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Introduction to Gr


Algebraic Geometry. Branch of mathematics. Express geometric facts in algebraic terms in order to interpret algebraic ... Lexicographic Term Ordering and Leading Terms ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Introduction to Gr

Introduction to Gröbner Bases for Geometric
  • Geometric Solid Modeling
  • 1989
  • Christoph M. Hoffmann

Algebraic Geometry
  • Branch of mathematics.
  • Express geometric facts in algebraic terms in
    order to interpret algebraic theorems
  • Computations for geometric objects using symbolic
  • Surface intersection, finding singularities, and
  • Historically, methods have been computationally
    intensive, so they have been used with

source Hoffmann
  • Operate on geometric object(s) by solving systems
    of algebraic equations.
  • Ideal (informal partial definition) Set of
    polynomials describing a geometric object
  • Considering algebraic combinations of algebraic
    equations (without changing solution) can
    facilitate solution.
  • Ideal is the set of algebraic combinations (to be
    defined more rigorously later).
  • Gröbner basis of an ideal special set of
    polynomials defining the ideal.
  • Many algorithmic problems can be solved easily
    with this basis.
  • One example (focus of our lecture) abstract
    ideal membership problem
  • Is a given polynomial g in a given ideal I ?
  • Equivalently can g be expressed as an algebraic
    combination of the fj for some polynomials hj?
  • Answer this using Gröbner basis of the ideal.
  • Rough geometric interpretation g can be
    expressed this way when surface g 0 contains
    all points that are common intersection of
    surfaces fj 0.

source Hoffmann
  • Algebraic Concepts
  • Fields, rings, polynomials
  • Field extension
  • Multivariate polynomials and ideals
  • Algebraic sets and varieties
  • Gröbner Bases
  • Lexicographic term ordering and leading terms
  • Rewriting and normal-form algorithms
  • Membership test for ideals
  • Buchbergers theorem and construction of Gröbner
  • For discussion of geometric modeling applications
    of Gröbner bases, see Hoffmanns book.
  • e.g. Solving simultaneous algebraic expressions
    to find
  • surface intersections
  • singularities

source Hoffmann
Algebraic ConceptsFields, Rings, and Polynomials
  • Consider single algebraic equation
  • Values of xis are from a field. (Recall from
    earlier in semester.)
  • Elements can be added, subtracted, multiplied,
  • Ground field k is the choice of field .
  • Univariate polynomial over k is of form
  • Coefficients are numbers in k.
  • kx all univariate polynomials using xs.
  • It is a ring (recall from earlier in semester)
    addition, subtraction, multiplication, but not
    necessarily division.
  • Can a given polynomial be factored?
  • Depends on ground field
  • e.g. x21 factors over complex numbers but not
    real numbers.
  • Reducible polynomial can be factored over ground
  • Irreducible polynomial cannot be factored over
    ground field.

for non-0 elements
source Hoffmann
Algebraic ConceptsField Extension
  • Field extension enlarging a field by adjoining
    (adding) new element(s) to it.
  • Algebraic Extension
  • Adjoin an element u that is a root of a
    polynomial (of degree m) in kx.
  • Resulting elements in extended field k(u) are of
  • e.g. extending real numbers to complex numbers by
    adjoining i
  • i is root of x21, so m2 and extended field
    elements are of form a bi
  • e.g. extending rational numbers to algebraic
    numbers by adjoining roots of all univariate
    polynomials (with rational coefficients)
  • Transcendental Extension
  • Adjoin an element (such as p) that is not the
    root of any polynomial in kx.

source Hoffmann
Algebraic ConceptsMultivariate Polynomials
  • Multivariate polynomial over k is of form
  • Coefficients are numbers in k.
  • Exponents are nonnegative integers.
  • kx1,,xn all multivariate polynomials using
  • It is a ring addition, subtraction,
    multiplication, but not necessarily division.
  • Can a given polynomial be factored?
  • Depends on ground field (as in univariate case)
  • Reducible polynomial can be factored over ground
  • Irreducible polynomial cannot be factored over
    ground field.
  • Absolutely Irreducible polynomial cannot be
    factored over any ground field.
  • e.g.

source Hoffmann
Algebraic ConceptsIdeals
  • For ground field k, let
  • kn be the n-dimensional affine space over k.
  • mathematical physicist John Baez "An affine
    space is a vector space that's forgotten its
  • Points in kn are n-tuples (x1,,xn), with xis
    having values in k.
  • f be an irreducible multivariate polynomial in
  • g be a multivariate polynomial in kx1,,xn
  • f 0 be the hypersurface in kn defined by f
  • Since hypersurface gf 0 includes f 0, view f
    as intersection of all surfaces of form gf 0

  • is an ideal
  • g varies over kx1,,xn
  • Consider the ideal as the description of the
    surface f.
  • Ideal is closed under addition and subtraction.
  • Product of an element of kx1,,xn with a
    polynomial in the ideal is in the ideal.

source Hoffmann and others
Ideals are defined more generally in algebra.
Algebraic ConceptsIdeals (continued)
  • Let F be a finite set of polynomials f1, f2,,
    fr in kx1,,xn
  • Algebraic combinations of the fi form an ideal
    generated by F (a generating set)
  • generators f, g
  • Goal find generating sets, with special
    properties, that are useful for solving geometric

Not necessarily unique.
source Hoffmann
Algebraic ConceptsAlgebraic Sets
  • Let be the ideal generated by
    the finite set of polynomials F f1, f2,, fr
  • Let p (a1,, an) be a point in kn such that
    g(p) 0 for every g in I.
  • Set of all such points p is the algebraic set
    V(I) of I.
  • It is sufficient that fi(p) 0 for every
    generator fi in F.
  • In 3D, the algebraic surface f 0 is the
    algebraic set of the ideal .

source Hoffmann
Algebraic ConceptsAlgebraic Sets (cont.)
  • Intersection of two algebraic surfaces f, g in 3D
    is an algebraic space curve.
  • The curve is the algebraic set of the ideal.
  • But, not every algebraic space curve can be
    defined as the intersection of 2 surfaces.
  • Example where 3 are needed twisted cubic (in
    parametric form)
  • Can define twisted cubic using 3 surfaces
    paraboloid with two cubic surfaces
  • Motivation for considering ideals with generating
    sets containing gt 2 polynomials.

source Hoffmann
see Hoffmans Section 7.2.6 for subtleties
related to this statement.
Algebraic ConceptsAlgebraic Sets and Varieties
  • Given generators F f1, f2,, fr , the
    algebraic set defined by F in kn has dimension
  • If equations fi 0 are algebraically
  • Complication some of ideals components may have
    different dimensions.

source Hoffmann
Algebraic ConceptsAlgebraic Sets and Varieties
  • Consider algebraic set V(I) for ideal I in kn.
  • V(I) is reducible when V(I) is union of gt 2 point
    sets, each defined separately by an ideal.
  • Analogous to polynomial factorization
  • Multivariate polynomial f that factors describes
    surface consisting of several components
  • Each component is an irreducible factor of f.
  • V(I) is irreducible implies V(I) is a variety.

source Hoffmann
Algebraic ConceptsAlgebraic Sets and Varieties
  • Example Intersection curve of 2 cylinders
  • Intersection lies in 2 planes
  • and
  • Irreducible ellipse in plane
    is is algebraic set in ideal
    generated by f1,g1 .
  • Irreducible ellipse in plane is
    is algebraic set in ideal
    generated by f1,g2 .
  • Ideal is reducible.
  • Decomposes into and
  • Algebraic set
  • Varieties V(I2) and V(I3)

source Hoffmann
Algebraic ConceptsAlgebraic Sets and Varieties
  • Example Intersection curve of 2 cylinders
  • Intersection curve is not reducible
  • These 2 component curves cannot be defined
    separately by polynomials.
  • Rationale Bezouts Theorem implies intersection
    curve has degree 4. Furthermore
  • Union of 2 curves of degree m and n is a
    reducible curve of degree m n.
  • If intersection curve were reducible, then
    consider degree combinations for component curves
    (total 4)
  • 1 3 illegal since neither has degree 1.
  • 2 2 illegal since neither is planar.
  • Conclusion intersection curve irreducible.
  • Bezouts Theorem also implies that twisted cubic
    cannot be defined algebraically as intersection
    of 2 surfaces
  • Twisted cubic has degree 3.
  • Bezouts Theorem would imply it is intersection
    of plane and cubic surface.
  • But twisted cubic is not planar hence

Bezouts Theorem 2 irreducible surfaces of
degree m and n intersect in a curve of degree mn.
allowing complex coordinates, points at
source Hoffmann
Gröbner BasesFormulating Ideal Membership
  • Can help to solve geometric modeling problems
    such as intersection of implicit surfaces (see
    Hoffmann Sections 7.4-7.8).
  • Here we only treat the ideal membership problem
    for illustrative purposes
  • Given a finite set of polynomials F f1,
    f2,, fr , and a polynomial g, decide whether g
    is in the ideal generated by F that is, whether
    g can be written in the form
    where the hi are polynomials.
  • Strategy rewrite g until original question can
    be easily answered.

source Hoffmann
Gröbner BasesLexicographic Term Ordering and
Leading Terms
  • Need to judge if this polynomial is simpler than
    that one.
  • Power Product
  • Lexicographic ordering of power products
  • x
  • If then for all power
    products w.
  • If u and v are not yet ordered by rules 1 and 2,
    then order them lexicographically as strings.

Example for n2 on board...
source Hoffmann
Gröbner BasesLexicographic Term Ordering and
Leading Terms
  • Each term in a polynomial g is a coefficient
    combined with a power product.
  • Leading term lt(g) of g term whose power product
    is largest with respect to ordering
  • lcf (g) leading coefficient of lt(g)
  • lpp (g) leading power product of lt(g)
  • Definition Polynomial f is simpler than
    polynomial g if

Example 7.1 on board...
source Hoffmann
Gröbner BasesRewriting and Normal-Form
  • Given polynomial g and set of polynomials F
    f1, f2,, fr
  • Rewrite/simplify g using polynomials in F.
  • g is in normal form NF(g, F) if it cannot be
    reduced further. Note normal form need not be

source Hoffmann
Example 7.2 on board...
Gröbner BasesRewriting and Normal-Form
  • If normal form from rewriting algorithm is unique
  • then g is in ideal when NF(g, F) 0.
  • This motivates search for generating sets that
    produce unique normal forms.

source Hoffmann
Gröbner BasesA Membership Test for Ideals
  • Goal Rewrite g to decide whether g is in the
    ideal generated by F.
  • Gröbner basis G of ideal
  • Set of polynomials generating F.
  • Rewriting algorithm using G produces unique
    normal forms.
  • Ideal membership algorithm using G

source Hoffmann
Example 7.3 on board...
Gröbner BasesBuchbergers Theorem Construction
  • Algorithm will consist of 2 operations
  • Consider a polynomial, and bring it into normal
    form with respect to some set of generators G.
  • From certain generator pairs, compute
    S-polynomials (see definition on next slide) and
    add their normal forms to the generator set.
  • G starts as input set F of polynomials
  • G is transformed into a Gröbner basis.
  • Some Implementation Issues
  • Coefficient arithmetic must be exact.
  • Rational arithmetic can be used.
  • Size of generator set can be large.
  • Reduced Gröbner bases can be developed.

source Hoffmann
Gröbner BasesBuchbergers Theorem
Construction (continued)
Example 7.4 on board...
source Hoffmann
Gröbner BasesBuchbergers Theorem
Construction (continued)
Buchbergers Theorem foundation of algorithm
Gröbner basis construction algorithm
Example 7.5 on board...
source Hoffmann
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