context can inform (good?) science
- S.J. Gould, Womens Brains
- The hypothesis Women had smaller brains than men
and, like it or not, could not equal men in
intelligence. - Players Broca, Le Bon, and others.
- The tests head/skull measuring of contemporary
women in autopsies, and skull measuring of fossil
4How social context can inform (good?) science
- Sex differences
- Broca Anthropometrists studiers of human body
size are working very hard to measure with
scientific certitude the inferiority of women - Broca There is no faith, however respectable,
no interest, however legitimate, which must not
accommodate itself to the progress of human
knowledge and bend before truth. - Broca (et al) Sad to say, but we must, that
womens smaller brain size renders them inferior
to men.
5How social context can inform (good?) science
- Goulds argument some of Brocas numbers are
impeccable - I have the greatest respect for Brocas
meticulous procedure in the measurement of
autopsied brains. His numbers are sound. - But
- Numbers by themselves do nothing. All depends on
what you do with them.
6How social context can inform (good?) science
- Goulds conclusions some of Brocas numbers are
impeccable but - He did not take into account the age of the women
whose brain he autopsied - The number of ancient skulls on which he based
his argument that mens brains are now bigger
than womens because of their need for
intelligence to survive and provide, was way too
small. - And what if womens brains are smaller on average
simply because their bodies are smaller? And
thus have the same ratio of body size/brain size
as men?
7How social context can inform (good?) science
- Brocas response to such queries
- We might ask if the small size of the females
brain depends exclusively upon the small size of
her body as some colleagues ask. - But we must not forget than women are, on the
average, a little less intelligent than men, a
difference which we should not exaggerate but
which is, nonetheless, real. - That they are less intelligent was supposed to be
what he was establishing not assuming!
8How social context can inform (good?) science
- Gould, again, trying to understand their world,
and his bottom line in the essay - To appreciate the social role of Broca and his
school, we must recognize that his statements
about the brains of women do not reflect an
isolated prejudice toward a singular
disadvantaged group. - They must be weighed in the context of a general
theory that supported contemporary social
distinctions as biologically ordained.
9What ethical responsibilities (if any) are
attendant to the practice of science?
- Recall the norms
- The autonomy of science
- Knowledge is a good for its own sake
- The case the discovery of a so-called feral
child in California - The scientific question Were Chomsky and other
linguists correct that there is a critical
window for language acquisition, beyond which
language cant be learned?
10What ethical responsibilities (if any) are
attendant to the practice of science?
- Did those studying Genie protect her well being?
Suffer from rescue fantasies that motivated too
much attention to teaching her language and too
little to the other needs she had? - In this case, was/is the knowledge to be gained
a good in itself that trumped ethical