Title: The Two Faces of Conflict Dealing with Conflict
1The Two Faces of Conflict - Dealing with Conflict
- Judy Clark, SPHR, CPC
- HR Answers, Inc.
- www.hranswers.com
2On Conflict...
- Conflict is simply any situation where one
persons concerns are different from another
3Continuum of Conflict
Cool Lukewarm Warm Hot Boiling
Individual Discussion Mentally Upset Grievance/
Lawsuits Impact Review Angry Departure
Business Project Proj/Rel Proj/Rel Proj/Rel Proj
/Rel Missed Impact Progress Slows Stalls Road
blocks Setback Business Opp./No
4Organizational Structure
- Differing goals
- Ambiguous jurisdictions
- Differentiation
- Conflict of interest
- Dependency
- Status
5Organizational Behavior
- Leadership style
- Low self-esteem
- Unresolved prior conflicts
- Participation
6What Makes Someone Difficult?
A. Difference in style B. Difference in
belief C. Difference in expectation D. Difference
in language E. Difference in orientation F. Person
al differences
7Five Conflict Handling Responses
- When the goal is not important and the
relationship is of little importance, use
avoidance. This is being non-assertive, passive
and not actively seeking cooperation. You may
refuse to engage openly in conflict.
9Avoiding (cont.)
- Goal Low
- Relationship Low
- When the goal is not important, but the
relationship is, use accommodation. One is
nonassertive and cooperative. This is the
opposite of competing. This person neglects
their own concerns in order to satisfy others
11Accommodating (cont.)
- Goal Low
- Relationship High
- When the goal is very important and the
relationship is not, use competition. This is
being assertive and uncooperative, pursuing your
own concerns at the expense of another. You wish
to gain power by direct confrontation. You are
trying to win arguments without adjusting to
others goals and desires.
13Competing (cont.)
- Goal High
- Relationship Low
- When both the goal and relationship are
moderately to highly important and you realize
you wont get your way, use compromise. This is
an intermediate position that partially satisfies
both parties.
15Compromising (cont.)
- Goal Moderate to High
- Relationship Moderate to High
- When both the goal and the relationship are
highly important, use collaboration. When high
assertiveness aimed at reaching ones own goals
gets tempered with high concern for the other
person, this is the style we see.
17Collaborating (cont.)
- Goal High
- Relationship High
18Behavior Circle
- Emotions
- I can cope or
- Anger
- Fear
- Anxiety
- Depression
Personal Conclusions About Event
Powerless vs. Powerful
19People Feel Threatened
- Evaluated
- Controlled
- Manipulated
- Ignored
- Talked down to
- Treated dogmatically
20Three Approachesto Resolving Conflict
Distressed Process
Effective Process
21- Anger is always the second emotion.
- The key to problem resolution is to determine the
first emotion.
22Agree Upon Solutions
- WHAT actions will we need to take to implement
the agreed-upon solution(s)? - WHO will be responsible for the specific actions?
- WHEN do we expect to accomplish these actions?
- HOW will these actions support successful and
constructive resolution of the problem/issue?
23Key Learnings
- Identify 3-4 key learnings gained from this
workshop. - Determine any challenges you foresee in applying
these learnings. - What immediate BOTJAs can you apply?
24 25Thank you!