Title: The Battle of Marathon 490 B'C'
1The Battle of Marathon490 B.C.
NS 410
- Learning Objectives
- Time Line and Background
- Geographic Location
- Type of Amphibious operation
- Key Players
- Summary of events
- Key Considerations
- Lessons Learned
500 B.C. - Ionian Revolt in Asia minor 490 B.C.
- Battle of Marathon MAP 481 B.C. - Greek
League Greek league against Persia, with Sparta
in charge of the army, and Athens, the navy. 480
B.C. - Battle at Thermopylae MAP 479 B.C. -
Battle at Salamis MAP 479 B.C. - Battle at
Aristides forms Delian League Athens, in charge
of the Delian League, went on the offensive to
free the Ionian cities. 449 B.C. - Peace of
Callias Persia and Athens sign peace treaty.
4Learning Objectives
- Understand the battle of Marathon as it pertains
to the Levels of War (Policy, Strategy,
Operational, and Tactical). - Understand the 4 types of amphibious operations
and how they relate to the battle of Marathon. - Comprehend the conduct of the amphibious
operation by the Persians, particularly the
choice to land at Marathon. - Relate the conduct and success/failure of the
battle to the 9 Principles of War and key terms
of MCDP-1 Warfighting .
5General Significance
- Classic examples of
- Land power vs. sea power.
- Heavy infantry shock system vs. light cavalry
missile power. - Policy, Strategy, Operational Levels of War.
- 9 Principles of War.
- 4 types of Amphibious Operations.
6Ancient Map Orientation
7Geographic Location
8Amphib Assault
- Athenians
- Led by Miltiades Callimachus
- 10,000 troops
- Phalanx formations
- Heavy Infantry
- Shock Action/No firepower
- No cavalry
- Unbreakable front, vulnerable flanks.
- Persians
- Led by Darius
- Datis - Army Cmdr
- Artaphernes - Navy Cmdr
- 600 galleys
- 10-15,000 troops
- Light force
- Primarily cavalry
- Missile power, no shock.
9Key Players Greek Hoplite
Hoplon 32-40 diam.
Leaf blade 2
10Key PlayersPersian Armament
11Why invade the Athenians?
- Punish Athenians for supporting the Ionian revolt
in 499 B.C. - Secure west flank of Aegean Sea for Sea Lines of
Communication (SLOC). - To secure south flank for attack on Scythians.
- To build the Persian Empire.
12How to get to the fight? Darius has 2 options
- By land, supported logistically by the navy.
- Persian strength - Army
- Not limited on the number of troops
- Long, difficult, time consuming route.
- By sea, with an amphibious landing.
- Direct route
- Persia is not a naval power.
- Size of invasion force limited by transport
13Lets Invade - Take 1
- 492 B.C. - Darius attacks by land, supported
logistically by the Navy. - Movement halted when the navy is destroyed in a
storm off of Mt Athos.
14Lets Invade - Take 2
- 490 B.C. - Darius decides to conduct an
amphibious operation.
Sack Eretria first. (Amphib Raid)
15Why land Marathon?
- Why land at Marathon, far from Athens? Why not
land at Athens? - Intel from Hippias.
- Unopposed Landing site.
- Draw the garrison army out of Athens.
- Conduct an amphibious envelopment on an
unprotected Athens. - Marathon supposedly has good terrain for cavalry.
Force the enemy to react to you.
Amphib Operations as a form of envelopment.
The influence of terrain and geography.
16What happened?
Landing is rarely the key problem
- Persians land unopposed at Marathon.
- Stay on beach and bivouac.
- Beach is not suitable for cavalry.
- Athenians arrive from the inland route and
observe Persians encamped on the beach. - Wait for Spartans to reinforce (2 weeks),
- OR
- Attack now, before Persian plans develop further.
Seize the Initiative
17Conduct of the Battle
- Athenians attack Persians on the beach.
- They extend the phalanx, reinforce the flanks and
thin their center. - They anchor the flanks along terrain obstacles.
- Persians push through the weakened Greek center.
- The strong Greek flanks destroy the lightly armed
Persian flanks, and collapse on the Persian
center (double envelopment). - Hand-to-hand combat decisive victory for
Maneuver put the enemy at a disadvantage.
18Conduct of the Battle
Persians Frontal Attack Athenians Double
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21What happened next?
- Persian forces still attempted an amphibious
envelopment on Athens. - Successful Athenians returned to the city via
inland, direct route - Spartan reinforcements arrived
- Political intrigue did not manifest in fall of
Athens - End result Persians unable to land and conduct
decisive battle
- Interesting attempt by Persians to use amphibious
operations to draw the army out of Athens and
then conduct and amphibious envelopment on
Athens. - Darius had one land and one navy commander (Split
Command). - Persians failure to move off the beach allowed
the Athenians to seize the initiative, block
exits, and choose the battlefield.
23Conclusions (cont.)
- Athenians tactical control of the battle and
initiative negated the strengths of the Persian
army. - KIA 192 Greeks to 6,400 Persians
- Persians forced to conduct a difficult amphibious