Title: Non-equilibrium Antineutrino spectrum from a Nuclear reactor
1Non-equilibrium Antineutrino spectrum from a
Nuclear reactor
- We consider the evolution of the reactor
antineutrino energy spectrum during the periods
of reactor ON and OFF. - The calculations show that antineutrino spectrum
never comes to equilibrium state during reactor
operation run. - The existing method of experimental data analysis
can be improved to increase an accuracy of
predicted values in an experiment.
2Antineutrino energy spectrum
Magnetic moment
3Soft part of antineutrino spectrumE lt 1.5 MeV
4Recoil electrons spectra for magnetic and weak
scattering of reactor antineutrinos
Digits are values of magnetic moment
5Standard approach to get a reactor spectrum and a
cross section for inverse beta-decay (E gt 1.8
- Traditionally assumed that energy spectrum
comes to saturation in one day after reactor
starts and falls down to zero in one day after
reactor shuts down. In this approach the
saturated spectrum is found as a sum of partial
spectra ri (E) of the four fission isotopes - r(E) S airi (E), i labels all
isotopes - (235U, 238U, 239Pu, 241Pu)
- K.Schreckenbach et al., Phys.Lett.B160, 325
(1985) - A.Hahn et al., Phys.Lett.B218, 365 (1989)
- P.Vogel et al., Phys.Rev. C24, 1543 (1981)
- sV-A S aisi , where si ?s(E)ri (E)dE,
- ai - is a part of fissions.
- The best measured cross section (Bugey, 1994 y.)
- smeas 5.750?10-43 cm2/fiss.?1.4, (68 C.L.)
- with a5 0.538, a9 0.328, a8 0.078, a1
0.056 - smeas /sV-A 0.987 ?1.4, (exp.) ?2.7, (V-A)
6Inclusion of non equilibrium effects
- In reality the spectrum does not reach the
equilibrium due to two effects - Long lived fission fragments accumulating.
- Formation of beta-emitters due to neutron
radiative capture in fission fragments in the
reactor core. - r(E,t) Fr(E,t) Cr(E,t)
- For calculation we used the data base including
571 isotopes with yields more than 10-6 per
7Ratios of the current spectra to that at the end
of the 330-day run for reactor ON and OFF periods
8Ratios of the current recoil electronspectra to
the spectrum at the end of the 330-day run for
reactor ON and OFF periods
Solid lines for weak, dashed for magnetic
9The time evolution of spectra during reactor ON
10Residual Antineutrino emission during reactor
OFF period
11Some of the Long lived fragments
In first 10 days 97Zr(Emax 1.922 MeV), 132I
(Emax 2.140 MeV) and 93Y(Emax 2.890 MeV)
become in equilibrium and later increase will be
defined by halflifes of 106Ru and 144Ce
Last isotope is 90Y(T1/2 64 h, Emax 2.279
MeV), that is in equilibrium with its long lived
predecessor 90Sr (T1/2 28.6 years)
Yields of long lived fragments ()
12The increase of inverse beta-decay cross
sections for uranium and plutonium spectra
during reactor ON period
13The decrease of inverse beta-decay cross
sections for uranium and plutonium antineutrino
spectra during reactor OFF period (2 years of
14The increase of C?(E) component of antineutrino
spectrum due to the capture of neutrons by
fission fragments in PWR-1000 reactor.
103Rh, 147Pm
1 the beginning, 2 the middle and 3 the
end of reactor run.
- In contrast to the standard approach
- The antineutrino spectrum in the region E gt 1.8
MeV has a non equilibrium component with
relaxation time exceeding the reactor
operational time. - It is necessary to take into account the
additional neutrino emission due to accumulation
of long lived fragments and neutron capture by
fragments in a reactor core. - One needs to know the prehistory of the fuel to
account precisely residual antineutrino emission. - The resulting corrections are relatively small
but not negligible. In the antineutrino energy
range 1.8 - 3.5 MeV the relative contribution of
the additional radiation is about 2-4 that is
greater than the ILL spectra uncertainty.