The Chemistry of Fire - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Chemistry of Fire


... Rhode Island, United States; it is considered to be the fourth deadliest nightclub fire in American ... esp if visibility is limited due to smoke Type ABC ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Chemistry of Fire

The Chemistry of Fire
  • The fire tetrahedron
  • Fires can be prevented by suppression of any
    one of these

Application of the Fire Tetrahedron
  • Fuel-
  • Shut off the natural gas supply
  • Oxidizer
  • Close the windows, smother the fire with a
  • Heat
  • Pour water on the flame, use CO2 extinguisher
  • Free radical chain reaction-
  • Adsorb radicals with chemical suppressants, salts

  • Organic C, O, H and sometimes N
  • Wood is 40-50 cellulose and hemicellulose
  • (5 and 6 carbon sugars)

Wood tends to produce oxygenated combustion
Turpenes in turpentine
Nowadays, apart from specialised grades mainly
for artists use (balsam turpentine) turpentine
is a by-product of the production of pulp.
Sulphate turpentine is chilled from the gas
emitted when wood chips are pre-heated with steam
before digestion. Pine and spruce have the best
turpentine yields. Turpentine consists of 45-75
a-pinene (1), 5-30 b-pinene (2), 2-40 3-carene
(3), other turpentines such as limonene and
camphene and their oxidation products, such as
alcohols and aldehydes. http//
Used in moderation, turpentine is an ideal
accelerant for arson
Other fuels
  • Cotton mostly cellulose
  • Hydrocarbons (CH2)n

Other fuels II
  • Inorganic fuels
  • Mg, Al, S, Zn, etc
  • Note surface area is important
  • Wood dust ignites easily
  • Diesel ignites in a spray, but is difficult to
    light in a pool
  • Metals used in pyrotechnic devices are finely

Oxidizing Agents
  • Usually oxygen from air
  • In medical facilities can be accelerated
  • Temperature greatly affects a fires need for
  • _at_25C need 14-16 O2
  • _at_900-1100C flashover conditions- (spontaneous
    ignition of entire room) nearly 0 oxygen is
  • This is the effect of the flammable limit, the
    upper and lower concentrations of a flammable gas
    and air expressed in fuel that can be ignited
    at a specific temperature and pressure

Types of Fire
  • Flaming combustion
  • Common open flame fires like gas burners
  • Gas to gas reaction, fuel must be in gaseous
  • Liquids and solids dont burn in an open flame
  • these must undergo chemical or phase change first
  • Oxygen must be above 10

Smoldering Combustion
  • Glowing combustion occurs without the generation
    of flames
  • It is a solid to gas reaction
  • Surface of solid reacts directly with oxidizer
  • Often due to a deficiency of oxidizer
  • Less than 10 oxygen is needed

Partial or incomplete combustion
  • Stoichiometric ratios are rarely involved in
  • Oxidation reactions often dont go to completion
  • This is called incomplete combustion
  • C4H10 13/2 O2 ?

Types of Fire
  • Flaming combustion
  • Common open flame fires like gas burners
  • Gas to gas reaction, fuel must be in gaseous
  • Liquids and solids dont burn in an open flame
  • these must undergo chemical or phase change first
  • Oxygen must be above 10

Smoldering Combustion
  • Glowing combustion occurs without the generation
    of flames
  • It is a solid to gas reaction
  • Surface of solid reacts directly with oxidizer
  • Often due to a deficiency of oxidizer
  • Less than 10 oxygen is needed

Flammable limits
  • Fuel/air ratio must be correct for combustion to
  • There is a minimum and maximum level
  • Measured at 0 C and 1 ATM
  • Gasoline -1.4 - 7.6 in air
  • Acetylene- 4-100
  • H2 4-75
  • for this reason it is practically impossible
    for a full or partly full gas tank to explode or
    even burn
  • The danger comes as temperature increases causing
    the range of flammable limits to expand
  • http//

  • Flash point
  • http//
  • Flammable limit
  • http//
  • Auto ignition
  • http//
  • Backdraft
  • http//

Partial or incomplete combustion
  • Stoichiometric ratios are rarely involved in
  • Oxidation reactions often dont go to completion
  • This is called incomplete combustion and results
    in formation of carbon monoxide.

Complete vs incomplet combustion in a gas pilot
Effect of Fuel on a Fire
  • Fires have either excess air or excess fuel

Effect of venting
  • Venting a fire has important effects
  • Gases inside a room may be oxygen starved
  • Gases venting to outside may ignite
  • Gases venting into an enclosed room will not
    spread a fire
  • Opening doors and windows may cause a smoldering
    fire to reignite

  • Sufficient heat is required to produce a
    transition from solid to liquid to vapor phase
    only vapors burn
  • Additional energy is also required to initiate
    the chemical reaction
  • Once initiated such reactions are exothermic with
    a large increase in entropy

Initiation of Fire
  • The heat required to initiate a fire is a
    critical step
  • Matches?paper?sticks?wood
  • Each step is critical and the underlying process
    is to get the wood hot enough that it produces
    volatile gases that burn.

Types of ignition
  • Spontaneous ignition
  • Chemical or biological processes that create
    sufficient heat to ignite the reacting material
  • Basically heat is produced faster than it can be
  • Common with vegetable oils, hay

Spontaneous combustion of hay in a barn
  • Ignition of a material in the absence of flame or
    spark (non-piloted ignition)
  • All combustible materials must reach their
    autoignition temperature to burn
  • Thus one could light paper two ways
  • Use a match to heat a small section to ignition
  • Heat the entire piece of paper in an oven.

Flash Point
  • There is a temperature above which a fuel will
    flash when presented with a flame this is the
    flash point
  • _at_ 10-20 degrees above the flash point there is
    sufficient vapor pressure to sustain a flame
  • The auto-ignition temperature is the temperature
    of spontaneous ignition
  • For kerosene, the flash point is 100F and the
    ignition temperature is 410F.

Chemical Chain Reactions
  • Reactions become self sustaining when sufficient
    heat from exothermic reactions radiates back to
    cause ignition away from source
  • The burning process involves pyrolysis, the
    breakdown of solids to produce gases and free

Removal of Free Radicals
  • Halon fire extinguishers work by shutting down
    the propagation of radicals

Bromine and chlorine quickly shut down free
Types of fire extinguishers
  • Type A - Water/firehoses
  • Cools fire as water converts to steam
  • Causes damage and is dangerous in electrical and
    metal fires
  • Type BC - Powder extinguishers
  • 80 NaHCO3
  • Starve oxygen and cool by release of CO2
  • 6-8 meter range
  • Type BC - CO2 gas extinguishers
  • Leave no residue for expensive cleanup
  • Cool fire and remove oxygen
  • 1.5 meter range- can be dangerous for large
    electrical fires, esp if visibility is limited
    due to smoke
  • Type ABC Ammonium Phosphate
  • Releases ammonia which removes oxygen and yields
    phosphoric acid which induces char which
    releases fewer volatiles
  • Type ABC Halon
  • Eliminates free radicals, displaces oxygen
  • Type D fire extinguisher
  • A bucket of sand for metal fires

Fires are classified according to the material,
which is being burned. The four classes of fires,
with the American and International symbols, are
as follows Class A Ordinary Combustibles
- Cloth, Wood, Paper, Rubber, many plastics.
    ExtinguisherPressurized water (it removes
Heat) suitable for use on Class A only. Dry
chemical mono-ammonium phosphate, (it removes
contact between Oxygen and Fuel), rated for Class
A, B, and C fires.Extinguishers suitable for
Class A fires should be identified by a green
triangle containing the letter "A" and the
pictograph shown above. 
Class B Flammable Liquids - Gasoline, Oil,
Oil-based paint, Cooking Oil
     Extinguisher1) Carbon dioxide (it
displaces Oxygen but dissipates quickly the
combustible surface, if hot, may re-ignite).2)
Dry Chemical (it removes Oxygen from the Fuel by
coating the surface inhibiting the release of
combustible vapors) mono ammonium phosphate,
rated for Class A, B, and C fires Sodium
Bicarbonate and Potassium Bicarbonate, for Class
B and C, preferred for cooking oil fires.3)
Halon it interferes with the fire chemical
reaction by quenching free radicals. Production
has been banned (Montreal, 1998) because Halon
has been found to be an ozone-depleting
substance.Extinguishers that are suitable for
Class B fires are identified by a red square
containing the letter B and the pictograph shown
Class C Energized electrical equipment,
including appliances, wiring, circuit breakers,
and fuse boxes.                      
Extinguisher1) Carbon dioxide (it removes
Oxygen but dissipates quickly the combustible
surface, if still hot, may re-ignite).2) Dry
Chemical (it removes Oxygen from the Fuel by
coating the surface and inhibiting the release of
combustible vapors) mono Ammonium Phosphate,
rated for Class A, B, and C fires Sodium
Bicarbonate and Potassium Bicarbonate, for Class
B and C, preferred for cooking oil fires.3)
Halon it interferes with the fire chemical
reaction by quenching free radicals. Production
has been banned (Montreal, 1998) because Halon
has been found to be an ozone-depleting
substance.Extinguishers suitable for Class C
fires are identified by a blue circle containing
the letter C and the pictograph shown above.  
Class D Combustible metal such as Mg, Na, Li,
powdered Al, etc.                               
     ExtinguisherExtinguishers rated for class
D fires have a label, which list the types of
metal, on which the extinguisher may be used. The
extinguishing medium must not react with the
burning metal. Extinguishers suitable for Class D
fires are identified by a yellow star containing
the letter D.
Fire Retardants
  • Barrier theory- chemicals form a glassy barrier
    on exposure to heat
  • Thermal theory chemicals change the thermal
    property of the wood to dissapate (conduct) or
    absorb (heat capacity)heat - sodium silicates,
    chemicals with waters of hydration
  • Noncombustable gas theory chemicals release
    nonflamable gases interfering with combustion -
    borax (soduim tetraborate decahydrate) releases
    large quantities of water following pyrolysis
  • Free radical trap theories chemicals release
    free radical inhibitors at pyrolytic temperatures
    interrupting chain propagation halogens attack
    free radicals formed
  • Increased char theories temperature of
    pyrolysis is lowered, directing degradation
    towards charring instead of burning, lower
    volatile gases borax, NH3PO4
  • Most fire retardants operate using several of
    these mechanisms

(H2O) x10
NH3 H2P04
Levan, Chemistry of Fire Retardancy in The
Chemistry of Solid Wood http//
(No Transcript)
Heat Transfer
  • Three mechanisms
  • Conduction, convection, radiation
  • Conductive heating
  • Takes place within solids
  • Rate is dependant on
  • Thermal conductivity heat transfer
    within a material
  • Heat capacity heat required
    to raise the temp of a substance 1 degree C
  • Density g/cm3

Thermal Conductivity
  • Thermal intertia ? density, heat capacity,
    thermal conductivity
  • At equilibrium, density and heat capacity become
  • Thermal conductivity rules
  • Pipes and metal fittings produce fire spread and
    structural damage
  • Thus thermal intertia is maintly important in the
    early stages of a fire

Thermal properties of selected materials
material Thermal conductivity W/mK Density kg/m3 Heat capacity J/kgK
copper 387 8940 380
concrete 0.8 1900 880
pine 0.14 640 2850
polyethylene 0.35 940 1900

NFPA 921-14
  • Transfer of heat energy through the movement of
    liquids or gases
  • Heat is then transferred to a cooler solid
  • Rate is a ftn of
  • Temperature
  • Surface area
  • Velocity of gases
  • Convection is extremely important in the early
    stages of a fire
  • Hot gases rise to upper portions of the room
  • Then they mushroom down
  • As heat builds, flashover occurs and entire room
  • Hot gases then spread fire through the rest of
    the building

  • Transfer of heat through infrared energy
  • Radiative power s(T)4
  • where s 5.67 x 10-8 (watts/m2)/K4
  • Stefans law of radiation
  • Thus
  • Radiative power becomes highly significant at
    elevated temperatures

Fire development
  • There is a sequence of events which begin as a
    fire evolves
  • Incipient stage
  • Ceiling layer development
  • Preflashover -
  • Flashover
  • Post flashover
  • Not all fires will go through the entire process

Incipient phase
  • Incipient room doesnt heat
  • Can be short time accellerant
  • Or long- spontaneous combustion
  • Oily rags (linseed oil) dust or even grass
  • Build up of heat due to chemical or bacterial
  • For ignition to occur material must be
  • In a gaseous state
  • At sufficient concentration to form a flammable
    air/gas mixture
  • Exposed to activation energy of
  • Match, spark, friction

Incipient stage
  • Small flames progress upwards and produce hot
  • Smoke begins to accumulate
  • Average temperature is just above ambient

Emergent Smolder
  • Fuel vapors must be raised to higher than
    ignition temperature
  • Some solid materials begin to burn by smoldering
  • A hazardous situation as incomplete combustion ?
    release of CO and other toxins
  • Smoldering is a pyrolytic process in which
    chemical bonds begin to break, gases are released
    and free radicals form

Growth (open burning)
  • Room begins to heat up
  • Oxygen concentration still high or unchanged
  • Fire burns up and out as it moves across the
    ceiling looking for a way up

Ceiling layer development
  • Also called the growth phase.
  • Smoke increases and begins to accumulate at the
    ceiling level
  • Room heats up and other items begin to burn
  • Hot smoke creates a negative pressure in the
  • There is essentially two layers of heat in the
    room, a hot upper layer and a cooler rest of the

  • Smoke and hot gas layer at ceiling reaches
    400-500 C
  • Rate of heat transfer increases
  • Burning rate is fuel controlles and sufficient
    oxygen is present
  • Items in the room begin to pyrolyze notice
    smoke given off by chair

  • Temperature in the room rises to the point that
    all materials spontaneously combust
  • Flashover can simulate arson fire as multiple
    points in the room ignite
  • Windows break due to thermal stress, Floor to
    ceiling charring will occur due to radiative
    heating of all exposed surfaces
  • Freeburning occurs until ventilation is limited
  • Fires can selflimit if nearby fuel isnt present
    of it initial fire is too small to ignite
    adjacent materials

  • Hot gas reached a critical temperature of 600 C
    and ignites, significantly increasing the radiant
    heat transferred to floor
  • Whole room is suddenly and completely engulfed in
  • Transition lasts only a few seconds

Full Room Invovement ? Ventilation Control
  • Room transitions to oxygen regulated smoldering
  • The point at which the amount of O2 regulates the
  • Fire itself is slow smoldering producing large
    amounts of CO
  • If a door is opened at this point, hot CO
    combines explosively with O2
  • Effect can be confused with explosives however
    char pattern will occur only at the top of the

Example Station Nightclub Fire simulation by NIST
The Station nightclub fire occurred beginning at
1107 PM EST, on Thursday, February 20, 2003, at
The Station, a glam metal and rock n roll themed
nightclub located at 211 Cowesett Ave in West
Warwick, Rhode Island, United States it is
considered to be the fourth deadliest nightclub
fire in American history, killing 100 people,
four of whom died after being admitted to local
hospitals. The fire was caused when pyrotechnic
sparks, set off by the tour manager of the
evening's headlining band, Great White, ignited
flammable sound insulation foam in the walls and
ceilings around the stage, creating a flash fire
that engulfed the club in 5½ minutes. Some 230
people were injured
At first, there was no panic. Everybody just kind
of turned. Most people still just stood there. In
the other rooms, the smoke hadn't gotten to them,
the flame wasn't that bad, they didn't think
anything of it. Well, I guess once we all started
to turn toward the door, and we got bottle-necked
into the front door, people just kept pushing,
and eventually everyone popped out of the door,
including myself
Incipient phase
  • Incipient room doesnt heat
  • Can be short time accellerant
  • Or long- spontaneous combustion
  • Oily rags (linseed oil) dust or even grass
  • Build up of heat due to chemical or bacterial
  • For ignition to occur material must be
  • In a gaseous state
  • At sufficient concentration to form a flammable
    air/gas mixture
  • Exposed to activation energy of
  • Match, spark, friction

Emergent Smolder
  • Fuel vapors must be raised to higher than
    ignition temperature
  • Some solid materials begin to burn by smoldering
  • A hazardous situation as incomplete combustion ?
    release of CO and other toxins
  • Smoldering is a pyrolytic process in which
    chemical bonds begin to break, gases are released
    and free radicals form

  • Temperature in the room rises to the point that
    all materials spontaneously combust
  • Flashover can simulate arson fire as multiple
    points in the room ignite
  • Freeburning occurs until ventilation is limited
  • Fires can selflimit if nearby fuel isnt present
    of it initial fire is too small to ignite
    adjacent materials

Post flashover
  • Also called full room involvement
  • Every piece of combustable material in room burns
  • Areas under furniture may be relatively spared,
    also materials near the influx of oxygen
  • Examples

omFlashover.wmv http//
  • Oxygen regulated smoldering
  • The point at which the amount of O2 regulates the
  • Fire itself is slow smoldering producing large
    amounts of CO
  • If a door is opened at this point, hot CO
    combines explosively with O2
  • Windows will blow out
  • Effect can be confused with explosives however
    char pattern will occur only at the top of the

(No Transcript)
Accelerated vs Nonaccelerated fires
  • Originally thought that accelerated fires would
    burn hotter. This is not true
  • Actually modern homes are composed of a lot of
    plastic, which basically burns just like
    gasoline. (also gasoline burns at the same
    temperature as wood)
  • Only real difference is a faster rate of room
    temperature increase. This is due to the faster
    rate of heat release with gasoline

Effects of Fire/Scene Reconstruction
  • Damage to ceiling is 5x that of Floor
  • Damage is usually heaviest near origin
  • Aligator char is deepest
  • Scales are smaller
  • Char burn rate 1 in 40 min _at_1400-1600 F
  • Glass melts _at_1200F ? becomes running _at_1600F
  • Ovid cracks in glass? rapid heating
  • Verticle cracks ? slow fire
  • Light bulbs above 40W will expand towards origin
    due to melting and expansion of gas inside bulb
  • Burn patterns can help indicate origin

Liquid fuel properties
  • Melting and boiling points
  • Increase with number of carbons within HC class
  • Branching and cyclic groups decrease melting and
    boiling points (increased disorder)
  • Double bonds decrease melting and boiling points
  • Aromaticity increases melting and boiling points
    due to increased polarity
  • Alcohol groups greatly increase melting and
    boiling points

BP 254
BP 229 alcohol
BP 183 aromatic
BP 174
BP 181 cyclic
BP 171 alkene
BP160 branched
BP 171
BP 148
Specific Gravity
  • Compounds lighter than water have lower specific
    gravity gm/cc 1 for H2O
  • Petroleum products generally have a low specific
    gravity and float on water (up to asphalt)
  • General trends-
  • Increasing with carbon number for n-alkanes
  • Aromatics tend to have higher SG than alkanes
  • Compounds with Cl or S tend to have high SG

Vapor density
  • Volume of vapor or gas compared to air (Air 29
    g/mol vapor density of 1)
  • Air is 78.1 N2, 21 O2, 1 Ar, 0.03 CO2
  • This is 21.9g/mol N2 6.7 g/mol O2
  • If the vapor density of a gas is below 1 it will
    rise. If above 1 if settles at floor level

Vapor Density
  • Only 14 gases and vapors have a vapor density
    less than 1
  • acetylene, ammonia, CO, diborane, H2, He,
    HCN,HF, CH4, methyl lithium, Ne, N2, H2O
  • 9 are flammable,
  • Many other gases are heavier than air
  • Methanol, propane, butane, acetone, pentane,
    toluene, etc.

Effect of vapor density
Too Rich
Combustion possible
Too lean
Flammability limits
  • Lower flammability limit
    upper flammability limit
  • Methane 5.3 14
  • Propane 2.2 9.5
  • Acetylene 2.5 81
  • Butane 1.9 8.5
  • Gasoline 1.5 7.6
  • Kerosene 1 5
  • Diesel 0.5 4.1
  • Carbon monoxide 12.5 74
  • H 4 75
  • HS 4.3 45
  • NH3 15.5 45.5

Vapor pressure of a liquid mixture
  • How to calculate if in an explosion LFL was
  • Use Raoults law
  • Ptotal Sum(Pn ?n)
  • vapor pressure of mixture time sthe molar
    fraction of the liquid in the mixture

Flash Point calculations
  • Flash point is the lowest temperature at which a
    substance produces sufficient vapor to form an
    ignitable mixture (pilot light)
  • Gas ignites and then extinguishes. The concept
    is important as this is the lowest temperature at
    which a risk of fire exists.
  • Flash points are temperature dependent
  • 1000/(Tf273) B0 B1log P25
  • Where B0 and B1 are constants (see book) and P25
    is the vapor pressure at 25C

Summary of concepts
  • Melting point
  • Boiling point
  • Specific gravity
  • Vapor density
  • Flammability limits lFL, UFL
  • Vapor pressure
  • Flash point will pop
  • Fire point sustains a fire
  • Ignition temperature will ignite
  • Autoignition temperature will ignite with no

Thermal Conductivity
  • Thermal intertia ? density, heat capacity,
    thermal conductivity
  • At equilibrium, density and heat capacity become
  • Thermal conductivity rules
  • Pipes and metal fittings produce fire spread and
    structural damage
  • Thus thermal intertia is maintly important in the
    early stages of a fire

Thermal properties of selected materials
material Thermal conductivity W/mK Density kg/m3 Heat capacity J/kgK
copper 387 8940 380
concrete 0.8 1900 880
pine 0.14 640 2850
polyethylene 0.35 940 1900

NFPA 921-14
  • Transfer of heat energy through the movement of
    liquids or gases
  • Heat is then transferred to a cooler solid
  • Rate is a ftn of
  • Temperature
  • Surface area
  • Velocity of gases
  • Convection is extremely important in the early
    stages of a fire
  • Hot gases rise to upper portions of the room
  • Then they mushroom down
  • As heat builds, flashover occurs and entire room
  • Hot gases then spread fire through the rest of
    the building

  • Transfer of heat through infrared energy
  • Radiative power s(T)4
  • where s 5.67 x 10-8 (watts/m2)/K4
  • Stefans law of radiation
  • Thus
  • Radiative power becomes highly significant at
    elevated temperatures
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