Title: Chapter 3: Ancient Indian Civilizations
1Chapter 12 - The Civilizations of East Asia
Section 3 - Japan, Korea, and SE Asia
2The Story Continues Japan is a chain of islands
in the western Pacific Ocean off the east coast
of Asia. A Chinese observer once wrote about
Japan, The land of Japan is warm and mild. In
winter as in summer, the people live on raw
vegetables and go about barefoot. Although Japan
is a country of great scenic beauty, its
environment has often turned against its people.
3I. Japan - Geography
Japan consists of a string of thousands of
mountainous islands east of Asia
4II. Japan - History
Prehistoric people from Asia settled in Japan and
organized themselves into clans
Jomon period clay figurines known as dogu (ca.
14,000 - 300 B.C.E)
Storage jar, late Yayoi period (ca. 4th century
B.C.3rd century A.D.) ca. 100200
5II. Japan - History
The Japanese belief in gods or nature spirits
called kami developed into the Shinto religion
6II. Japan - History
Chinese religion, art, science, government, and
fashion influenced Japanese society
7II. Japan - History
Eventually, a distinct culture developed the
worlds first novel, The Tale of Genji, was
written in Japanese
8III. Feudal Japan
Japans feudal system had two sources of power
a central government under the emperor, and
powerful local landowners
9III. Feudal Japan
Over time the emperor lost power to shoguns who
controlled the military, finances, and law
Tokugawa Ieyasu the first Tokugawa Shogun
10III. Feudal Japan
At the local level, wealthy lords known as daimyo
gained power with private armies of samurai
11III. Feudal Japan
Samurai followed a code of behavior called
Bushido (way of the warrior) that stressed
bravery, loyalty, and honor
12III. Feudal Japan
Zen Buddhism came from China in the 1100s and
became a significant cultural influence
Zen Garden
13(No Transcript)
14IV. Korea
The Korean Peninsula was settled by nomadic
peoples from northeastern Asia
15IV. Korea
The first strong Korean kingdom, Choson, emerged
by the early 100s B.C.
16IV. Korea
c. 108 B.C. Han China conquered Choson and
controlled northwest Korea for 400 years
17IV. Korea
About 670 the Silla united Korea for the first
time, but was overthrown in 935 by the Koryo
18IV. Korea
The Mongols ruled from the mid-1200s until 1392,
when the Yi dynasty was established
19IV. Korea
Korean aristocrats had great influence on Koreas
political development, limiting the power of the
Korean aristocrats enjoying their "Luncheon on
the Grass"
20V. Civilizations in Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia was strongly influenced by both
China and India
21V. Civilizations in Southeast Asia
The Vietnamese adopted Mahayana Buddhism, their
writing system, and political organization from
22V. Civilizations in Southeast Asia
The Khmer Empire was influenced by India and
controlled much of Southeast Asia between 850 and