Title: The Christian man who is a real man
1The Christian man who is a real man
I. Masculinity, is it only physical?
- God says He looked for a man and could not
find one, Eze. 2230, Jer. 51
- These passages show masculinity involves more
than just the physical body
2The Christian man who is a real man
I. Masculinity, is it only physical?
- God gave the man the role of leadership,
1 Tim.
211-15, Eph. 523
- Woman is described as the "weaker vessel" 1
Pet. 37 - Note that it does not imply inferiority.
3The Christian man who is a real man
I. Masculinity, is it only physical?
- The man has been given role of providing for
Gen. 317-19
- Woman given the role of childbearing/guiding
Gen. 316, 1 Tim. 514
4The Christian man who is a real man
I. Masculinity, is it only physical?
- In the Scriptures some men had everything
physically but were weaklings, because they did
not have any character!
5The Christian man who is a real man
I. Masculinity, is it only physical?
- In the Scriptures some men had everything
physically but were weaklings, because they did
not have any character!
- King Saul, 1 Sam. 1511-23
6The Christian man who is a real man
I. Masculinity, is it only physical?
- In the Scriptures some men had everything
physically but were weaklings, because they did
not have any character!
7The Christian man who is a real man
II. Show Thyself A Man!
1 Kings 21-3
- Examples of men who showed strength of
- Joseph, Gen. 391-12
- Moses, Acts 720-22, Heb.
8The Christian man who is a real man
III. Your body, is it a asset or a liability?
- What is your attitude toward your body, how is
it to be used?
- The Christian attitude, 1 Cor.
619-20, Ps. 13914 - A mark of maturity is self- control, 1 Cor.
9The Christian man who is a real man
III. Your body, is it a asset or a liability?
- Whether our body is an asset or liability
depends on our self-discipline
- Alcohol, Prov. 2331-35
- Other habits that harm our bodies, 1 Cor. 612
10The Christian man who is a real man
III. Your body, is it a asset or a liability?
- Whether our body is an asset or liability
depends on our self-discipline
11(No Transcript)