Title: Reactor Neutrinos
1Reactor Neutrinos
2Lecture 1 Nuclear Reactors, Neutrino
Production and Detection Lecture 2 Results
from Neutrino Experiments and Future Experiments
The Mysterious Neutrino
- 1956 Reines and Cowan detect neutrinos coming
from the core of a nuclear reactor - 1962 multiple types
- Nothing more until neutrino oscillations
confirmed in 1990s!
511 keV
511 keV
2.2 MeV
200 ms
mpc2 En mnc2 Ee Kn Ee En (DH
mec2) Dn Kn Ke En - 0.782 MeV 2mec2
Kn En 1.804 MeV (Kn is small)
DH 7289 keV Dn 8071 keV
annihilation energy
Eprompt Ke 2mec2
6A Mirror of the Neutrino Spectrum
- Eprompt En - 0.78 MeV Kn
- Prompt energy spectrum is close
- to being original neutrino spectrum
- convoluted with the cross section!
7Can actually see a neutrino oscillation in
reactor neutrino prompt energy spectrum
8This technique was first used by Reines and Cowan
still a great way to catch ns
big detector
Project Poltergeist
big people
Chooz Experiment
small people
small detector
9Current Experiments Using This Technique
- KamLAND (running)
- San Onofre (running)
- Double Chooz (under construction)
- Daya Bay (planned)
- RENO (planned)
10There are other techniques also
ne e- g ne e-
(magnetic moment experiments)
ne N g ne N
Chicago, LLNL, Taiwan,
(coherent scattering experiments)
11Why Reactor Neutrinos?
- Low Energy
- Large Cross Section of antineutrinos on
protons - High Flux
- Free!
- Lots of Sites
12Low Energy, Large Cross Section, High Flux
Rule of thumb 100 events /day/ton at 100
meters from typical power plant
13Free Antineutrino Sources of the World
14Why do reactors make antineutrinos?
235U n g X1 X2 2n 200 MeV
Fission fragments
Now 98 protons and 136 neutrons Before 92
protons And 142 neutrons
6 ns per fission
15These come from conversion of neutrons to protons
via beta decay of fission fragments and their
daughters, not from the fission directly.
ZXN g Z1YN-1 e- ne
Only about 25 of these antineutrinos are above
the 1.8 MeV threshold This spectrum can be time
dependent as the beta daughters come into
16Fortunately, the 1.8 MeV threshold ensures that
only large Q-value (and hence short half-life)
decays are observed. Typical time to
equilibrium is a few hours Spent fuel ponds
typically add lt0.1 due to long half life and low
Q But there are other time-dependent effects
(will discuss later)
17Types of Reactors
- Pressurized Light Water Reactor (PWR)
- Boiling Water Reactor (BWR)
- Naval
- Research
- Weapons Production
- New Technology
18Pressurized Light Water
(most common type)
- Water in core does not boil. Keeps moderator
density constant and avoids corrosion problems of
fuel assemblies - Fission products leaking into coolant are
well-contained - Negative temperature feedback
- Possibility of cold water incursion
- Efficiency of heat exchanger
20Inside the Core
Fuel assembly containing UO2 pellets enriched to
a few 235-U
Water Moderator Control Rods Fuel
Assemblies Periodic changeout
21Fission in a Standard PWR
235U nth g X1 X2 2nfast
but also 239Pu, 241Pu, and 238U others
22Plutonium Production
238U n g 239U g 9
239Np e n (23.45 m)
9 239Pu e n (2.36 d) 239Pu n g
240Pu g 240Pu n g 241Pu g
Note 238U and 240Pu have small cross
sections for fast fission. Thus, the content of
nuclear fuel changes with time as the reactor
core evolves.
23l burnup of 235U
j buildup of 239Pu
This will affect the neutrino rate and spectrum.
Important for most modern precision experiments.
evolving fuel composition changes
neutrino interaction rate downward due to in
growth of 239-Pu This may someday be useful
for analyzing fuel composition
25An aside
Pu-239 can be used to make nuclear
weapons. Easier to extract chemically than to try
and isotopically separate uranium. Pu-240 is
undesirable due to smaller fission cross section
and relatively large branching ratio to
spontaneous fission. Pu-240 content lt 7
weapons grade gt 20
reactor grade
26- To make lots of 239-Pu while reducing the
content of 240-Pu one needs to have lots of 238-U
fertile fuel and a short refueling cycle. Heavy
water helps. - Commercial PWR usually have enriched 235-U and
strive for long refueling cycles - PWR fuel a few 235-U. Weapons usually gt90
enriched. - Countries making nuclear weapons usually do so
with a dedicated facility.
27Fast Breeder Reactors
Can be used to optimize conversion of 238-U to
249-Pu. 238-U blanket Fast fission
contribution is significant France, India,
Russia, Japan, (China)
28Other Reactor Types
Boiling Water
Similar neutrino spectrum as PWR BWR has slightly
different isotopic composition Naval has highly
enriched 235-U fuel
He added into fuel assemblies to make hot
neutrons. This makes them inherently incapable of
meltdown from removal of control rods. lt16 MW
Heavy Water, Non-Enriched Fuel, fast refueling
cycle. Typically lt1 GW. Neutrino experiments have
been done at such facilities!
Uses heavy water and non-enriched uranium
fuel No need for enrichment facilities continuo
us refueling without shutting down
31The Future Thorium?
Tons of 232-Th (USGS)
- 232-Th is also fertile
- produces 233-U
- 232-Th is loaded into an existing 235-U fueled
reactor - There is lots of 232-Th around as compared to
- 360,000 INDIA
- 300,000 AUSTRALIA
- 170,000 NORWAY
- 160,000 USA
- 100,000 CANADA
- 35,000 S.AFRICA
- 16,000 BRAZIL
- 95,000 ALL OTHERS
32What is the spectrum of antineutrinos from a
- Put very high purity isotopes into a nuclear
reactor and cook to equilibrium - Remove quickly and put into a beta spectrometer
- Measure combined beta spectrum off all the
decaying fission products - Convert beta spectra into neutrino spectra
33The beta spectrometer must have known absolute
acceptance as a function of energy Short-lived
(and hence High Q-value) isotopes will be
systematically shifted to lower abundance. This
implies increasing uncertainty at high energy.
Hahn, et al PLB (1985)
34Other problems
- Only about 75 of the observed total spectrum
have been identified with known beta decay
isotopes - To fill out the spectrum, assume a constant
Q-value/MeV density and use spectral shape of
allowed decays. - dY/dEe n(Q,Z)k(Q,Z)peEe(Q-Ee)2F(Ee,Z)
- Taking spectrometer and conversion errors into
account, the neutrinos per fission spectrum for
235-U, 239-Pu, and 241-Pu are known to 4.5 at
low energy (2-5 MeV), increasing to as much as
50 at 9 MeV (mostly from statistics)
35Resultant Spectra
Note 238-U has not been measured. Result shown
here is a calculation from Vogel (1981).
36Fortunately, 238-U contributes only 8 for a
typical PWR
37Conversion of Thermal Power to Neutrino Flux
Isotope Efission Eeff 235-U 202.79(6) 193.37
(33) 238-U 205.93(13) 194.60(81) 239-Pu 207.32(
8) 199.80(28) 241-Pu 211.04(12) 202.04(32)
Eeff Efission En Ebg (Kopeikin, et al
38Typical Nuclear Generating Station
Chooz-B PWR Type N-4 4.27 GW (Thermal)
How well is this known? h
39Thermal Power Measurement
- Nuclear Instruments (NIs) purpose is mainly for
speed of response in safety context not
typically used for accurate power measurement - Main Coolant Loop Calorimetry (typically this is
not the most accurate) - Secondary Loop Calorimetry
40Secondary Loop
Main Steam Header
Reactor power MCP thermal input Pz heaters
thermal losses
from condenser
SG blowdown
41Secondary Loop Calorimetry
mmshmsmbdhbd-mfwhfw PSG
h is specific enthalpy from steam tables e
p/r for a constant pressure process the
energy transferred is equal to the change in
42Typical Uncertainties
- Thermal Power can be known with a precision less
than 1, and with some effort down to 0.5 - This is very important to maintain to plant
within the safe operating envelope - Also important for neutrino physicists!
43Cross Section
2p2 Enpn
- 9.52 (Enpv/1 MeV2) x 10-44
- cm2
tn fp.s. m5
j Why?
m electron mass f phase space
factor 1.7152 tn neutron
lifetime h/2p 1 c 1
- we have a worldwide network of intense
antineutrino sources - we understand the flux and spectrum to about 4
(or 2 with empirical normalization from
precision neutrino experiments) - there is a large charged current cross section
with a threshold of 1.8 MeV. We understand this
to the level of 0.1 - detectors are not expensive, and the neutrinos
are given away for free!