Title: Fort Gordon Commanders
1Fort Gordon Commanders First Sergeants
Orientation Course Class FG-CFSOC 08- 001
Our Mission Provide Installations that enable
Soldier and Family readiness, and provide a
quality of life that matches the quality of
service they provide to the Nation.
Leading Change for Installation
2Mr. Angel Torres Course Facilitator DPTMS,
Training Division Schools Services
Branch Bldg. 29610 706.791.6383 angel.torresespa
3Scope of Course
The Commanders/ First Sergeants Orientation
Course is a 36-hour training program designed to
prepare and orient Company Commanders and First
Sergeants for duty at Fort Gordon.
4Purpose of Course
The course provides Company Commanders and First
Sergeants information of resources, policies,
programs, regulations, and other requirements
pertinent to performing their duties
responsibilities on Fort Gordon.
5Administrative Information
- Monday Thursday 0815-1600
- Friday 0815-1200
- Sign in Roster Daily Sign In Mandatory
- Absence or delay should be coordinated.
- Only 4 hours of training can be missed.
- Brigade Cdrs will be notified of non-completion.
6Administrative Information
- Cell phones set to vibrate.
- No use of cell phones in class.
- 1 hour lunch period daily. Be back on time.
- Breaks will be coordinated as needed.
- Drinks/Food allowed. Police after yourself.
7Administrative Information
- Snack / Rest Rooms Location
- Course produces a Certificate of Training.
8 Questions
Sustain, Support and Defend