Title: The LCLS BC1 Bunch Length Monitor System
1The LCLSBC1 Bunch Length Monitor System
Eric Bong1 Mike Dunning2 Paul Emma1 Patrick
Krejcik1 Tim Montagne1 Jamie Rosenzweig2 Gil
Travish2 Juhao Wu1
2Intro The Problem
- The LCLS demands tight beam parameters
- Longitudinal feedback systems needed (along with
other diagnostics and feedback systems) - Bunch length
- Energy
- This is a critical diagnostic
- Machine wont work without this
- Has to operate 24-7
- Need to start addressing safety and approval
issues - Time is short
3Intro The Approach
- UCLA to build bunch length monitor system
- System will consist of two grating
polychromators, one at each bunch compressor - Simulations to determine start-end response of
monitor. - SLAC to integrate into beamline
- Working on testing at and with ANL-APS
5Relevant Parameters
1.0 nC
0.2 nC
Nominal electron energy, BC1 0.25 0.25 GeV
Nominal electron energy, BC2 4.3 4.3 GeV
Peak current 3400 2500 A
Nominal RMS bunch length, BC1 200 60 µm
Nominal RMS bunch length, BC2 20 8 µm
Nominal RMS bunch duration, BC1 670 200 fs
Nominal RMS bunch duration, BC2 67 27 fs
Max single bunch repetition rate 120 120 Hz
6Intro Possible Solutions
- Streak Camera
- Interferometer
- Electro-Optic Techniques
- RF Deflecting Cavity
- Polychromator (Spectrometer)
- ______(fill in your favorite method here)
7Intro System Requirements
- Only relative bunch length needed- not absolute
bunch length - Need two bunch length monitors- one at each bunch
compressor - Single-shot
- Non-invasive
- Maintenance free for several days
- Maximum repetition rate 120 Hz
- Measurement resolution 1-2 of nominal bunch
length(sub-femtosecond) - Long term signal drift lt2 over 24 hours
J. Wu et al., SLAC-PUB-11276, May 2005.
8Intro Phase Feedback
Feedback model studied by Wu, et al.,
SLAC-PUB-11276, May 2005.
Conceptual Schematic of single loop
- Observables
- - Bunch length sz
- Energy E
- Controllables
- - Linac voltage Vrf
- - Linac phase frf
LCLS longitudinal feedback has 2 bunch length
9Possible Solutions
- Streak Cameras
- Single-shot
- Wide dynamic range
- - Limited temporal resolution(200 fs at best)
- - Trigger jitter
Hamamatsu "FESCA-200 (Femtosecond Streak
Camera). Temporal resolution 200 fs.
10Possible Solutions
- Interferometers
- Can be single-shot
- ? Sufficient temporal (frequency) resolution
- Compact
- - Narrow dynamic range
- - Complex
11Possible Solutions
- Electro-Optic Methods
- Single-shot
- ? Non-invasive
- ? Temporal resolution
- - Not yet mature
- - Require expensive
- femtosecond lasers
P. Bolton et al., SLAC-PUB-9529. Transverse probe
geometry produces a spatial image of the bunch.
Also see http//www.rijnh.nl/users/berden/ebunch
12Possible Solutions
- RF Deflecting Cavities
- Single shot
- ? Temporal resolution
- - May require separate RF system
- - Invasive (destroy measured shot)
The UCLA 9-cell X-band standing wave deflecting
cavity. Courtesy Joel England.
13Possible Solutions
- Polychromators
- Single-shot
- Temporal resolution
- Robust
- Require relatively
- expensive detector vacuum system
14BC1 Single-Shot Spectrometer
- After 4th magnet
- CSR port
- Narrow angle
- Magnet justupstream
15Single-Shot Spectrometer
Use CSR/CER from bunch compressor chicane
magnets ? Vacuum port window ? Focusing/turning
mirror ? Entrance slit ? Grating ? Off-axis
parabola (line focus) ? Multichannel detector
Basic Design
Cryostat Bolometers
Line focus mirror
16The Selection Polychromator
- Spectrums are very reliable no dependence on
amplitude (charge) or intricacies of pulse shape. - Speed, bandwidth and phase noise not an issue.
- Robust (0-2 moving parts)
- Proven
- Simple
- Easy to model and easy to fix
17Single-Shot SpectrometerBunch Distributions
Courtesy P. Emma
Courtesy P. Emma
- Smooth parabolic distribution
- Simple CSR spectrum
- Wake-induced double-horn
- - Complicated CSR spectrum
18UCLA SimulationsTREDI Post-processor FieldEye
- Calculate far field radiation pattern using
Lenard-Wiechert algorithm - Fourier analysis
- Angular spectrum
- Dependent on TREDI
- TREDI time intensive
- Flexibility in post-processing
- Other applications
- Coherent Transition Radiation
- Coherent Cerenkov radiation
Sample CSR spectrum calculation using FieldEye
19Related CER Work (at BNL - ATF)
UCLA built ATF compressor.
Brookhaven Si Bolometerfor CER detection.
FieldEye calculated spectrum for 20 micron long
beam, 1000 particles, edge radiation in chicane
20Challenge Beamline Integration
- Low-loss vacuum port window over desired
frequency range (Diamond) - Cryostats liquid helium nitrogen
- Helium hold time (weeks?)
- Closed-cycle nitrogen system (Sterling Engine?)
- Room temperature alternative?
- Windowless enclosure for detector system
21Vacuum Port WindowMaterials Issues
- Central Issue Flat response curve over THz
- Materials
- Z-cut crystalline quartz
- Silicon
- PTX (polymethylpentene)
- Diamond
- References
- http//tesla.desy.de/rasmus/projects/autocorrelat
or/plan.pdf - SLAC-PUB-11249
22Diamond Vacuum Port WindowAbsorption Curve
23Diamond Vacuum Port WindowVendors
Harris International http//
ws.asp Fraunhofer http//www.iaf.frau
nhofer.de/eng/gf/cvd-prod-strah.htm EOC (Electro
Optical Components) http//www.eoc-inc.com/diamon
OAP focusing/turning mirror
OAP line focus mirror
100 mm
- Conventional gold coated copper
- Here could be CNC aluminum
- Kugler of America
- http//www.kuglerofamerica.com/optics.htm
- Reynard Corp.
- http//www.reynardcorp.com/index.php
- Janos Tech
- http//www.janostech.com/index.html
- CVI Optical Components
- http//www.ocioptics.com/product.html
Janos Tech
Kugler of America
150 mm
- Machined Copper
- Blazed
- Groove width 1 mm
- To be optimized
27Challenge Detectors
- BC1
- Frequency range
- 150-500 GHz
- 20 channels
- Easy, but big
- large vacuum chamber
- large optics
- InSb hot electron bolometers
- BC2
- Frequency range
- 1-4 THz
- 20 channels
- More challenging than BC1
- Needs special filtering
- Thermal composite bolometers?
- Need to research more
- Speed
- Sensitivity
- Cryo-cooling
- Cryostat hold time
- Expensive
- Vendors
- QMC Instruments http//www.terahertz.co.uk/QMCI/q
mc.html - IR Labs http//www.irlabs.com/irlabs20pages/irla
- Relatively inexpensive
- Speed
- - Sensitivity
- - Resonances
- Vendors
- http//www.eoc-inc.com/pyroelectric_detectors.htm
- Fuji Co.
- http//www.fuji-piezo.com/prodpyro.htm
30DetectorsGolay Cells
- Less expensive than bolometers
- Speed (25 Hz)
- Noise sensitivity
- Size
- Vendors
- QMC Instruments http//www.terahertz.co.uk/QMCI/q
mc.html - Tydex http//www.tydex.ru/about.html
- Inexpensive
- Speed
- Frequency response
- Sensitivity
- Vendors
- Virginia Diodes http//www.virginiadiodes.com/ind
ex.htm - Advanced Control Components http//www.advanced-c
32BC1 Detector Assembly
- InSb hot-electron bolometers
- 10 liter cryostat
- Helium hold time 4-6 weeks!
Detector blocks with Winston Cones and Filters
20-channel linear array of InSb hot-electron
bolometers,courtesy QMC Instruments.
- LCLS BC1 is most similar to the APS LEUTL Bunch
Compressor. - Propose collaboration with ANL on testing.
- Rapid installation of window and turning mirror
(site specific) during proximate access. - Installation of polychrometer as assembly.
34What will we test
- Beam energy, energy spread, charge and bunch
length can mimic LCLS design. - Simulations can be confirmed for a range of bunch
lengths. - Noise, dynamic range in amplitude (charge) and
bunch length. - Hard to test feedback
35Project Start
36Project Overview
37Schedule Issues
- Theory behind on simulations
- Acquisition driven by detector
- Testing can you install and test anything in 2
months? - Delivery November 2006
- Post delivery beamline integration, safety
issues, etc.
- Simulations behind schedule
- Subcomponent selection proceeding well
- Challenging schedule can be addresses with APS
collaboration, better coordination with SLAC, and
timely funding. - Hardware cost and schedule driven by detector
- Beamline integration needs to be considered now
40Possible SolutionsSummary
Single-shot Non-Invasive Sufficient Temporal Resolution Maintenance Free
Streak Camera Y Y N Y
Interferometer Y Y ? N
Electro-Optic Y ? ? ?
RF Deflector Y N ? N
Polychromator Y Y Y Y
41Single-Shot SpectrometerChallenge BC2 CSR
- Double-horn distribution complicates CSR
spectrum - Similar to Gaussian below 4 THz
- Wu Stay below 4 THz
CSR energy spectrum after BC2. Black curve
double-horn distribution Blue curve Gaussian
distribution Red curve step function From J.
Wu, et al., SLAC-PUB-11275, May 2005.
- Simulate CR exiting vacuum ports of BC1, BC2
arriving at detector - TREDI/FieldEye simulations
- Choose detector type
- Finalize bolometer evaluations
- Continue to study system
- Formation length (source to detector distance)
- Dynamic range (grating, in situ tuning)
- Calibration methods
- Mechanical design beamline integration with
SLAC - CAD design work
- Finalized by SLAC
- Test system (SPPS or APS Linac)