Title: Title of Section
1Space-Qualified Hardware for the CALIPSO Lidar
Ron Schwiesow Ball Aerospace and Technologies
2CALIPSO is a pathfinder for the GTWS mission
- Flight-qualified NdYAG lasers demonstrated to
2?109 pulses - Laser beam expanders with anti-feedback provision
- 1-m beryllium telescope (OCA/Corning)
- Flight-qualified PMT and APD detectors with
associated preamps - High-speed digitizer
- Powerful, flight-qualified computer with fault
tolerance (General Dynamics PowerPC 603R) - Auxiliary instruments for context imaging
(Wide-field Camera and Imaging Infrared
3The payload includes 3 instruments
Star Tracker Assembly
X-Band Antenna
Telescope Sunshade
Wide Field Camera
Imaging Infrared Radiometer
Integrated Lidar Transmitter
4The payload includes 3 instruments
Wide Field Camera
Platform Electrical Interface Bracket
Star Tracker Assembly
X-Band Transmitter
Payload Controller
Laser Electronics Unit
Lidar Receiver Electronics
Receiver Power Supply
5Monolithic optical bench supports the lidar
Lidar Instrument Core
Active Boresight Mechanism
Laser Radiator
Optical Bench
Laser Optics Modules
Beam Expander Optics
ILT (Integrated Lidar Transmitter)
ILR (Integrated Lidar Receiver)
6Risk-reduction laser proved concept
- 2?109 pulses demonstrated
- validated contamination-control procedures
- verified KTP doubler operation
- established misalignment tolerance
- showed benefits of derated components
7Laser optics modules are tested and delivered
Flight Laser 2 Prior to Lid Closure
Flight Laser 1 in Sealed Canister
8Laser burn-in is part of the qualification process
9Beam-expander optics are delivered and tested
- All-reflective design
- Mounts to laser optics module
- Beam expansion 13x
- f/1.4 primary mirror
- gt0.98 reflectivity at 532 and 1064 nm
10Laser vibration test is done with mass model of
beam expander
11Laser functional test verifies performance
- 110 mJ each wavelength
- 20.25-Hz PRF
- 25-pm linewidth at 532 nm
- 6-8 mm-mrad beam quality
- polarization purity 37001
12All-beryllium telescope has fast primary and
f/4.7 secondary
13Tested telescope assembly has been delivered from
14First fold mirror assembly includes field stop
and flexure mounts
15Refractive collimator and flexure mounts tested
as a subassembly
16Dichroics, mirrors, and polarizing beamsplitter
tested separately
17Sandwich etalon filter for 532 nm provides good
optical performance
18Sandwich etalon passed thermal and mechanical
- Housing provides thermal stabilization and
uniformity - Etalon polished to approximate wavelength,
angle-tuned to precise wavelength, thermal tuned
to track changes - Bandpass 42 pm
- Peak transmission gt0.81
- Contrast ratio gt160
- Birefringence lt0.001 crosstalk
19Flight APD includes preamp and stabilization
- Based on MOLA design
- QE 0.40
- Noise 0.004 pW Hz-½
- Bandwidth 4 MHz
20Cabling mockup prepares for final integration and
21Structures include optics bench, sunshade, and
22Composite structure is assembled for testing
23The composite structure is qualified with mass
models in place
- Structure includes sunshade
- Components mounted to outside of payload housing
- Optical bench floats inside housing
24Optical bench is a monolithic composite structure
25Optical bench is also tested with mass models of
26Wide-field camera is based on standard CT-633
star tracker
- Longer lens, narrower FOV than CT-633
- Neutral density filter with full aperture
- Bandpass filter 620 - 670 nm
- 512x512 CCD as push-broom scanner
- RS-422 synchronous serial I/O
Flight PWAs
Flt Lens Assembly
27Imaging infrared radiometer is developed by SODERN
- Based on Boeing microbolometer arrays
- Mirror for 2-point calibration
- 64?64 snapshot array
- 3 spectral channels sequential
Mirror Mechanism EM
Housing Structure Eng Model
Flight Infrared Sensor Module (IASI)
28Payload Simulator
- Allows testing of interface to spacecraft
platform - Currently in service at Alcatel in France
29Launch planned for April04
- Dual launch with CloudSat on dual launch adapter
fitting - Delta II 7420 launch vehicle
- 3-m standard fairing