Title: United Way Reasons to call United Way 211
1United WayReasons to call United Way 2-1-1
2Reasons to call United Way 2-1-1
3Reasons to call United Way 2-1-1
- Want to...
- Give assistance to others, get involved in your
community, or connect with charities that need
an extra helping hand?
4Reasons to call United Way 2-1-1
- Want to...
- Donate household appliances, furniture, gently
used items, clothing, toys, books, school
supplies or medical supplies?
5Reasons to call United Way 2-1-1
- Want to...
- Contribute time, talents, skills or resources to
local community organizations in need of help?
6Reasons to call United Way 2-1-1
- Want to...
- Serve in a leadership role to fulfill the needs
of nonprofit organizations seeking board members,
accountants or legal advisers?
7Reasons to call United Way 2-1-1
- Want to...
- Give support like writing business plans,
software training or website design to local
8Reasons to call United Way 2-1-1
- Want to...
- Develop corporate volunteer programs or
strengthen your companys partnerships with
nonprofit organizations?
9Reasons to call United Way 2-1-1
- Want to...
- Explore financial giving options, donate stock,
bequeath real estate, sponsor a fundraiser or run
a United Way Campaign?
10Reasons to call United Way 2-1-1
- Want to...
- Make donations to organizations that can put
gently used office furniture, equipment,
computers, transport vehicles, merchandise and
other items to great use?
11Reasons to call United Way 2-1-1
- Want to...
- Stay informed or get the training needed to
prepare for an emergency or a disaster?
12Reasons to call United Way 2-1-1
- Become a United Way 2-1-1 callerits the call
that helps you and your community
13Reasons to call United Way 2-1-1
- United Way 2-1-1 callers...
- They include individuals like you, volunteers,
agencies,organizations, and businesses that work
to bring people and services together
14Reasons to call United Way 2-1-1
- Facts about United Way 2-1-1
- In 1997, the United Way of Metropolitan Atlanta
changed the seven digit First Call for Help
number to 2-1-1 in order to make getting
information on organizations and programs easy. - A simple number, its the nations first
three-digit information and referral service for
anyone giving or seeking help. - (continued next page)
15Reasons to call United Way 2-1-1
- Facts about United Way 2-1-1
- A free 24-hour, 7-day a week help line, the 2-1-1
number provides callers with health and human
service information from an extensive database. - The United Way 2-1-1 database contains over 1,600
organizations and over 36,000 services operating
throughout 13 counties in the metropolitan
Atlanta area.
16Reasons to call United Way 2-1-1
- Information, resources and services in the
United Way 2-1-1 database - Counseling, GED and mentoring programs
- Job training
- After-school and tutorial programs
- Homeownership programs
- Summer camps
- (continued next page)
17Reasons to call United Way 2-1-1
- Information, resources and services in the
United Way 2-1-1 database - Substance abuse services
- Food and emergency shelter programs
- Domestic violence programs
- Health and elder care programs
- Consumer help and more
18Reasons to call United Way 2-1-1
- Who answers United Way 2-1-1 calls?
- Every call is answered by well-trained United Way
2-1-1 call center client referral agents who
receive 160 hours of training. - English and Spanish speaking agents are
available. Interpreters for more than 140
languages are provided by the Tele-Interpreters
Language Line. - Calls are confidential and at the end of each
call, a caller has the option of responding to a
three-question automated survey.
19Reasons to call United Way 2-1-1
- The United Way 2-1-1 call center currently
handles more than 300,000 calls a year
20Reasons to call United Way 2-1-1
- Within the 13-county Atlanta area, United Way
2-1-1 client referral agents give callers
information based on ZIP code area - 404
- 770
- 678
- and more!
21Reasons to call United Way 2-1-1
- United Way 2-1-1 call center service requests data
Source United Way 211 Call Center data reports
22Reasons to call United Way 2-1-1
- A yearly United Way 2-1-1 plan for calling and
giving to United Way
JAN Coat and blanket donations FEB Household
donations MAR Summer camps APR Book and Magazine
donations MAY Summer recreation ticket
donations JUN School supply donations JUL
Back-to-school clothing donations
AUG Mentors and tutorial volunteers SEP Fall
cleaning donations OCT Thanksgiving food
baskets NOV Toy and gift donations DEC Holiday
23Reasons to call United Way 2-1-1
- If you want to
- Make contributions
- Get information
- Give help
- Volunteer
- Mentor
- Donate goods
- These are reasons to call United Way 2-1-1
24Reasons to call United Way 2-1-1
25Reasons to call United Way 2-1-1
- Access the United Way 2-1-1 database online
- Go to unitedwayatlanta.org and click on