Title: CFR TITLE 30
Paul Bizich Jr. 724-925-5150 ext.
131 MSHA Educational Field Services
- Subpart A
- Training and Retraining of Underground Miners
- Subpart B
- Training and Retraining of Miners at Surface
Mines and Surface Areas of Underground Mines - Subpart C (Never Completed)
- Construction Workers
- Comprehensive Training
- New Miner Training
- Underground - 40 Hours Minimum
- Surface - 24 Hours Minimum
- Experienced Miner Training
- After 5 years 8 hours
- Annual Refresher Training
- Underground - 8 Hours Minimum
- Surface - 8 Hours Minimum
- Task Training
- Hazard Training
4Industries Affected by Congressional Resolution
- A continuing resolution of the United States
Congress currently prohibits MSHA from expending
funds to administer or enforce Part 48 for the
following industries surface stone, surface
clay, sand and gravel, surface limestone,
colloidal phosphate, and shell dredging. Each of
these industries, however, continues to be
responsible for compliance with Part 48.
6(a)(1) Miner- 48.2 / 48.22
- Individual engaged in the extraction or
production process, or - regularly exposed to mine hazards, or
- maintenance or service worker employed by the
operator or a maintenance or service worker
contracted by the operator to work at the mine
for frequent or extended periods.
7(a)(2) MINER-48.2 / 48.22
- Individuals not engaged in the extraction
process, not regularly exposed to mine hazards,
or inconsequentially exposed to mine hazards.
8Experienced Miner 48.2(b)/48.22(b)
- Has completed a new miner training and has at
least 12 months of experience - A supervisor who has been approved under an
MSHA-approved State certification program and
employed on Oct. 6, 1998 - An experienced miner on Feb. 3, 1999
9Excluded From the Miner Definition
- Shaft and Slope Workers
- Construction Workers (mine operations cease)
Subpart C - Miners covered under (a)(2)
- Labor, Management, or Government Officials
- Mine Inspectors
10Training Plans48.3/48.23
- Training plans must be submitted for approval to
the appropriate MSHA district office. The
training plan should contain provisions for - New Miner Training
- Experienced Miner Training
- Annual Refresher Training
- Task Training
- Hazard Training
- All other training required under Part 56/57 and
11Plan Should Include
- Company name, MSHA I.D.
- Name of person responsible for H. S.
- List of approved instructors
- Location of training
- Teaching and evaluation methods used
- Number of employees and Number per class
- Schedule for annual refresher training
- List of work tasks and method of task training
12MSHA Approved Instructors Districts Provide the
- Demonstration of mining experience and knowledge
Completing an approved MSHA instructors training
course - Approved by District on evidence of
qualifications and teaching experience - Based on their performance as monitored by the
Or a combination of the above.
13Training Areas Requiring Approved Instructors
- New Miner Training
- Experienced Miner Training
- Annual Refresher Training
14Not Requiring Approved Instructors
- Task Training
- Hazard Training
- Experienced miner training of miners with 12
month or less absence
15Cooperative Training Programs 48.4 / 48.24
- Mine operators may conduct their own training or
can participate in cooperative training programs
conducted by other companies or agencies, if
approved by MSHA.
16New Miner Training 48.5 Underground
- Requires 40 hours of which 8 hours must be given
at the mine site - Topics
- Statutory rights of miners and their
representatives, authority and responsibility of
supervisors. - Self-rescue and respiratory devices.
- Entering and leaving the mine transportation
communications. - Introduction to the work environment.
17- Mine maps escapeways emergency evacuation
barricading. - Roof or ground control ventilation plans.
- Health.
- Cleanup rock dusting.
- Hazard recognition.
- Electrical hazards.
- First aid.
- Mine gases.
- Health and safety aspects of the task to which
the new miner will be assigned. - Such other courses as may be required by the
District Manager.
18New Miner Training 48.25Surface
- Requires 24 hours
- Topics
- Statutory rights of miners and their
representatives, authority and responsibility of
supervisors. - Self-rescue and respiratory devices.
- Transportation controls communication systems.
- Introduction to work environment.
- Escapeways emergency evacuation firewarning and
fire fighting.
19- Ground control working in areas of highwalls,
water hazards, pits and spoil banks illumination
and night work. - Health.
- Hazard recognition.
- Electrical hazards.
- First aid.
- Explosives.
- Health and safety aspects of the task to which
the new miner will be assigned. - Such other courses as may be required by the
District Manager.
20Experienced Miner 48.6
- Newly employed by the operator
- Transferred to the mine
- Experienced underground miners transferred from
surface to underground - Returning to the mine after an absence of more
than 12 months
21There is no time requirement for this section
however a miner returning to work after an
absence of 5 years or more must have 8 hours of
22 Topics for this section include
- Introduction to the work environment.
- Mandatory health and safety standards.
- Authority and responsibility of supervisors and
miners representatives. - Entering and leaving the mine transportation
communications. - Roof or ground control ventilation plans.
- Mine map escapeways emergency evacuation
23- Hazard recognition.
- Prevention of Accidents
- Emergency medical procedures
- Health
- Health and safety aspects of the tasks to which
the miner is assigned - Self-rescue and respiratory devices.
- Such other course as deemed necessary by the
District Manager.
24Experienced Miner 48.26
- Newly employed by the operator
- Transferred to the mine
- Experienced surface miners transferred from
underground to surface - Returning to the mine after an absence of more
than 12 months
25There is no time requirement for this section
however a miner returning to work after an
absence of 5 years or more must have 8 hours of
26 Topics include
- Introduction to work environment.
- Mandatory health and safety standards.
- Authority and responsibility of supervisors and
miners representatives. - Transportation controls communication systems.
- Escapeways emergency evacuation firewarning
27- Ground controls working in areas of highwalls,
water hazards, pits, and spoil banks
illumination and night work. - Hazard recognition.
- Prevention of Accidents
- Emergency medical procedures
- Health
- Health and safety aspects of the tasks to which
the experienced miner is assigned - Such other course as deemed necessary by the
District Manager.
28Task Training 48.7 / 48.27
- No time requirement for task training. Remember
that Supervisors that perform work (tasks) must
also be task trained.
29Minimum Courses of Instruction
- Tasks covered by task training are
- Equipment Operators
- Drilling Machine Operators
- Haulage and Conveyor Systems Operators
- Roof and Ground Control Machine Operators
- Involved in Blasting Operations
30- Courses
- Health and safety aspects and safe operating
procedures for work tasks, equipment, and
machinery. - Supervised practice during nonproduction.
- Supervised operation during production.
- New or modified machines and equipment.
- Such other courses as may be required by the
District Manager.
31Annual Refresher Training48.8
- Minimum of 8 hours annually. If training is
conducted periodically, such courses shall not be
less than 30 minutes. Supervisors are included
in annual refresher training. - Topics
- Mandatory health and safety standards.
- Transportation controls and communication
systems. - Barricading.
- Roof and ground control ventilation plans.
32- First Aid.
- Electrical Hazards.
- Prevention of accidents.
- Self-rescue and respiratory devices.
- Explosives (if used).
- Mine gases.
- Health
- Other courses as required by the District Manager.
33Annual Refresher Training48.28
- Minimum of 8 hours annually. If training is
conducted periodically, such courses shall not be
less than 30 minutes. - Topics
- Mandatory health and safety standards.
- Transportation controls and communication
systems. - Escape and emergency evacuation plans
firewarning and firefighting.
34- Ground control working in areas of highwalls,
water hazards, pits, and spoil banks
illumination and night work. - First aid.
- Electrical hazards.
- Prevention of accidents.
- Health.
- Explosives.
- Self-rescue and respiratory devices.
- Other courses as required by the District Manager.
35Training Records 48.9 / 48.29
- All training is recorded on form 5000-23.
- ) The miner should get a copy at completion of
training. - b) The form should be kept at the mine site for
inspection by MSHA and others. - ) If the miner leaves, he is entitled to a copy
of his training forms. - Falsification of training or training forms is
punishable under section 110 of the Act. - Must be kept for a period of 2 years or 60 days
after termination of an employee.
36(No Transcript)
37Compensation for Training48.10 / 48.30
- Training shall be conducted during normal duty
hours. - Miners shall be compensated for travel expenses
(if incurred) if training is not conducted at the
mine site.
38Hazard Training 48.11 / 48.31
- No minimum time required for hazard training.
Training intended for (a)(2) miners. - Topics
- Hazard recognition and avoidance.
- Emergency and evacuation procedures.
- Health and safety standards, safety rules, and
safe work procedures. - Use of self-rescue and respiratory devices.
- Such other courses required by the District
Manager -
39Hazard Training
- Must receive hazard training once every 12
months. - Must maintain records of hazard training.
- Must be accompanied at all times while