Title: OEAA NAEP Update MEAP Online
1OEAA NAEP Update / MEAP Online
- Paul Stemmer
- Michigan Department of Education
- OEAA Conference 2006
2NAEP and MEAP Differences
- Sample of districts
- More constructed response
- Test Content Framework
- Used for Research and National Policy Funding
- Every student tested, unlimited time, same
questions, - GLCE Benchmarks
- Used for accountability
3NAEP Grade 4 Mathematics Achievement
4NAEP Grade 8 Mathematics Achievement
5NAEP Grade 4 Reading Achievement
6NAEP Grade 8 Reading Achievement
7NAEP Grade 4 Science Achievement
8NAEP Grade 8 Science Achievement
9What is Online Assessment?
- Online Assessment
- Is this the future of assessment?
- Why online assessment?
- Students enjoy it more
- Immediate Feedback
- Reduce Administrative Overhead
- Reduce testing and administrative errors
- Current Limitations
- Hardware, Bandwidth
10Pearson Educational Measurement
11Pearson Educational Measurement
12Pearson Educational Measurement Example
13Pearson Educational Measurement Example
14Pearson Educational Measurement Example
15Pearson Educational Measurement Example
16Pearson Educational Measurement Example
17Pearson Educational Measurement
18Intelligent Essay Assessor
- Features of the Intelligent Essay Assessor
- Proven reliability
- Individually tailored feedback is returned in
seconds - A hosted application capable of scoring millions
of essays a day - Built in detectors for plagiarism, abnormal
English, highly unusual essays - Able to provide practice and drill with a
textbook and study guide not used in MEAP
19Online Assessment Uses
- State-wide (Summative/Formative)
- Multiple Choice
- Constructed Response
- Local Assessment (Formative/Summative)
- Determine skill levels
- Diagnostic
20Local Assessment
- Scantron
- NWEA MAP (Meas Acad Prog)
- CTB Terra Nova
21Problem to state implementation?
- How do we get to 30 of students?
- Grade?
- Type of testing
- Supplemental tests
- MEAP 3-8?
22Force Field Analysis
- For
- Immediate Feedback
- Less errors
- Easier Admin
- Reduced costs (greater 30)
- Against
- Lack of Hardware
- Lack of Bandwidth
23Contact Information
- Paul Stemmer, Ph.D.
- Office of Educational Assessmentand
Accountability - Michigan Department of Education
- PO Box 30008
- Lansing, MI 48909
- (517) 241-2360
- stemmerp_at_mi.gov