Title: Rock
1Rock Soil Mechanics
- Course Coordinator
- Donald A. Cameron
- 2006
2Course outline - Rocks
- Module 1 core drilling and logging
groundwater rock testing hemispherical
projection methods rock mass classification
stress theories and strength criteria bearing
capacity slope stability
3Module 1 Soil Mechanics
- Estimate the influence of surface loads on soil
stresses - Understand the principles of consolidation
- Have a knowledge of direct shear and triaxial
tests and their applicability to common soil
engineering problems - Prepare the design of non-embedded retaining
walls - Analyse slope stability with pore water pressures
4Module 2 Soil Mechanics
- Estimate immediate long term settlements
- Design shallow footings for bearing capacity
- Design deep footings for vertical loading
- Design a site investigation program with an
understanding of the available methods of
investigation and sampling
51. Soil Stresses
- Revision of dead weight stresses and effective
stress - Horizontal earth pressures at rest
- Simple analyses - for uniformly loaded areas,
over a deep layer of homogeneous and isotropic
material material - Stress bulb concept
- ??H in a soil mass,
- are not the same as the
- vertical stresses, ???z
7An Earth Pressure State
- K Ko
- The soil is unable to move laterally
- - it cannot expand OR contract
- e.g soil confined in a large body of soil
- no buildings, no cuttings
- The earth pressure coefficient is a ratio of
EFFECTIVE soil stresses - SO,
- must take into account the pore water pressures
- ? ?? total stress pwp
- ? - u
9Soil Response to an External Load
- Hookes Law
- Youngs Modulus, Es
- Poissons ratio, ?s
- Soil is a non-Hookean material
- Non-linear elasticity up to peak strength
10Elastic theory Boussinesq (1885)
- Extra soil stresses, ??v (or ??z) , due to a
surface loading for - Homogeneous soil
- Isotropic soil
- Linear elastic
- Semi-infinite layers
11Stress influence factor,
Note only about 10 of q felt at z 4r
12Stress Bulb Concept
- ??v 10 q in soil plots almost as a circle
(strip footings) or a sphere (square or circular
pad footings)
Zone of influence
13Most useful Elastic Stress solutions
- corner of a flexible rectangle, uniformly
loaded, finite soil
14Corners of rectangles
- GEOMETRIC SUPERPOSITION to get stresses below any
point - e.g. point A 3 rectangles
Rectangles must meet at a common corner
15In conclusion
- Soil carries stresses due to self weight, water
and past external forces. - New external loads due to buildings, embankments
or dams increases these pressures. - Elastic theory is commonly used to estimate the
stress increase for analysis of settlements.
16GEOMETRIC SUPERPOSITION Centre of a rectangle
L (gtB)
4 rectangles meeting at at a common corner
- 1D consolidation testing
- Consolidation parameters
- Settlement
- Rate of settlement
- Pre-consolidation pressure
- Excess pwp
- 1D consolidation
- Isochrones of excess pwp
- Geotechnical Practice!
- Non-recoverable or plastic settlement when loaded
- Saturated soils and time dependent consolidation
- No air voids in the sample
- External loading cant produce any immediate
change in volume of the soil! - undrained loading of a saturated soil, or
short term loading response - HOWEVER with time, the water can escape
- soil drainage
- Drainage is very slow
- permeability, k ? m/sec
- Settlement can only occur in the short term under
external vertical pressure, if the soil can
expand laterally - (since ?V 0)
- In 1-D loading, the soil is completely restrained
21The Long Term Response (constant load)
- Despite the low permeability, the soil will
drain, over months, or maybe years - reduction in void ratio, e
- Settlement!
- ?Vsoil ?Vwater
- sc ?Vw 1D consolidation
22Consolidation - definition
- Long-term settlement under constant external
pressure - through drainage of some pore water
- Equilibrium is reached, when the increase of
effective stress in the soil the increase of
total stress arising from the applied surface
pressure, i.e. - ??v ??'v
When the pwp returns to what it was before
external pressure was applied The spring then
takes all the extra stress, ??v
EXCESS pwp, ue, is lost through drainage
24In Summary
- Consolidation in saturated, low permeability
soils, under external loading, is about building
up the effective vertical stress by dissipating
the initial excess water pressure in the soil
through drainage - - or shedding of load back to the soil skeleton,
so that ?v? ?v
25End Note
- A consolidated soil is a physically improved
soil! - Less void space
- Greater contact between soil particles
- Stronger and stiffer!
26Testing for Consolidation Parameters
Void ratio and 1D Strain
- 1D only
27Time, t, after load application but before
- Intermediate level of pore water pressure
- u 0 at drainage surfaces, any time!
- soil drains though top or bottom face of sample
- Maximum path length?
- h H/2
28Intermediate pwp distribution, i.e. before
equilibrium is reached
x 0 kPa
x ut lt ueo
x 0 kPa
Drainage faces, u 0
29Information from testing
- Each stage
- Time rate of consolidation
- All loading stages
- Compressibility of the soil
- Pre-consolidation history of the soil
- Unloading stages
- rebound or swelling index
30coefficient of consolidation
- Is estimated from plots of settlement against
- LOG10 (time)
- AND using Terzaghis 1D Consolidation theory
31Terzaghis coefficient of volume compressibility,
32Compressibility Index, Cc
Void ratio, e
log10??v at end of test (kPa)
33Compressibility Index, Cc
34Preconsolidation pressure
Void ratio, e
NCL or virgin consolidation line
log10??v at end of test
35Over Consolidation Ratio (OCR)
- The ratio of the maximum past effective stress
- to the current effective stress
- Casagrande construction demonstrated in
- provides
- Pre-consolidation ratio and hence OCR
- Compressibility
- from which estimates of settlements may be made
- The time rate of settlement
rate of change of excess pwp fn(distribution of
pwp with depth)
38Normalized Parameters
Time factor
Depth factor
h maxm. length of flow path z depth from top
of soil layer
- The initial ue is constant with depth
- Possible, if the consolidating layer of soil is
thin and the loaded area is extensive
40Soft saturated clay layer
41SOLUTION Isochrones for ueo uniform throughout
Z, against consolidation ratio, Uz
42Consolidation ratio a pwp term
- ue,z excess pwp at depth, z, at time, t
- ue,z,o excess pwp at depth, z, at time, t 0
- Double draining layer
- Single draining layer
- use only half the plot, top or bottom
- Isochrones represent the distribution of the
excess pwp at any given time throughout the soil
layer - MUST KNOW
- The initial distribution of ue with depth, z
- The faces which drain
- cv
- SINCE the amount of 1D consolidation settlement
is ? volume of water lost - THEN
- the change in the distribution of ue with time
represents the of settlement that has occurred
46Settlement with time
A1 lost excess pwp A2 remaining excess
pwp A1/ (A1A2) settlement, U
47U consolidation with time
48Further Considerations
- 1. Lowering of water tables also causes
consolidation - as the effective stress in the soil is increased
- (since pwp is decreased)
- Get it over and done with
- Pre-loading
- Vertical sand drains
- Wick drains
- Avoid the problem
- Deep piling (only if soft soil is shallow)
- Stone columns
- Drainage and stiffening of soil
50In Summary
- Consolidation in saturated, low permeability
soils, under external loading, is about building
up the effective vertical stress by dissipating
the initial excess water pressure in the soil
through drainage - - shedding of load back to the soil skeleton
- So that ?v? ?v
51Summary, contd
- Consolidation settlements are slow and large
- Settlements predicted from consolidometer testing
- needs good samples
- Must take account of p? (OCR)
- Overestimates if lateral movements can occur
- The time for settlement can be estimated
- But is often inaccurate (thin permeable soil
layers promote side drainage)
52Website to quiz yourself with
- http//xnet.rrc.mb.ca/geotechnical/GEOWEB/geocal3/
- D. A. Cameron
- Soil and Rock Mechanics 2006
- Shear strength parameters
- c and ?
- c? and ??
- Typical values
- Direct shear test
- Triaxial test with pwp measurement
- undrained drained tests (short v long term)
- Vane shear
- Tensile strength is negligible
- Soil is ductile rather than brittle
- Confining pressure influences strength
- Loading of soil produces either ?V, or pwp
increase , OR both
56Defining strength parameter
- Shear strength!
- Soil masses fail usually along weakened surfaces
- sliding surface or slip surface develops
- Stability analyses
- What resisting shear forces exist within the soil
to prevent sliding?
57(1) Lab. Direct Shear Test
- Soil cut into box with split sides
- Vertical load applied
58Direct Shear Test information
- Shear force (T) from load cell
- Shear stress (?) from shear force and current
area - Current shear area from displacement
- Displacement from time and rate of movement of
box - Normal stress (?N) from applied force N ? initial
sample area, Ao
59Load-deflection constant normal stress
Shear Stress, ? T/A
Shear Strain, ? ?/L
60From the previous diagram ? v ?n
Peak strength
61Shear Strength Parameters
- Equation to the failure line
- ?peak c (?N)tan?
- Coulomb strength criterion
- tan ? coefficient of friction
- c apparent soil cohesion
62Limitations of Direct Shear
- Planar shear failure
- may not be the plane of weakness
- Boundary interruption
- changing area
- NO control of pwp
- total stresses only
- Regarded as,
- a drained shear test for sands
- Drained for clays if rate of shearing slowed in
line with cv - then u ? 0 and ? ? ??
- angle based on total stress
- fn(soil type, soil density,
- particle size, mineralogy)
- ?? effective angle of friction, based on
effective stress - Therefore must know pwps!
- ?D drained angle of friction ??
- (found from a slow test, which ensures drainage
so no excess pwp!) - Cohesion varies similarly
- SO strength varies with drainage condition
- A cylindrical sample of soil is placed in the
triaxial cell - The triaxial cell is placed in a compression
testing machine - All-round stress is applied by water under
pressure - cell pressure confining pressure, ?2 ?3
- cell pressure is applied also to the top and
bottom of the sample - so, the sample is held under an isotropic stress
65F/A ? (?1 - ?3)
cell pressure, ?3
66Conventional triaxial testing
- ?3 applied (to 400 kPa)
- sample conditioning?
- back-saturation?
- Isotropic consolidation
- drains opened under ?3
67Conventional Testing
- Ram pushed down ? (?1 - ?3)
- Soil loaded at constant rate of strain
- UNDRAINED test drain closed
- DRAINED test at very slow rate with drain open
- pwp not measured if only c ? required
- pwp measured to provide c?, ?? in an UNDRAINED
test - pwp measured to check loading rate in a DRAINED
68Conventional Testing
- Axial strain measured
- Force through ram measured
- Testing stopped when failure reached
- soil bulges?
- area correction must be applied to find (?1 -
69Strength parameters?
- from Mohrs circles
- Need at least 3 identical specimens, each tested
at different constant cell pressures - ALTERNATIVE TO CIRCLES plot the apex
- t v s
- corrections apply
70Failure planes
- Shear strength parameters, c, ?
- Depend on drainage conditions
- Direct shear test easy, but very limited
- Triaxial offers much more
- pwp control and measurement
- Constant strain rate tests
- Stress path tests
72Shear Strength Clays v Sands
Sands no fines ?wet ? ?dry i.e. ?? ? ?
73Dense Sand
- Has higher ??p
- Is strain softening
- Shows dilatancy
- Has same ??cv value as the same sand but less
74Typical values of the strength
parameter for sands
- ??p ? 35 to 50?
- Strength fn(density, psd and grain shape)
- ??cv ? 27 to 35?
75CLAYS Undrained Strength
- A Unconsolidated, Undrained (UU)
- The sample is not conditioned back to field
state - stress relief
- greater void space
- de-saturation ?
- Saturated NC clays (? ? 0)
- ?peak cu
76cu undrained cohesion
?, shear stress
What is the unconfined compression strength ?
? ? 0
?3 50
77B Consolidated, Undrained Tests
(CIU)Consolidated Isotropically, Undrained
- A better test for the conditioning of the sample
- pwp measured - effective strength parameters, c?
and ?? - CLAYS ?? ? 20 to 35?
- c? 0 kPa for NC clays
- BUT c? ? 30 kPa for OC clays
78SOIL CONSISTENCY - descriptors
- Based on density index, ID ()
- e.g. loose 15 35 dense 65 85
- Peg test?
- Based on undrained shear strength ?
cu (kPa) - e.g. firm 25 50 stiff 50 100
- Thumbnail test?
79Shear Vane
- Is useful for residual strengths of soft to firm
clays - Can measure SENSITIVITY of clays, silts
- SENSITIVITY cu undisturbed / cu remoulded
- QUICK clays , sensitivity 16 to 100!
- Shear model
- Coulomb shear strength
- cohesion, friction
- Total v effective stress strength parameters
- Clean Sand v Clay
- Clay
- UNDRAINED loading
- NC clay - no frictional response
- same soil tested slowly, has c? ??
- Dilatancy - when does it occur?
81SUMMARY, continued
- Strength tests
- Direct shear
- Triaxial
- Vane shear
- Mohrs circles
- failure planes
- Pole
- Stress paths
- t v s
82SLOPE STABILITY - Infinite slopes?
Vertical slice
Sliding surface
83Force equilibrium the slice
WN Wsin?
84CASE 1 c? 0, so C 0
The natural angle of repose ?
85Case 2 c 0, seepage down the slope
- Phreatic surface at slope surface
- Pore force, U, on sliding base due to pore water
pressure - Effective normal force reduced less friction!
- almost only half the FoS!
86CIRCULAR SLIPS More common in cohesive soils
centre of circle
crest of slope
87CIRCULAR SLIPS Stability? Limit equilibrium
Case 1 ?? 0 c cu
centre of circle
88CIRCULAR SLIPS c', ?? soil
? varies with position ? c? ?n?tan ??
Near crest
Near toe
89CIRCULAR SLIPS Method of Slices
centre of circle
90Reasons for Slices
- Frictional shear resistance varies with both ?N
and ?? - Varying cohesion with depth
- Non-uniform pwps from seepage analysis
91General Method of Slices
- FoS by summation over all slices for trial
failure surface - 100s of trial surfaces evaluated
- thank you for the pc!
- Lowest FoS ? the critical failure surface
92centre of circle
Stability of a Vertical Slice
Slice i
93PWP influence
94Simplified Bishop Method - a superior method
- Resultant of side forces acts horizontally
- Apply FoS (F) to restoring shear force
- T l(c? ?N?tan??)/F
- Sum all vertical forces
- W ?N?cos? (c?l N?tan??)sin?/F
- Solve for N?
- Substitute in
95The Bishop Equation
96Simplified Bishop Method
- Requires iteration
- Assume initial F, then solve for F
- When trial F and determined F are equal, its a
solution - Spreadsheet for simple slopes
- XSLOPE and GALENA otherwise
97What strength should be applied?
- MUST be appropriate to the field stress levels
- stresses may be quite low
- Undrained or Drained
- short term (just constructed) or long term
98What strength?
- Peak strength
- First time slides? Or compacted soils
- Softened strength (critical state)
- Fissured, stiff clays?
- Residual strength
- Evaluation of stability of slips or pre-existing
slides - Bedding shear planes
- Angle of repose for dry granular soils
- Influence of seepage on granular soils
- Slope stability for homogeneous slopes in
saturated clay (NC) - simple analyses
- Frictional soils more difficult
- Method of slices
- Slope stability programs use limit equilibrium
100POINTS, continued
- Slope stability programs search for the failure
surface with lowest FoS - Bishops simplified method for circular slips
- Importance of shear strength parameters
- drained and/or undrained?
- peak, ultimate or critical state?