Title: Thursday, November 30, 2006
1Chappelle Fellowship Workshop
Thursday, November 30, 2006 Time 330-430
p.m. Location Stewart Center Room 313 The
Charles C. Chappelle Fellowship provides a
one-year fellowship to students with
undergraduate degrees from Purdue for the
furtherance of post-graduate research at Purdue
University. Chappelle Fellows are selected on the
basis of character, intellectual ability, and
promise of degree attainment. The Chappelle
Fellowship provides a stipend, Graduate Tuition
Scholarships, payment of most fees, and a medical
insurance supplement. The workshop will provide
information on the materials that are needed and
resources that are available. There will be time
at the end of the workshop for
questions. Application and Selection
Process Qualified seniors should submit the
following materials to the Graduate School
Fellowship Office, YONG 1601. an official
Purdue transcript2. the name of a Purdue
faculty member from whom the student has
requested a letter of recommendation. Faculty
members should submit the recommendation directly
to the Graduate School by the application
deadline 3. a curriculum vitae or a resume 4.
an essay (1000 words or less) addressing Purdues
impact on the students development through one,
two or three of Purdues missions of learning,
discovery and engagement. Application Deadline
Thursday, January 18, 2007 - 430
p.m. Registration required http//www.gradschoo
l.purdue.edu/development/ click
Workshop Calendar