Title: Overview of Reactor Neutrino Measurements
1Overview of Reactor Neutrino Measurements
- Michael Shaevitz
- Columbia University
- NOW2004
- With the recent confirmation by Kamland and
isolation of the Dmsolar2 in the LMA region, the
field is turning to - Measuring the last mixing angle q13
- Obtaining better precision on q23, q12, Dmsolar2
and Dmatm2 (along with checking LSND) - ? Road to measuring n-mass hierarchy and
n-CP violation - Reactor oscillation measurements unique for
- Measuring q13
- Constraining q23
- Reactor neutrino measurements
- Physics capabilities
- Experimental method
- How to measure a small disappearance signal
- Possible experimental sites
- Sensitivity studies
- Comparisons and combinations with offaxis
3Brief Aside on??e Elastic Scattering
- Use Osc. Experiment near detector for
measurement - Use far detector to measure background
- A reactor-based weak mixing angle (sin2?W)
measurement - Probe new physics in neutrino sector at low Q2
- With errors comparable to APV, Moller Scattering,
and NuTeV - Also, sensitivity to ? magnetic moment (x3
better than current).
4Weak Mixing Angle Measurement
- Measure the elastic scattering rate using the
Near Detector - ??e e ? ??e e
- Measure the neutrino flux using Inverse Beta
Decay (IBD) events in the same fiducial volume
with same deadtime. - ??e p ? e n
- Reduction of backgrounds
- Only use events in the 3 lt Evisible lt 5 MeV
window - Veto events with delayed coincident neutrons
- Veto events with various types of associated
cosmic muons - Use the Far Detector to monitor the non-elastic
background rate.
- Experiment needs a close detector (lt 200m) with
gt 300 mwe shielding - Detector requirements very similar to oscillation
experiment ? Low cost addition to osc. Program - ? Need to obtain reduced backgnds
? d(sin2qW) 0.0019(compare to
NuTeV 0.0017)
(See J.Conrad, J.Link, and M.S., hep-ex/0403048)
5Reactor Measurements of ?13
- Nuclear reactors are a very intense sources of??e
with a well understood spectrum - 3 GW 21021 MeV/s ? 61020?ne/s
- Reactor spectrum peaks at 3.7 MeV
- Oscillation Max. for Dm22.5?10-3 eV2 at L 1.8
km - Osc prob (sin2q131.0) 0.81 for 1.8 km
0.55 for 1.05 km
- Disappearance Measurement Look for small rate
deviation from 1/r2 measured at a near and
far baselines - Counting Experiment
- Compare events in near and far detector
- Energy Shape Experiment
- Compare energy spectrum in near and far detector
6Reactor Neutrino Event Signature
- The reaction process is inverse ß-decay followed
by neutron capture - Two part coincidence signal is crucial for
background reduction. - Positron energy spectrum implies the neutrino
spectrum - In undoped scintillator the neutron will capture
on hydrogen - More likely the scintillator will be doped with
gadolinium to enhance capture
E? Evis 1.8 MeV 2me
n H ? D g (2.2 MeV)
n mGd ? m1Gd gs (8 MeV)
7Physics of ?13 at Reactors
- The reactor experiment can make an unambiguous
measurement of the mixing parameter sin22?13.
- Small dependence on
- mass hierarchy
- CP violation phase, ?CP
- sin2?23 and ?23 degeneracy
- sin2?12 and Dmsolar2
8Current Status of ?13 Knowledge
- Recent global fits including solar KamLAND
CHOOZ - Kamland spectral distortion fixes Dm2Solar ?
Compare to solar gives q13 - Gives reduced 90 CL upper limits especially at
smaller Dm132 - sin22?13 lt0.09 _at_ Dm1322.5?10-3 eV2
- sin22?13 lt0.12 _at_ Dm1321.3?10-3 eV2
- CHOOZ and Palo Verde Experiments
- Neither experiments found evidence for?ne
oscillation - sin22q13lt 0.14 at 90 CL (at Dm22.510-3 eV2)
Maltoni et al.hep-ph/0405172
9Physics of ?13 at Reactors
- The reactor experiment can make an unambiguous
measurement of the mixing parameter sin22?13. - Sensitivity should reach sin22?13 0.01 to 0.03
at 90 CL in three years of running. Better
sensitivity is also possible. - In conjunction with the off-axis (beam
experiments) the reactor experiment breaks the
degeneracy of ?23 lt45? or gt45?.
10The ?23 Degeneracy Problem
Disappearance neutrino measurements are sensitive
to sin22?23 But the leading order term in
offaxis ?µ??e oscillations is
Super-K / Minos / T2K Measures
Offaxis q13 Measures
Example Measurement of sin22 ?23 0.95
? ?23 38? or 52? Prediction
for appearance rate ? sin2?23 ?
sin2?23 0.38 or 0.62 (x1.6 uncertainty)
11Physics of ?13 at Reactors
- The reactor experiment can make an unambiguous
measurement of the mixing parameter sin22?13. - Sensitivity should reach sin22?13 0.01 to 0.03
at 90 CL in three years of running. Better
sensitivity is possible. - In conjunction with the off-axis (beam
experiments) the reactor experiment breaks the
degeneracy of ?23 lt45? or gt45? - Direct knowledge of the mixing angles is
important in its own right! Could be crucial to
constructing a theory of flavor. - The reactor measurement determines the
feasibility of CP violation and mass hierarchy
studies in off-axis.
12How Do You Measure a Small Disappearance?
- Use identical near and far detectors to cancel
many sources of systematics.
13Sin22?13 Reactor Experiment Basics
Well understood, isotropic source of electron
Oscillations observed as a deficit of ?e
E? 8 MeV
Unoscillated flux observed here
Probability ?e
Survival Probability
1200 to 1800 meters
14How Do You Measure a Small Disappearance?
- Use identical near and far detectors to cancel
many sources of systematics. - Design detectors to eliminate the need for
analysis cuts that may introduce systematic error.
15Detector Design Basics
- Homogenous Volume
- Viewed by PMTs
- Coverage of 20 or better
- Gadolinium Loaded, Liquid Scintillator Target
- Enhances neutron capture
- Unloaded Scintillator Region
- To capture energy from gamma rays. Eliminates
need for fiducial volume cut. - Pure Mineral Oil Buffer
- To shield the scintillator from radioactivity in
the PMT glass. Allows you to set an energy cut
well below the 1 MeV ee- annihilation energy.
16How Do You Measure a Small Disappearance?
- Use identical near and far detectors to cancel
many sources of systematics. - Design detectors to eliminate the need for
analysis cuts that may introduce systematic
error. - Detector cross calibration may be used to
further reduce the near/far normalization
systematic error. - ? Use common sources to cross calibrate
- ? Move far detectors to near site for cross
17How Do You Measure a Small Disappearance?
- Use identical near and far detectors to cancel
many sources of systematics. - Design detectors to eliminate the need for
analysis cuts that may introduce systematic
error. - Detector cross calibration may be used to
further reduce the near/far normalization
systematic error. - Reduce background rate and uncertainty
- There are two types of background
- Uncorrelated - Two random events that occur
close together in space and time and mimic the
parts of the coincidence. - This BG rate can be estimated by measuring
the singles rates, or by switching the order of
the coincidence events. - Correlated - One event that mimics both parts of
the coincidence signal. - These may be caused by fast neutrons (from
cosmic ms) that strike a proton in the
scintillator. The recoiling proton mimics the e
and the neutron captures. - Or they may be cause by muon produced isotopes
like 9Li and 8He which sometimes decay to ßn. - Estimating the correlated rate is much more
19How Do You Measure a Small Disappearance?
- Use identical near and far detectors to cancel
many sources of systematics. - Design detectors to eliminate the need for
analysis cuts that may introduce systematic
error. - Detector cross calibration may be used to
further reduce the near/far normalization
systematic error. - Reduce background rate and uncertainty
- Go as deep as you can
- Veto
20Veto Background Events
Fast neutrons Veto ms and shield neutrons
9Li and 8He
E 10.6 MeV t½ 0.18 to 0.12 s 0.075
produced/ton/day (450 mwe) 50 to 16 correlated
KamLAND Data
A ½ second veto after every muon that deposits
more that 2 GeV in the detector should eliminate
70 to 80 of all correlated decays.
6 meters
21How Do You Measure a Small Disappearance?
- Use identical near and far detectors to cancel
many sources of systematics. - Design detectors to eliminate the need for
analysis cuts that may introduce systematic
error. - Detector cross calibration may be used to
further reduce the near/far normalization
systematic error. - Reduce background rate and uncertainty
- Go as deep as you can
- Veto
- Use vetoed events to measure the background
- Redundant measurements to give convincing signal
- Multiple detectors at each site
- See osc. signal in both rate and spectral
22Scales of Experiments and Sensitivities
- small sin22q130.03
- Goal fast experiment to explore region x3-4
below the Chooz limit. - Sensitivity through rate mainly
- Example Double-Chooz experiment (300
GW-ton-yrs) - medium sin22q130.01
- Make a discovery of q13 in region of interest for
the next 10-20 year program - Sensitivity enough to augment the physics of
offaxis measurements - Sensitivity both to rate and energy shape
- Example Braidwood, Daya Bay (3000 GW-ton-yrs)
- large sin22q130.002-0.004??
- Measurement capability comparable to second
generation offaxis experiments - Sensitivity mainly through energy shape
distortions - MiniBooNE/Kamland sized detector (20,000
23Counting (Rate) vs Energy Shape Measurement
Small detectors give a rate comparison near to
farLarge detectors can show a energy shape
distortion near to far
sin22?13 Sensitivity
Fit uses spectral shape only
Statistical error only
From Huber et al.hep-ph/0303232
Exposure (GWtonyears)
The location of the transition from rate to shape
depends on the level of systematic error ? snorm
relative normalization of the two detectors
24Proposed Reactor Oscillation Experiments
25Proposed Sites Around the World
Site Power (GWthermal) Baseline Near/Far (m) Shielding Near/Far (mwe) Sensitivity 90 CL
Krasnoyarsk, Russia 1.6 115/1000 600/600 0.03
Kashiwazaki, Japan 24 300/1300 150/250 0.02
Double Chooz, France 8.4 150/1050 30/300 0.03
Diablo Canyon, CA 6.7 400/1700 50/700 0.01
Angra, Brazil 5.9 500/1350 50/500 0.02
Braidwood, IL 7.2 200/1500 450/450 0.01
Daya Bay, China 11.5 250/2100 250/1100 0.01
On Hold
Many Sites have been investigated as potential
hosts to a reactor neutrino experiment. This is
appropriate since getting the cooperation of the
reactor company and host country is a main
See Talks this afternoon by G. Mention and M.
26Proposed Sites Around the World
Site Power (GWthermal) Baseline Near/Far (m) Shielding Near/Far (mwe) Sensitivity 90 CL
Krasnoyarsk, Russia 1.6 115/1000 600/600 0.03
Kashiwazaki, Japan 24 300/1300 150/250 0.02
Double Chooz, France 8.4 150/1050 30/300 0.03
Diablo Canyon, CA 6.7 400/1700 50/700 0.01
Angra, Brazil 5.9 500/1350 50/500 0.02
Braidwood, IL 7.2 200/1500 450/450 0.01
Daya Bay, China 11.5 250/2100 250/1100 0.01
Kashiwazaki, Japan 24 300/1300 150/250 0.02
27Kashiwazaki-Kariwa, Japan (
Minakata, Sugiyama, Yasuda, Inoue, and Suekane
- 7 Reactors, 24 GWth
- Three 8.5 ton detectors
- Two near detectors at baselines of 400 m
- One far detector at 1.3 1.8 km
- 21 different baselines but not a problem
- Sensitivity of sin22?130.025 in 2 years
- Fast! Reaches systematics limit quickly
- Currently working its way through the
- Japanese system
- (2 yr RD budget approved)
28Proposed Sites Around the World
Site Power (GWthermal) Baseline Near/Far (m) Shielding Near/Far (mwe) Sensitivity 90 CL
Krasnoyarsk, Russia 1.6 115/1000 600/600 0.03
Kashiwazaki, Japan 24 300/1300 150/250 0.02
Double Chooz, France 8.4 150/1050 30/300 0.03
Diablo Canyon, CA 6.7 400/1700 50/700 0.01
Angra, Brazil 5.9 500/1350 50/500 0.02
Braidwood, IL 7.2 200/1500 450/450 0.01
Daya Bay, China 11.5 250/2100 250/1100 0.01
Double Chooz, France 8.4 150/1050 30/300 0.03
29Double CHOOZ , France
- Use old far detector hall at 1050 meters
- Near detector at 125-250 meters (50 mwe)
- 11 ton Gd loaded detectors.
- Sensitivity of sin22?130.03 in 3 years
- Fast and Inexpensive
- Has scientific approval
- Released an LOI (hep-ex/0405032)
30Double CHOOZ Experiment
- Cost estimate
- Detectors 7M
- Civil Construction 10M
- Schedule
- Now Securing approvals from agencies and
company - Feb. 05 If approved, complete design and put out
bids - May 07 Complete far detector
- Early 08 Complete near detector
- Experimental Goals
- Statistical error 0.4
- Background error 1
- Relative detector error 0.6
- Advantages
- Infrastructure exists for far site
- Reactor company would build near site if approved
- Disadvantages
- Shallow near detector site (50-100 mwe)
- Deadtime 500 ms / muon? 30 - 60 Deadtime
- Far baseline only 1km which limits sensitivity
especially for low Dm2
31Proposed Sites Around the World
Site Power (GWthermal) Baseline Near/Far (m) Shielding Near/Far (mwe) Sensitivity 90 CL
Krasnoyarsk, Russia 1.6 115/1000 600/600 0.03
Kashiwazaki, Japan 24 300/1300 150/250 0.02
Double Chooz, France 8.4 150/1050 30/300 0.03
Diablo Canyon, CA 6.7 400/1700 50/700 0.01
Angra, Brazil 5.9 500/1350 50/500 0.02
Braidwood, IL 7.2 200/1700 450/450 0.01
Daya Bay, China 11.5 250/2100 250/1100 0.01
Braidwood, IL 7.2 200/1500 450/450 0.01
32Braidwood, Illinois
- Four 65 ton detectors
- Near detectors at 200 meters 450 mwe
- Two far detectors located at 1500 meters, 450
mwe - Sensitivity of sin22?130.01 in 3 years
- High level of cooperation with utility
33Braidwood Experiment
- Cost estimate
- Civil 35M
- Detectors 15M
- Schedule
- 2005 RD proposal submission.
- 2006 Full proposal submission
- 2007 Project approval start const.
- 2009 Start data collection
- Experimental Goals
- Statistical error 0.15
- Background error 0.4
- Relative detector error 0.6
- Advantages
- Deep near site allows other reactor physics
measurements - Favorable geology and low bkgnd
- Redundancy and cross checks
- Both rate and spectral distortion analysis
- Surface transport of detectors for cross
calibration - Multiple near and far detectors
- Disadvantages
- Infrastructure costs high due to new undeveloped
Braidwood3 yrs
34Proposed Sites Around the World
Site Power (GWthermal) Baseline Near/Far (m) Shielding Near/Far (mwe) Sensitivity 90 CL
Krasnoyarsk, Russia 1.6 115/1000 600/600 0.03
Kashiwazaki, Japan 24 300/1300 150/250 0.02
Double Chooz, France 8.4 150/1050 30/300 0.03
Diablo Canyon, CA 6.7 400/1700 50/700 0.01
Angra, Brazil 5.9 500/1350 50/500 0.02
Braidwood, IL 7.2 200/1500 450/450 0.01
Daya Bay, China 11.5 250/2100 250/1100 0.01
Daya Bay, China 11.5 250/2100 250/1100 0.01
35Daya Bay, China
- 4 Reactors, 11.5 GWth
- Several 8 ton detectors
- Near detectors at baseline of 300 and 400
meters, 200 to 250 mwe - Far detectors at baselines of 1800 and 2400
meters, 1100 mwe - Sensitivity of sin22?130.01 in 3 years
- Utility/government approval is likely
- China would support civil construction, but
foreign support is needed for detectors
36Daya Bay Experiment
- Cost estimate
- 25M
- Schedule
- 2005 RD, engineering design, and secure funding
- 2006-2007 Construction
- 2008 Start data collection
- Experimental Goals
- Statistical error 0.2
- Background error 0.3
- Relative detector error 0.4
- Advantages
- Horizontal access tunnel approach
- Large overburden reduces bkgnd
- Flexibility to change baseline
- Easy to service detector
- Cross calibration by moving detectors to near
site - Disadvantages
- Uncertainties associated with the Chinese
approval system
37Reactor Sensitivity Studies(Comparing and
Combining with Offaxis Measurements)
(K. McConnel and M. Shaevitz hep-ex/0409028)
- Try to do estimates including all effects
- ?m232 2.5?10-3 eV2 and allowed to vary with ?
0.1?10-3 eV2 - Include both mass hierarchies ?m232 gt 0 and
?m232 lt 0 - sin22?23 0.95 and allowed to vary with ?
0.01 - Include ambiguity of ?23 lt 45? or gt 45?
- ?m122 and ?12 fixed at current values
- dCP allowed to vary between 0? to 360?
- Reactor experimental inputs
- Small scale d(sin22q13) 0.03
- Medium scale d(sin22q13) 0.01
- Large scale d(sin22q13) 0.005(90 CL upper
limit sensitivities at ?m2 2.5?10-3 eV2)
- Offaxis experimental inputs
- JPARC to SuperK (T2K) exp.
- Rates for n and?n from LOI
- with / without upgrade x5 rate
- Offaxis NuMI (Nova) exp.
- Rates for n and?n new LOI appendix
- with / without proton driver upgrade (x5 rate)
38Comparisons of Reactor and Off-axis Sensitivities
large medium small reactor
5 beamrate
90 CL upper limits for underlying null sin22?13
( 0) A medium scale reactor experiment, gives
a more stringent limit on sin22?13 in several
regions than off axis, even with proton driver
like statistics (5 beam rate). After a medium
scale reactor limit, only a small window of
opportunity exists for an observation of ?µ to ?e
with an off-axis.
Green Offaxis exp. (5yr ? only)Blue Combined
Medium Reactor plus OffaxisWhite Offaxis Only
(x5 rate)
combinewith med.reactor
combinewith med.reactor
5 yrs ?-only
39Comparison of Reactor to Off-axis Signal Meas.
Chooz-like, small scale Braidwood-like medium
90 CL regions for sin22?13 0.05, dCP0 and
?m2 2.510-3 eV2 A medium scale reactor
experiment makes a significantly better
measurement of sin2?13 than the offaxis
Green Offaxis exp. OnlyBlue Combined Medium
Reactor plus OffaxisRed Combined Small Reactor
plus Offaxis
5 yrs ?-only
40Resolving the ?23 Degeneracy
Example sin22?23 0.95 ? ?23 38? or ?23
90?-38 ? 52?
(?23TRUE 38?)
- For sin2?13 0.05, combining with off-axis ?
and?? running - Medium scale reactor breaks the ?23 degeneracy.
- Small reactor is not sufficient to break the
(3 yrs ? 3 yrs?? )
41Regions where ?23 Degeneracy Resolved at 2?(Is
?23 lt 450 or gt 450 ?)
3 yrs ? 3 yrs??
3 yrs ? 3 yrs??
42Constraining the CP Violation Parameter, ?CPand
Determining the Mass Hierarchy
- Oscillation probability vs dCP for offaxis
exp(?m2 2.5x10-3 eV2 , sin22?13 0.05)
- Use Medium Reactor (d(sin22q13) ?0.01) can
predict the neutrino prob.
Neutrino, normal hierarchy
Neutrino, inverted hierarchy
43Reactor Contribution to CP Violation
- For large sin2?13, can restrict ?CP with reactor
and ?-only offaxis data. - For smaller sin2?13, need offaxis?? data to
restrict ?CP. - In all cases, precision on determining sin2?13
comes from reactor data.
(3 yrs)
3 yrs ? 3 yrs??
5 yrs ?-only
44CP Violation 3? Discovery Regions
Reactor measurement does not contribute much to
measuring CP violation But a null reactor
measurement, even at the Double Chooz
sensitivity, can mostly rule out accessible
regions for T2K / Nova.
with proton driver
with x5 upgrade
To the right of the curve, ?CP0 or p is excluded
by at least three standard deviations
?m2 2.510-3 eV2 sin22?23 0.95 ? 0.01
with x5 upgrades
3 yrs ? 3 yrs??
45Determining Reach in Mass Hierarchy
To the right of the curve, mass hierarchy is
resolved by at least two sigma
Reactor measurement does not contribute much to
resolving the mass hierarchy Again, a null
reactor measurement, even at the Double Chooz
sensitivity, can mostly rule out accessible
regions for T2K and Nova.
?m2 2.510-3 eV2 sin22?23 0.95 ? 0.01
with proton driver
with x5 upgrades
3 yrs ? 3 yrs??
46Far Future ? Reactor plus Hyper-K Nova(x10)
- Hyper-K alone makes poor determination of CP
violation phase, ?CP - ?23 degeneracy limits accuracy
- Mass hierarchy introduces wide range
- ? Medium scale reactor data can lift ?23
degeneracy (black dashed curves) -
- ? Combination with Nova can determine
hierarchy - Bottom Line Combination of reactor plus Hyper-K
plus Nova can make precise determination(black
dashed curves)
- A reactor experiment is the prime and only
unambiguous measurement of q13 - q13 is a important physics parameter
- Needed to constrain the models of lepton mixing
matrix - If very small, probably indicates a new symmetry
- q13 is key for planning future long-baseline
experiments to measure CP violation and the mass
hierarchy - If sin22q13 is gt 0.02, T2K and Nova make a nice
program - If sin22q13 is lt 0.01, need other techniques to
access the physics (1st,2nd max. measurements
Superbeam exps, Neutrino Factory.) - Reactor measurements are important for sorting
out the q23 ambiguity (q23 vs 900- q23) - Again this is an important, fundamental physics
parameter (like q13) - May be important for CP violation and mass
hierarchy measurements - Reactor experiments are being pursued at many
sites and it is likely that several will be
approved and go forward.