Aftermath of the Persian Wars - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Aftermath of the Persian Wars


Aftermath of the Persian Wars Psycho-Cultural History and the Classical Moment? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Aftermath of the Persian Wars

Aftermath of the Persian Wars
  • Psycho-Cultural History and the Classical Moment?

Western Thinkers on Persian Wars
  • The Persian Wars live immortal not in the
    historical records of Nations only, but also of
    Science and of Art--of the Noble and the Moral
    generally. For these are World-Historical
    Victories they were the salvation of culture and
    spiritual vigor and they rendered the Asiatic
    principle powerless.
  • G.W.F. Hegel, The Philosophy of History
  • trans. Sibree (New York 1956) pg. 257
  • The battle of Marathon, even as an event in
    English history, is more important than the
    battle of Hastings. If the issue of that day had
    been different, the Britons and the Saxons might
    still have been wandering in the woods.
  • J.S. Mill, Discussions and Dissertations
  • Vol. 2 (London 1859) pg. 283

Persian Invasions and Evolution of Historical
  • Aeschylus Persians (472 BCE)
  • Commemoration of the Dead at Marathon
  • Herodotus Histories
  • Later Historical Memories and Associations
  • The Galatian Invasions of 280-279 BCE
  • See Polybius, Histories, 2.35

Athens Role in Persian WarsMarathonomachoi
  • Herodotus, Histories, 7.139

(No Transcript)
Marathon Tumulus
At this point I am forced to declare an opinion
that most people will find offensive yet,
because I think it is true, I will not hold back.
If the Athenians had taken fright at the
approaching danger and had left their own
country, or even if they had not left it but had
remained and surrendered to Xerxes, no one would
have tried to oppose the King at sea. If there
had been no opposition to the King at sea, what
happened on land would have been this even if
the Peloponnesians had drawn many walls around
the Isthmus for their defense, the Spartans would
have been betrayed by their allies, not because
the allies chose to do so but out of necessity as
they were taken, polis by polis, by the fleet of
the barbarian thus the Spartans would have been
isolated and, though isolated, would have done
deeds of the greatest valor and died nobly. That
would have been what happened or else they
would, before this end, have seen that all the
other Greeks had Medized and so themselves would
have come to an agreement with Xerxes. In both
these cases, all of Greece would have been
subdued by the Persians.So, as it stands now, a
man who declares that the Athenians were the
saviors of Greece would hit the very truth.
Legends of Divine Intervention
  • Herodotus 6.105 (Pan)
  • Plutarch, Theseus, 35
  • Theseus emerges from the Underworld
  • Pausanias 1.15.3
  • Theseus emerges from Underworld
  • Addition of Marathon, Athena, Echetlus, and

  • First of all, when the generals were still
    within the city, they sent a herald to Sparta,
    one Philippides, an Athenian, who was a day-long
    runner and a professional. According to the story
    of Philippides himself, and what he told the
    Athenians, Pan met him on Mount Parthenium, above
    Tegea. Pan shouted his name, Philippides, and
    commanded him to say this to the Athenians Why
    do you pay no heed to Pan, who is a good friend
    to the Athenian people, has been many times of
    use to you, and will be so again? This story the
    Athenians were convinced was true, and when the
    Athenian fortunes had again settled for the good,
    they set up a shrine for Pan under the Acropolis
    and propitiated the god himself with sacrifices
    and torch races, in accord with the message he
    had sent them.
  • Herodotus, Histories, 6.105

  • In after timesthe Athenians moved to honor
    Theseus as a demi-god, especially by the fact
    that many of those who fought at Marathon against
    the Persians thought they saw an apparition of
    Theseus in arms rushing on in front of them
    against the barbarians.
  • Plutarch, Life of Theseus, 35

  • At the end of the painting are those who fought
    at Marathon the Boeotians of Plataea and the
    attic contingent are coming to blows with the
    barbarians. In this place neither side has the
    advantage, but the center of the fighting shows
    the barbarians in flight and pushing one another
    into the morass, while at the end of the painting
    are the Phoenician ships, and the Greeks killing
    the barbarians who are scrambling into them. Here
    is also a portrait of the hero Marathon, after
    whom the plain is named, of Theseus represented
    as coming up from the Underworld, of Athena and
    of Heracles.
  • Pausanias, 1.15.3

Second Persian InvasionBattle at Salamis
Divine Intervention at Salamis
  • Herodotus, 7.189-193
  • Boreas works against Xerxes fleet
  • Poseidon destroys Persian ships off Cape
  • Pausanias, 1.36.1-2
  • Hero Cychrius appears as sea-serpent at Salamis
  • Plutarch, Moralia, 349f-350a
  • Artemis Mounychia (full moon) at Salamis

Herodotus, Histories, 7.189 (Boreas)
  • It is said that the Athenians had summoned
    Boreas, the North Wind, to help them, being so
    bidden to do so by a prophecy, there having been
    another oracle given them to call in their
    son-in-law to help them. Now, according to the
    Greek story, Boreas married an Attic wife,
    Orithyia, daughter of Erectheus. The Athenians
    construed this in terms of a marriage connection
    with themselves, so the tale goes, and saw Boreas
    as their son-in-law. They were at their station
    in Chalchis in Euboea when they saw that the
    storm was rising, and then, or even before then,
    they sacrificed to Boreas and Orithyia and called
    on them to come to their help and to destroy the
    ships of the barbarians, even as before, at Athos
    see 6.44. Now, whether this was why Boreas fell
    upon the barbarians as they anchored there, I
    cannot say. But the Athenians say that Boreas
    came to their help before and now again, and that
    this action was his and so, when they came home,
    they built a shrine to Boreas by the river

Pausanias, 1.36.1 (Cychreus)
  • In Salamis is a sanctuary of Artemis, and also a
    trophy erected in honor of the victory which
    Themistocles the son of Neocles won for the
    Greeks. There is also a sanctuary of Cychreus.
    When the Athenians were fighting the Persians at
    sea, a serpent is said to have appeared in the
    fleet, and the god in an oracle told the
    Athenians that it was Cychreus the hero.

Herodotus 7.192 (Poseidon)
  • Anyway, on the fourth day the storm ceased with
    Persian fleet severely damaged off the Sepiad
    headland. The day-watchers on the Euboean
    heights ran down from their positions on the
    second day after the storms commencement and
    told the Greeks of all that had happened in the
    shipwrecking. Then the Greeks, when they learned
    this, made prayers to Poseidon the Savior and,
    having poured libations, hastened back with all
    possible speed to Artemisium, having formed the
    expectation that there would be very few ships
    left to oppose them.

Artemision Zeus (or Poseidon?)Life-Size Bronze
Statue, ca. 460-450 BCE
Historical Events and Artistic Innovations
  • A Problem of Causality

Pollitt, Classical Art and the Persian War
  • What factors were there which might be said to
    have brought into being this new analysis of
    consciousness in Early Classical art? It seems
    something more than a natural evolution from what
    had gone on in the Archaic period and should
    perhaps be ascribed to both a new self-confidence
    and a new uneasiness which arose among many
    thoughtful Greeks in the wake of the Persian
  • Art and Experience in Classical Greece

New York Kourosca. 600 BCE
Anavysos Kourosca. 530 BCE
Peplos Koreca. 530 BCE
Strangford Apolloca. 490 BCE (Lemnos?)
Critias Boy (Athens) ca. 480-475 BCE
Mourning Athena, Athens, ca. 470 BCE
Charioteer of Delphica. 478 or 474 BCE
Temple of Olympia, East Pediment, Seer, ca.
460 BCE
Riace Bronze ca. 450 BCE
Greek Victory and Greek Collective Identities
  • Centripetal Forces (Panhellenism)
  • Validation of Greek Way of Life
  • Articulation of to Hellenikon (see especially
    Herodotus, 8.144)
  • Centrifugal Forces
  • Athens and Sparta as Leaders
  • Medizing States
  • Athenian Growth and Spartan Suspicion
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