Pre-Nicene Eastern Christian Initiation: Egypt - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Pre-Nicene Eastern Christian Initiation: Egypt


Pre-Nicene Eastern Christian Initiation: Egypt – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Pre-Nicene Eastern Christian Initiation: Egypt

Pre-Nicene Eastern Christian Initiation Egypt
Excerpts of Theodotus(c. 160-170 CE)
  • 76 As, therefore, the birth of the Savior
    released us from becoming and from fate, so
    also his baptism rescued us from fire, and his
    passion rescued us from passion in order that we
    might in all things follow him. For he who was
    baptized for God advanced toward God and has
    received power to walk upon scorpions and
    snakes Luke 1019, the evil powers. And he
    commands the disciples Matthew 2819, in whom
    we are born again, becoming higher than all the
    other powers.

  • 77 Therefore baptism is called death and an end
    of the old life when we take leave of the evil
    principalities, but it is also called life
    according to Christ, of which he is sole Lord.
    But the power of the transformation of him who is
    baptized does not concern the body but the soul,
    for he who comes up out of the water is
    unchanged. From the moment when he comes up from
    baptism he is called a servant of God even by the
    unclean spirits and they now tremble at him
    whom shortly before they obsessed.

  • 78. Until baptism, they say, fate is real, but
    after it the astrologers are no longer right.
    But it is not only the washing that is
    liberating, but the knowledge of who we were, and
    what we have become, where we were or where we
    were placed, whither we hasten, from what we are
    redeemed, what birth is, and what rebirth.
  • 79. So long, then, they say, as the seed is yet
    unformed, it is the offspring of the female, but
    when it was formed it is changed to a man and
    becomes a son of the bridegroom. It is no longer
    weak and subject to the cosmic forces, both
    visible and invisible, but having been made
    masculine, it becomes a male fruit.

  • 80. He whom the mother generates is led into
    death and into the world, but he whom Christ
    regenerates is transferred to life into the
    Ogdoad. And they die to the world but live to
    God, that death may be loosed by death and
    corruption by resurrection. For he who has been
    sealed by the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is
    beyond threats of every other power and by the
    three names has been released from the whole
    triad of corruption. Having borne the image of
    the earthly, it then bears the image of the
    heavenly. 1 Corinthians 1549

  • 81. The material element of fire lays hold of
    all material things, and the pure and immaterial
    element lays hold of immaterial things such as
    demons, angels of evil, and the devil himself.
    Thus the heavenly fire is dual in its nature,
    belonging partly to the mind, partly to the
    senses. By analogy, therefore, baptism is also
    dual in its nature, the sensible part works
    through water which extinguishes the sensible
    fire, but the intellectual through spirit, a
    defense against the intellectual fire. And the
    material spirit when it is little becomes food
    and kindling for the sensible fire, but when it
    has increased it has become an extinguisher, but
    the Spirit given us from above, since it is
    immaterial, rules not only over the elements, but
    over the powers and the evil principalities.

  • 82. And the bread and the oil are sanctified by
    the power of the Name, and they are not the same
    as they appeared to be when they were received,
    but they have been transformed by power into
    spiritual power. Thus, the water, also, both in
    exorcism and baptism, not only keeps off evil,
    but gives sanctification as well.
  • 83. It is fitting to go to baptism with joy,
    but, since unclean spirits often go down into the
    water with some and these spirits following and
    gaining the seal together with the candidate
    become impossible to cure for the future, fear is
    joined with joy, in order that only he who is
    pure may go down to the water.

  • 84. Therefore let there be fastings,
    supplications, prayers, raising of hands,
    kneelings because a soul is being saved from the
    world and from the mouth of lions Psalm
    2122. Wherefore there is immediate temptation
    for those who long also for the things from which
    they have separated, and even if one has
    foreknowledge to endure them, yet the outward man
    is shaken.

  • 85. Even the Lord after baptism was troubled
    like we are and was first with beasts in the
    desert. Then when he had prevailed over them and
    their ruler as if already a true king, he was
    already served by angels. For he who ruled over
    angels in the flesh was fittingly served already
    by angels. Therefore we must put on the Lords
    armor and keep body and soul invulnerable armor
    that is able to quench the darts of the devil,
    as the apostle says Ephesians 616.

  • 86. In the case of the coin that was brought to
    him, the Lord did not say whose property is it,
    but, whose image and superscription? Caesars,
    that it might be given to him whose it is. So
    likewise the faithful he has the name of God
    through Christ as a superscription and the Spirit
    as an image. And dumb animals show by a seal
    whose property each is, and are claimed from the
    seal. Thus also the faithful soul receives the
    seal of truth and bears about the marks of
    Christ Luke 117. These are the children who
    are now resting in bed and the wise virgins
    Matthew 251, with whom the others, who are
    late, did not enter into the good which have
    been prepared on which the angels desire to gaze
    I Corinthians 29 1 Peter 112.

  • Who ?
  • Did (or refrained from doing) what
  • Catechumenate of indeterminate length fr. 84
  • Fasting
  • Prayer
  • Exorcism
  • Oral instruction
  • Solemn exorcism and renunciation of Satan
    precedes the water rites fr. 77, 81
  • Baptism by immersion with anointing in the name
    of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit fr. 80,
  • Eucharist fr. 82
  • When no particular feast / season
  • Where no particular site

  • What it meant
  • Called seal
  • Peoples destiny is controlled by the stars and
    the evil powers them embody
  • Christ is the new star who brings release as
  • Baptism accomplishes this release, because it
    brings about the death of the old, entrapped self
    and rebirth of a new self and life
  • Baptism transforms ones spirit and consists
    primarily of gnosis fr. 78
  • The transformed neophytes radiate a new power
    that triumphs over ever evil

Clement of Alexandria (c. 150 215 CE)
  • Protreptikos Exhortation to the Greeks 12
  • Sail past the song of the Sirens. It works
    death. Exert your will only, and you have
    overcome ruin. Bound to the wood of the cross,
    be freed from destruction. The word of God will
    be your pilot, and the Holy spirit will bring you
    to anchor in the haven of heaven. Then you shall
    see my God, and be initiated into the sacred
    mysteries, and come to the fruition of those
    things which are laid up in heaven reserved for
    me, which ear had not heard, or have they
    entered into the heart of any 1 Cor 29.

  • Come, O madman, not leaning on the thyrsus, not
    crowned with ivy throw away the miter, throw
    away the fawn-skin come to your senses. I will
    show you the Word, expounding them after your own
    fashion. This is the mountain beloved of God,
    not the subject of tragedies. a mount of
    sobriety, shaded with forests of purity, and
    there revel on it, not the Maenades,practicing
    in the initiatory rites unholy division of flesh,
    but the daughters of God, the fair lambs, who
    celebrate the holy rites of the Word, raising a
    sober choral dance.

  • The righteous are the universe. The maidens
    strike the lyre, the angels praise, the prophets
    speak the sound of music issues forth, they run
    and pursue the jubilant band those that are
    called make haste, eagerly desiring to receive
    the Father.
  • Come also, O aged man, leaving Thebes and,
    casting away from you both divination and Bacchic
    frenzy, allow yourself to be led to the truth. I
    give the staff of the cross on which to lean.
    Haste Tiresias believe, and you will see.
    Christ, by whom the eyes of the blind recover
    sight, will shed on youre a light brighter than
    the sun night will flee from you, fire will
    fear, death will be gone you, old man, who did
    not see Thebes, shall see the heavens!

  • O truly sacred mysteries! O stainless light! My
    way is lighted with torches, and I survey the
    heavens and God I become holy while I am
    initiated. The Lord is the hierophant, and seals
    while illuminating him who is initiated and
    presents to the Father him who believes, to be
    kept safe forever. Such are the reveries of my
    mysteries. If it is your wish, be also
    initiated and you shall join the choir along
    with angels around the begotten and
    indestructible and the only true God, the Word of
    God, raising the hymn with us.

  • Paidagogos Christ the Tutor 3, 12, 101
  • Bridle-bit of colts untamed,
  • Thou Wing of birds not straying
  • Firm Rudder of our ships at sea,
  • Thou Shepherd of Gods regal sheep.
  • Thy simple children
  • Gather round Thee.
  • They would sing holily,
  • They would hymn truthfully,
  • With lips never stained,
  • To Thee, O Christ, their Guide.

  • O Thou King of saints,
  • Word of Father on high,
  • Thou Governor of all things,
  • Ruling ever wisely,
  • Balm for all labors,
  • Source of endless joy,
  • Jesus, Holy Savior
  • Of men who cry to Thee

  • Thou Shepherd, Thou Husbandman,
  • Thou Rudder, Thou Bridle-bit,
  • O Wing, heaven leading
  • The flock of innocence
  • Fisher of men
  • Drawn safely in
  • From ocean of sin
  • Snaring to spotless life
  • Fish unstained by
  • Sea of hostile foe

  • O all-hallowed Shepherd,
  • Guide us, Thy children,
  • Guide Thy sheep safely, O King!
  • The footsteps of Christ
  • Are pathway to heaven,
  • Of ages unbounded,
  • Everlasting Word,
  • Light of eternity,
  • Well-spring of Mercy,

  • Who virtue instills
  • In hearts offering God
  • The gift of their reverence,
  • O Jesus, our Christ!
  • Milk of the bride,
  • Given of heaven,
  • Pressed from sweet breasts
  • Gifts of thy wisdom

  • These Thy little ones
  • Draw for their nourishment
  • With infancys lips
  • Filling their souls
  • With spiritual savor
  • From breasts of the Word.

  • Let us all sing
  • To Christ, our King,
  • Songs of sweet innocence,
  • Hymns of bright purity,
  • Hallowed gratefulness
  • For teachings of life
  • Let us praise gladsomely
  • So mighty a Child.

  • Let us, born of Christ,
  • Chant out in unison,
  • Loud chorus of peace,
  • We, undefiled, pure flock,
  • To God, Lord of peace.

  • Who ?
  • Did (or refrained from doing) what
  • Forty-day catechesis?
  • Pre-baptismal anointing?
  • Water rites
  • Post-baptismal Eucharistic participation
  • When Epiphany / forty-day fast
  • Where ?
  • What it meant free gift, enlightenment,
    perfection, cleansing

Origen of Alexandria(c. 185 - 253 CE)
  • Homilies on Joshua 4
  • Lest you think that the acts performed in early
    times have no effect on you who are just now
    hearing them, they are accomplished in you in
    mystery. For you, for instance, who have just
    recently left idolatrys darkness and want to
    draw near to hear the Law of God, you are leaving
    Egypt for the first time. When you joined the
    company of catechumens and have begun to observe
    the precepts of the church, you crossed the Red

  • And now, in place of the daily stops in the
    desert, you are free to hear the Law of God and
    to gaze at the face of Moses, through which the
    glory of the Lord is revealed. If you then come
    to the mystical font of baptism and, standing in
    the midst of the priests and Levites, you are
    initiated into those venerable and expansive
    mysteries, known only to those for whom it is
    lawful, then, on crossing the Jordan, thanks to
    the ministry of priests, you too will enter the
    Promised Land. There Jesus, in Moses place,
    receives you, and he himself becomes for you the
    leader of the new journey.

  • Who priests / Levites / catechumens / competents
  • Did (or refrained from doing) what
  • Oral instruction on the Bible 3 years?
  • Exorcisms
  • Renunciation of Satan
  • Blessing of water and oil
  • Immersion in baptismal water with recitation of
  • Post-baptismal anointing
  • Vesting in a white garment
  • Use of baptismal candles
  • Procession to the Eucharist
  • When Pascha
  • Where?

  • What it meant
  • Water baptism first stage in journey to God /
    purification / regeneration / initiation into
    Christ / endowment with the Holy Spirit
  • Baptism of the Holy Spirit acquisition of
  • Baptism of fire remedial chastisement
  • Baptism of blood martyrdom
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