Title: PowerPointpresentasjon
1- Overingeniør Steinar Jensen
- TETRA-forum Norge
- Delegat til Schengen Telecom og Schengen
Telecom-Crypto for Belgia nov. 95 til nov. 98. - Delegat til 3-country pilot for Belgia til
2Schengen var drivkraften i standardiseringsprosess
en for mobil kommunikasjon innenfor Public
Safety. En av hovedaktivitetene var å forbedre
den grenseoverskridende kommunikasjon mellom
politi- og toll-personell i Schengen-landene.
Telekommunikasjons eksperter fra alle Schengen
land deltok i Schengen Telecom. Forbedring av
kommunikasjon oppnås ved harmonisering av
frekvenser og teknikk. Harmonisering av
frekvenser ble oppnådd gjennom avtale mellom EU
og Nato, der det ble enighet om å "sam-eksistere"
i frekvensbåndet 380-400 MHz. Harmonisering av
teknikk var mer komplisert. Schengen anmodet
derfor ETSI om å utvikle en Europeisk standard
som kunne oppfylle Schengen-kravene. Basert på
disse krav, slo ETSI fast at Tetra-standarden var
dekkende som en Europeisk Standard. Harmonisering
av teknikk ble også vanskelig fordi ikke alle
land innen EU valgte TETRA som system for "Public
Safety". Schengen's standpunkt var likevel at
bare en åpen europeisk standard kunne vurderes
som Schengen's valgte løsning. I henhold til
Amsterdam-traktaten, avsluttet Schengen Telecom
sine aktiviteter i april 1999. Disse oppgavene
ble da overført til EU Police Co-operation.
- Artikkel 44
- I samsvar med de relevante internasjonale
konvensjoner og idet det tas hensyn til de lokale
forhold og tekniske muligheter, skal
konvensjonspartene, særlig i grenseområdene,
opprette telefon-, radio- og teleksforbindelser
og andre direkte forbindelser som kan lette
samarbeidet mellom politi og tollvesen, blant
annet for å sikre at opplysninger i forbindelse
med observasjon og forfølgelse over grensene når
fram i tide. - I tillegg til disse tiltak, som skal treffes i
løpet av kort tid, skal de særlig undersøke
mulighetene for - utveksling av utstyr eller utplassering av
sambandsmenn med egnet radioutstyr, - utvidelse av de frekvensbånd som benyttes i
grenseområdene, - opprettelse av en felles forbindelse mellom
politi og tollvesen i disse områder, - samordning av sine innkjøp av kommunikasjonsutstyr
med sikte på innføring av standardiserte og
kompatible kommunikasjonssystemer.
- Artikkel 132
- Eksekutivkomiteen skal bestå av et medlem fra
hver konvensjonspart. Konvensjonspartene skal
være representert i Komiteen av en minister med
ansvar for gjennomføringen av denne konvensjon
vedkommende kan i nødvendig omfang la seg bistå
av sakkyndige som kan delta i drøftingene. - Eksekutivkomiteen skal treffe sine beslutninger
enstemmig. Den skal fastsette sine arbeidsmetoder
og kan i den forbindelse vedta en skriftlig
framgangsmåte for beslutningstaking. - På anmodning fra en konvensjonsparts representant
kan den endelige beslutningen om et forslag
Eksekutivkomiteen har tatt stilling til, utsettes
i høyst to måneder fra forslaget er framlagt. - Eksekutivkomiteen kan med sikte på forberedelse
av beslutninger eller andre oppgaver nedsette
arbeidsgrupper sammensatt av representanter for
konvensjonspartenes forvaltninger.
1999on the Schengen acquis relating to
telecommunications(SCH/Com-ex (99)6)THE
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE,Having regard to Article 132
of the Convention implementing the Schengen
Agreement,Having regard to Article 44 of the
abovementioned Convention,HAS DECIDED AS
FOLLOWSThe tactical and operational
requirements for a future cross-border digital
radio system for the police and customs services
in the Schengen States defined in accordance with
the mandate pursuant to Article 44, the rules for
manufacturing and administering uniform
encryption algorithms, and other agreements
established within the remit of the Subgroup on
telecommunications, as set out in the following
nine documents, are hereby approved. SCH/I-teleco
m (92)21 Rev. 2(1) of 12 June 1992 (Restricted
document)"Definition of the telecommunications
equipment needs of police and customs
servicesSCH/I-telecom (95)18 of 8 June
1995"Digital radiocommunications systems for
security organisations (tactical and operational
6SCH/I-telecom (96)44 Rev. 5 of 14 November
1997"Requirements for terminals and their user
interfaces in the Schengen States' future digital
trunk radio systems"SCH/I-telecom (95)33 Rev. 2
of 6 December 1995"Request to ETSI for a study
of the European norms meeting Schengen functional
requirements"SCH/I-telecom (95)35 of 21 November
1995"Schengen communication requirements and the
TETRA standard"SCH/I-telecom-crypto (95)37 Rev.
4 of 8 July 1996"Digital radio communications
network for security organisations (security
requirements)"SCH/I-telecom-crypto (97)7 Rev. 5
of 24 February 1998"Agreement for use and
custody of Schengen algorithms"SCH/I-telecom-cryp
to (97)10 Rev. 2 of 24 February 1998"Criteria
for manufacturing Schengen specific
algorithms"SCH/I (98)17 Rev. 4 of 26 May
1998"Amendment to the mandate of the Subgroup on
telecommunications to examine the
interoperability aspects of different digital
radio communications systems"
7SCH/I (98) 17 rev 4
Amendment to the mandate to the Sub-Group on
Telecommunications (Article 44 of the Schengen
Background  a. Article 44 of the Schengen
Convention stipulates that the Contracting
Parties shall in particular consider
"coordinating their programmes for the
procurement of communications equipment with a
view to installing standardized and compatible
communications systems" (Article 44 (2)
(d)). Â b. The task of the Sub-Group on
Telecommunications is to realize this objective
by means of consensus, it having been stipulated
that the joint standard sought should be based on
a European standard recognized by ETSI. However,
no decision has ever been made to this effect by
the Executive Committee. This standard has to be
available from various manufacturers.
8SCH/I (98) 17 rev 4 (forts.)
Current situation  a. At present, only TETRA is
recognized by ETSI as a European
standard. Â b. In a note dated 8 May 1996 (SCH/I
(96) 44 approved by the Central Group on 30 May
1996), the Sub-Group on Telecommunications was
awarded a mandate to test the TETRA standard in a
three-nation project (Belgium, Germany and the
Netherlands). This note provided for TETRAPOL to
undergo the same practical tests as soon as ETSI
had recognized TETRAPOL as a European
standard. To date, TETRAPOL has not yet been
recognized as a European standard. On 27 November
1997, ETSI approved the new regulations governing
the PAS procedure. The TETRAPOL forum announced
that it intended to renew its PAS application on
5 December 1997. Â c. France recently informed
the Sub-Group on Telecommunications and Working
Group I that France had made a final choice for
the TETRAPOL technical solution.
9SCH/I (98) 17 rev 4 (forts.)
d. This technology has also been tested in Spain
where the results were entirely satisfactory.
Furthermore, several candidate countries for
accession to the European Union have also adopted
TETRAPOL for their security forces. What is more,
certain Schengen States (Finland, the
Netherlands) have already opted for TETRA. Â e. A
number of Schengen States are pressing for work
to be continued on carrying out the initial
mandate as provided for in Article 44 (2d). One
State has said that the solutions proposed should
not entail any changes to the specifications for
the TETRA standard.
10SCH/I (98) 17 rev 4 (forts.)
3. Currently, there are several technical
solutions competing with each other in the
Schengen area which could conflict with the
initial aim laid down in Article 44 (2d) if the
systems cannot be made compatible. Â 4. Given the
above situation, Working Group I hereby calls on
the Central Group to  a. note that in addition
to the TETRA standard, there is at least one
other system, namely TETRAPOL, which will be used
by certain security forces in the Schengen area
on a frequency band of MHz 380 - 400. Â b. allow
Working Group I to clearly explain the requisite
operational interoperability needs in the area of
telecommunications between the police forces of
the different Member States. Â c. give a mandate
to the Sub-Group on Telecommunications to examine
the technical consequences on interoperability as
a result of the situation described under point a
(use of several different technical systems) and
make suitable technical proposals to meet the
operational objective. Furthermore, the Sub-Group
on Telecommunications should estimate the
possible financial consequences over the next six
11SCH/I-Telecom-Crypto (95) 37, rev 4
Communication scenarios
The objective of a Schengen standard radio
communications network is to enable cross- border
communications and interoperability between
terminals of different Schengen states. Relating
to this a number of communication scenarios can
be distinguished.
12SCH/I-Telecom-Crypto (95) 37, rev 4
Encryption scenarios
Two types of encryption are considered
air-interface encryption (A) and end-to-end
encryption (B). Air-interface encryption is
encryption of the radio link between the mobile
terminal and the infrastructure. In case of
end-to-end encryption the information is
encrypted at the originating terminal and only
decrypted at the destination terminal. This is
illustrated in figure 2 where communication takes
place via the infrastructure.
Figure 2 The use of air-interface encryption
(A) and end-to-end encryption (B) via the
13SCH/I (98) 76
The minimum requirements for ensuring
cross-border communications the Schengen
partners are as follows 1. Police cooperation
in the border areas (Art. 39) Spatial
requirements - On both sides of the internal
borders - inside the border areas, as laid down
in the repective bilateral agreements, -
otherwise up to 50 Km inside the territory of the
neighbouring State Kravene for å oppfylle
Art. 40 (Cross-border surveillance) og Art. 41
Cross-border pursuit) er også satt til minimum 50
Km inn i naboland. De funksjonelle krav som er
beskrevet er tilsvarende kommunikasjons scenario
beskrevet i Sch/I-Telecom-Crypto (95) 37, men i
tillegg er det også krav om mulighet for
DMO-samtale mellom politimenn fra begge
involverte land.
14Henvisninger Schengenavtalen
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søkeportal http//www.europa.eu.int/pol/justice/i