Cosmic Rays, Neutrinos, Star Trek and the Universe - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Cosmic Rays, Neutrinos, Star Trek and the Universe


Cosmic Rays, Neutrinos, Star Trek and the Universe Kevin McFarland University of Rochester – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Cosmic Rays, Neutrinos, Star Trek and the Universe

Cosmic Rays, Neutrinos, Star Trek and the Universe
  • Kevin McFarland
  • University of Rochester

The Mysterious Link Between Particles and the
  • In science, you
  • ask questions
  • figure out how to answer them
  • spend a long time answering them, probably with
    many little false steps along the way
  • learn enough to ask the next question
  • Sure, it seems repetitive, but sometimes it leads
    to really interesting questions from very odd or
    obscure ones

A Brief History of the Universe
  • In the beginning, the Universe wasvery small and
    very hot
  • Why small? Well, if we look at other galaxies,
    we see they are ALL moving away from us?
  • It is somethingwe did? No.
  • How do we know? Doppler.

A Brief History of the Universe
  • In the beginning, very small and very hot
  • Why hot?
  • When you let a gas expand, it cools
  • Remember that heat is energy
  • When the Universe was about 400000 years old, it
    was so hot that atoms kept being torn apart and
  • a lot like in our vapor lamp!
  • Then as the universe cools, that stops. But what
    happens to all this energy from the glowing

Cosmic Microwave Background
  • Ive got to be joking right?
  • Actually, its a very interesting subject with
    perhaps the worst name ever
  • This is EXACTLY where the energy went. As the
    Universe cooled, so did the light
  • now it is very low energy light so low it is in
    the microwave frequency

Discovering the Cosmic Microwave Background
  • would you believe it was an accident?
  • Penzias and Wilson(shown below) weretrying to
    developmicrowavecommunications forBell Labs
  • was too noisy!
  • kept trying to scrub bird droppings off the
  • but not even Mr. Clean can remove stains from the
    Big Bang!

What does it look like?
  • Its pretty bland important fact!

What does it look like?
  • Doppler effect of earth (parts per thousand)

What does it look like?
  • Residual fluctuations (parts per
    million).Picture of Universe 400000 years after
    Big Bang

Where Did Particles Come From in the Big Bang?
  • They came from decays of particles produced from
    energy in the Big Bang.
  • How do particles (matter) become energy or energy
    become matter?

What Particles are found in the Early Universe?
  • lets look atthe particle periodic table
  • it has up and downquarks which makeprotons and
  • which bind with electronsto make atoms
  • so whats all the stuff to the right?

Yeah! What is that Stuff?
  • there just appear to be threecopies of all the
    matter thatreally matters
  • all that distinguishes thegenerations is their

Particles in the Universe
  • In the beginning, very small and very hot
  • Now remember mass is also energy (Emc2)
  • Very early in the Universe, it was so hot that
    the masses of the different generations didnt
  • Then as the universe cools, suddenly generational
    mass differences were a big deal, and themassive
    generations needed to shedtheir extra mass
  • Physicists call this sort of thingsymmetry
  • But how do particles shed thatextra mass?

Detecting Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos
So what are cosmic rays?
  • Cosmic rays are believed to initiate with very
    high energy (relativistic) protons
  • Acceleration mechanism is unknown
  • Except for small component from solar flares,
    cosmic rays originate outside solar system
  • Probably galactic (rates, energy)

What on earth happens?
  • Primary cosmic rays interact in atmosphere
  • Kinetic energy of cosmic ray creates a shower of
    matter and anti-matter particles

Cosmic Ray Showers
  • Shower of matter anti-matter particles
  • Lots of heavy particles are produced.
  • They decay to things that can reach the ground
  • muons, electrons, neutrinos
  • Muon horizontal flux is 1/cm2/min
  • Hmmm sounds like early Universe particles

How do we see this?
  • Scintillator and photomultipliers works well for
    finding muons from cosmic rays!
  • Thats what you used for your work!

How do we see this (contd)
  • Meet the Mother of all paddles
  • Built in summer 2004 by a group of HS students
    andteachers at U of R
  • Lives above myoffice in attic
  • Data available onthe web

What could we use these for?
  • Study the effect of the atmosphere

More dramatic ask if our solar system has an
  • Forbush decreases, GLEs

How to Find Subatomic Particles
  • How do we see any fundamental particle?
  • Electromagneticinteractions kickelectrons
    awayfrom atoms
  • This is why radiation is ahealth hazard

An Aside on Radiation and Biology
  • Ive learned everything I need to know on this
    subject from comic books
  • the reality is less dramatic, more awful,but
    quantifiable. often not worthy of panic.

How to Find Subatomic Particles
  • How do we see any fundamental particle?
  • Electromagneticinteractions kickelectrons
    awayfrom atoms
  • This is why radiation is ahealth hazard
  • But remember that neutrinos dont have electric
    charge. They only interact weakly.

How Weak is Weak?
  • Weak is, in fact, way weak.
  • A 3 MeV neutrino producedin fusion from the sun
    will travelthrough water, on average, before
  • The 3 MeV positron (anti-matter electron)
    produced in the same fusion process will travel 3
    cm, on average.
  • Apparently to hold up that VISOR, Jordy LaForge
    has a neck that would put an NFL offensive guard
    to shame
  • To find neutrinos, you need a lot of neutrinos
    and a lot of detector!

53 light-years
Getting lost along the way
  • Muons have a tough road to get down to the
    surface where we can see them!
  • Atmosphere slows electrons and muons
  • Muons decay (half-life of 1.5 microseconds)
  • Neutrinos unaffected by both problems!

So How Should we Detect Neutrinos?
  • Leave it to Star Trek to point the way!
  • Apparently, according to severalepisodes, Lt.
    Jordy LaForges VISORcan actually detect
    neutrino fieldemissions
  • and what do we do in science exceptemulate Star
  • Sadly, however, there is a catch

Modern Neutrino Hunting
  • Super-Kamiokande(Masatoshi Koshiba,UR PhD 1955,
    Nobel 2002)

What does a neutrino from the atmosphere look
  • Muons or electronsproduced in inverseb-decay
    are goingnear c
  • This exceeds speedof light in water, soget
    Cerenkov light
  • Cones of light (thinka boat wake in
    3-D)intersect wall ofdetector and give rings

Modern Neutrino Hunting
  • The Sun, imaged in neutrinos, bySuper-Kamiokande

The Sun, optical image
Existence of the sun confirmed by neutrinos!
Where are Neutrinos Found?
  • In the sun
  • If the sun shinesby fusion, energy reaching
    earth in light and in neutrinos is similar
  • 100 billion neutrinos per cm2 per second rain on
  • Supernova 1987A (150000 light years away)
    exploded, releasing 100 times the neutrinos the
    sun will emit in its whole lifetime
  • we observed 11 neutrinos in detectors on earth!

Where are Neutrinos Found?
  • Bananas?
  • We each contain about 20mg of 40K which is
    unstable and undergoes ĂŸ decay
  • So each of us emits 7500 neutrinos/sec
  • For the same reason, the radioactivityof the
    earth results in 10 millionneutrinos per cm2 per
    second here

Where are Neutrinos Found?
  • The early Universe
  • Decays of heavy generationsleft a waste trail
    (decays) of100/cm3 of each neutrino species
  • They are (now) very cold andslow and hard to
  • But if they have even a very small mass,
    theymake up much of the weight of the Universe

  • Every fundamental particle has an anti-matter
  • When the meet, they annihilate into pure energy.
    Alternatively, energy can become matter plus

So you might ask
  • The early Universe had a lot of energy. Where is
    the anti-matter in the Universe?
  • Good question how do we know it isnt around
  • look for annihilations.
  • As far away as we can tell, today there arent
    big matter and anti-matter collisions

My Research Goal(with more than a little help
from my friends)
  • Prove or disprove the hypothesis
  • neutrinos cause the matter anti-matter asymmetry
    in the Universe!
  • We are using accelerators to make neutrinos to
    study whether or not neutrino anti-neutrino
    differences seeded this as the Universe cooled

What does it take?
  • Megawatts of acceleratedprotons to produce
  • e.g., T2K beam 0.8-4.0 MW
  • 100-1000kTon detectors,hundreds of km from
  • 1MTon is a cube of water,100 meters on a side
  • Experiments with 107 neutrinosseen to precisely
    measure howthey interact
  • MINERvA at FNAL, led by Rochester

UNO neutrino detector concept
  • Neutrinos! They are everywhere, so wed better
    learn to live with them!
  • long-term goal is to demonstrate matter
    andanti-matter differences in neutrinos
  • can this seed the same asymmetry in the Universe?
  • The mystery continues

  • You learned about this in chemistry?
  • ĂŸ-decay turns neutrons into protons, increasing
    the atomic number of an atom
  • that sounds awfully anticlimactic who cares?
  • actually,you do. A lot.
  • Fusion in the sun requires that a protonturn
    into a neutron. Inverse of ĂŸ-decay!
  • Without ĂŸ-decay, we are stuck where the sun dont

ĂŸ-Decay and the Universe
  • Extra generations must have shed mass by decaying
    to light generations
  • Why? Well, we dontsee the heavy onestoday in
    the Universe!
  • And the only way for that to happen is
  • ĂŸ-Decay!!
  • Just as neutrons could decay to protons by
    ĂŸ-decay, so heavy generations decay to light.

Neutrinos-or-What I do for a Living
The Birth of the Neutrino
  • Wolfgang Pauli

Translation, Please?
4th December 1930 Dear Radioactive Ladies and
Gentlemen, As the bearer of these lines, to whom
I graciously ask you to listen, will explain to
you in more detail, how because of the wrong
statistics of the N and 6Li nuclei and the
continuous beta spectrum, I have hit upon a
desperate remedy to save the exchange theorem
of statistics and the law of conservation of
energy. Namely, the possibility that there could
exist in the nuclei electrically neutral
particles, that I wish to call neutrons, which
have spin and obey the exclusion principle and
which further differ from light quanta in that
they do not travel with the velocity of light.
The mass of the neutrons should be of the same
order of magnitude as the electron mass (and in
any event not larger than 0.01 proton masses).
The continuous beta spectrum would then become
understandable by the assumption that in beta
decay a neutron is emitted in addition to the
electron such that the sum of the energies of the
neutron and the electron is constant... From now
on, every solution to the issue must be
discussed. Thus, dear radioactive people, look
and judge. Unfortunately I will not be able to
appear in TĂ¼bingen personally, because I am
indispensable here due to a ball which will take
place in ZĂ¼rich during the night from December 6
to 7. Your humble servant, W. Pauli
4th December 1930 Dear Radioactive Ladies and
Gentlemen, As the bearer of these lines, to whom
I graciously ask you to listen, will explain to
you in more detail, how because of the wrong
statistics of the N and 6Li nuclei and the
continuous beta spectrum, I have hit upon a
desperate remedy to save the exchange theorem
of statistics and the law of conservation of
energy. Namely, the possibility that there could
exist in the nuclei electrically neutral
particles, that I wish to call neutrons, which
have spin and obey the exclusion principle and
which further differ from light quanta in that
they do not travel with the velocity of light.
The mass of the neutrons should be of the same
order of magnitude as the electron mass (and in
any event not larger than 0.01 proton masses).
The continuous beta spectrum would then become
understandable by the assumption that in beta
decay a neutron is emitted in addition to the
electron such that the sum of the energies of the
neutron and the electron is constant... From now
on, every solution to the issue must be
discussed. Thus, dear radioactive people, look
and judge. Your humble servant, W. Pauli
4th December 1930 Dear Radioactive Ladies and
Gentlemen, As the bearer of these lines, to whom
I graciously ask you to listen, will explain to
you in more detail, how because of the wrong
statistics of the N and 6Li nuclei and the
continuous beta spectrum, I have hit upon a
desperate remedy to save the exchange theorem
of statistics and the law of conservation of
energy. Namely, the possibility that there could
exist in the nuclei electrically neutral
particles, that I wish to call neutrons, which
have spin and obey the exclusion principle and
which further differ from light quanta in that
they do not travel with the velocity of light.
The mass of the neutrons should be of the same
order of magnitude as the electron mass (and in
any event not larger than 0.01 proton masses).
The continuous beta spectrum would then become
understandable by the assumption that in beta
decay a neutron is emitted in addition to the
electron such that the sum of the energies of the
neutron and the electron is constant... From now
on, every solution to the issue must be
discussed. Thus, dear radioactive people, look
and judge. Your humble servant, W. Pauli
Translation, Please?
  • To save the law of conservation of energy?
  • If the above picture is complete, conservation of
    energy says ĂŸ has one energy
  • but we observe this instead
  • Pauli suggests neutron takes away energy!

The Energy of the ĂŸ
The Story so Far
  • Neutrinos are essential for ĂŸ-Decay to occur
    (Paulis idea)
  • ĂŸ-Decay
  • makes the sun shine
  • allows the cold Universe to be made of what we
    see today
  • So although we are not made of neutrinos,
  • we wouldnt be here without them!
  • Wow maybe someone should study neutrinos

ns what are they good for?
  • Neutrinos only feel the weak force
  • a great way to study the weak force!
  • or applications of weak forces (i.e., the sun)
  • Is there just one weak interaction?
  • one weak interaction (b decay, n?pe-?)connects
    electrons and neutrinos
  • but wait theres more. Another weak force
    discovered with ns!

Gargamelle, event from neutral weak force
What about this other weak force?
  • It turns out that this weak force was the
    prediction of a theory that unified the
    electromagnetic and weak forces
  • (Glashow, Salam, Weinberg, Nobel 1979)
  • We still dont know how to add the strong force
    and gravity to this picture
  • unification still drives muchof particle

A confusing aside (made in Rochester)
  • The basics of this neutral force are as expected
  • however
  • concluded the neutral weak force isa tiny bit
    too weak

NuTeV Experiment (Profs. Bodek McFarland
at Rochester) Studied 1.7M neutrino and 0.35M
anti-neutrino interactions
Discovery of the Neutrino
  • Reines and Cowan (1955)
  • Nobel Prize 1995
  • 1 ton detector
  • Neutrinos from a nuclearreactor

Modern Neutrino Hunting
  • Radiochemical Detector Ray Davis (Nobel prize,
  • ?n?pe- (stimulated ĂŸ-decay)
  • Use this to produce an unstable isotope,
    ?37Cl?37Are- , which has 35 day half-life
  • Put 615 tons ofPerchloroethylenein a mine
  • expect one 37Ar atomevery 17 hours.

Modern Neutrino Hunting
  • Ran from 1969-1998
  • Confirmed that sun shines from fusion
  • But found 1/3 of ? !

Neutrino Flavor
  • Remember that neutrinos were discovered by
  • the appearance of the positron is noaccident!
  • it turns there are threeneutrinos,
    eachassociated with aparticular flavor
  • OK so heres a question

Would the real neutrino please stand up?
  • Are these neutrinos of definite flavorthe
    real neutrinos
  • i.e., is a neutrino flavor eigenstate inan
    eigenstate of the neutrino mass matrix
  • Or are we looking at neutrino puree?
  • And of course, why does anyone care?

Neutrino FlavorMixing
  • What if neutrinosmixed?
  • normal modesnot a or bbut a mix
  • We havelearned thisphenomenology!

This is called neutrino flavor
The Role of Neutrino Mass
  • There is an important condition for
    oscillation the masses of the different
    mass eigenstates must be distinct!

Summary of Neutrino Oscillations
  • If neutrinos mass states mixto form flavors
  • and the masses are different
  • This would explain the disappearing solar ns!
  • since only electron flavor neutrinos make the
    detection reaction, ?n?pe-, occur

  • So each neutrino wavefunctionhas a time-varying
    phase in its rest frame
  • Now, imagine you produce a neutrino of definite
    momentum but is a mixture of two masses, m1, m2
  • so pick up a phase difference in lab frame

Schoedinger-ology (contd)
  • Phase difference
  • Phase difference leads to interference effect,
    just like with sound waves
  • Analog of volume disappearing in beats is
    original neutrino flavor disappearing

More Neutrino Flavor Changes
  • Pions decay to make amuon flavored neutrino
  • Muons decay to makeone muon and one
    electronflavored each
  • A very robust prediction

Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillations
  • Muon like neutrinos going through earth
  • probably change to tau neutrinos

Future Neutrino Hunting
  • New Ideas afoot
  • Produce neutrinos at accelerators, send them long
    distances to massive detectors
  • Goal study differencesbetween neutrinos

Why Neutrinos and Anti-Neutrinos?
  • Every fundamental particle has an anti-matter
  • When the meet, they annihilate into pure energy.
    Alternatively, energy can become matter plus

So you might ask
  • The early Universe had a lot of energy. Where is
    the anti-matter in the Universe?
  • Good question how do we know it isnt around
  • look for annihilations.
  • As far away as we can tell, today there arent
    big matter and anti-matter collisions

Our New Goal
  • Prove or disprove the hypothesis
  • neutrinos cause the matter anti-matter asymmetry
    in the Universe!
  • We are using accelerators to make neutrinos to
    study whether or not neutrino anti-neutrino
    differences seeded this as the Universe cooled
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