Title: MEAP
- What is it?
- Why do we administer it?
- What can parents do to help?
2The Michigan Educational Assessment Program
(MEAP) was initiated by the State Board of
Education for the purpose of determining what
students know and what students are able to do,
as compared to standards set by the State Board
of Education, at key checkpoints during the
students academic careers. (Michigan
Department of Education)
3According to the Michigan Department of
Education, when used properly, MEAP tests can
- Measure academic achievement as compared to
expectations, and whether it is improving over
time - Determine whether improvement programs and
policies are having the desired effect - Target academic help where its needed.
4Students are tested on what Michigan educators
believe they should know and be able to do in the
content areas of mathematics, reading, writing,
science and social studies.
5Third and fourth graders are tested in the areas
of Mathematics and English Language Arts (reading
and writing). Fifth graders are tested in these
content areas as well as Science. This year, the
tests will be given from October 14th through the
6Testing Schedule
- Tuesday, October 14th Math
- Thursday, October 16th English Language Arts
(ELA) Session 1 - Monday, October 20th Math makeup
- Tuesday, October 21st ELA Session 2
- Wednesday, October 22nd ELA Session 1 makeup
- Thursday, October 23rd Science
- Monday, October 27th ELA Session 2 makeup
- Tuesday, October 28th Science makeup
- Wednesday, October 29th makeup
- Thursday, October 30th makeup
7The MEAP is a criterion referenced test, meaning
that the results are reported as performance
against a standard. That is, against the
standards developed by Michigan educators and
approved by the state Board of Education.
8Students are judged based on whether or not they
meet a standard and their performance is not
compared to that of other students, as is the
case with norm-referenced tests.
9Parents can help their children be more prepared
for the MEAP tests
- Spend time daily reading with your child using
many resources such as stories, informational
texts, and newspapers. - Help your child practice the basic math facts in
addition and subtraction, zero (0) through (18). - Help your child practice basic multiplication and
division facts. - Encourage your child to use mental math to
solve problems.
10You can also help by
Helping your child choose comfortable clothing to
wear on test days.
Avoiding scheduled appointments on MEAP days.
Research shows that students do better when
tested with their classmates rather than during a
make-up session.
Making sure your child arrives at school on time.
Ensuring that your child eats a wholesome
breakfast, high in protein.
Encouraging your child to be relaxed, while
helping him or her to understand the need to stay
on task and try ones best.
- Making sure that your child gets a good nights
sleep and is well rested.
11State of Michigan officials consider the results
of the MEAP to be crucial in knowing how well
individual students and schools are doing. It is
important that teachers and parents work together
to help children succeed.
12For more information on the MEAP, visit the
Michigan Department of Educations web site at