Title: Injector Physics C'LimborgDeprey
1Injector PhysicsC.Limborg-Deprey
- GTL final design
- Wakefield budget
- Final Modifications
- Commissioning Readiness
- Schedule
- Feedback systems
- An example of tuning procedure
- Steering in L0a
?Gun installation Nov. 2006 ? Gun Region
July 2006 ? Accel Region June
2006 ? Heater Region June 2006 ? Wall
Region October 2005 ? Waveguide
October 2005 ? Injection Region Aug-Nov
2006 ? Spect Region Aug-Nov 2006
- Injector Commissioning Start December 2006
3Gun to Linac Region
4GTL Design
- Normal incidence
- Mirror size (14mm x 10 mm)
- No second Valve in GTL
- All wakefield computed
- (see next slides)
- Diagnostics units finalized
- accommodate 20 mm screens
- wakefield mitigation
- Gun Solenoid moved as close as possible to
cathode - Bucking Coil added (PRD written)
- cancels the 55 Gauss Bz field on cathode
- Compatibility with gun bake cathode removal
5GTL Design
- Pending issues
- lt1.05 permeability of VV01
- Impact on Bsolenoid falling edge to be measured
- Choice of material for injector mirror
- Optical path for CRG1 light
- Finalization of GTL BPMs to meet 20 ?m resolution
- Alignment laser specifications
- Final GTL design review next week
Courtesy J.Langton
6Wakefield Budget
- ??projected lt1.2 mm-mrad
- with no error simulations show 1.0 mm-mrad
- Stability of electro- magnetic components to meet
less than 10 increase - lt10 increased from total wakefield effects over
the whole beamline - GTL area is critical region
Injection mirror with 1mm beam offset
7Wakefield from Injection Mirror
MAFIA Simulations, Courtesy Cho-Kuen Ng
8Wakefield Mitigation in GTL
- Pumping slots
- 0.24 V/pC/m per unit
- 3 units at 0.6 m
- 3 units at 1.2 m
- Negligible emittance growth
- Combined Diagnostics chambers
- Wakefield Mitigated
- small gaps
Pumping slot
Courtesy J.Langton
Courtesy Cho-Kuen Ng
9Wakefield Mitigation in GTL
- Bellows
- Sleeve on each 7
- Small step transition
- instead of 25V/pC/m
- Spectrometer bend chamber
- Wakefield mitigation movable plug
- Eliminates any wakefield
- Small gap
Straight beam
Beam to Spectrometer
Plug out
Courtesy J.Langton
10Wakefield in Radiation Stopper
- Radiation Stopper not an issue
- LCLS-TN-05-15
- "Wakefield Calculations for Radiation Stopper
1 (RST1) - Wrms lt 0.077V/pC on axis
- ??/? lt 0.1
- due to small ?? 1.5 m
MAFIA computations Courtesy Cho-Kuen Ng
11Final changes in Accelerator Region
Courtesy P.Stephens
12Beamline Modifications
- L0a moved downstream by 8 cm
- Ok with emittance compensation
- Solenoid 2 reduced to 20 cm effective length
magnet (Req. sent out) - higher Bfield for same focal length
- higher Bfield is not an issue
- Suppressed one out of 2 BPMs in L0a-L0b drift
- 4 inch Phase monitor fits in
- Valve moved from L0a entrance to L0a-L0b drift
- Mu-shield metal wrapped around all possible
location - PRD 1.1-009
- Unfortunately not possible in GTL
- Critical decisions
- Specifications for screens and resolution
finalized (PRD out) - CR material 1mm thick, quartz, to be replaced
with aerogel later - OTR cameras orientation to increase depth of
field - Streak camera ordered
- Choice of CCD cameras finalized
- Remaining issues
- Optical path for CRG1 light
- 2nd pick-up on toroid for BCS
- Alignment laser spec. to be finalized
- Finalization (Resolution) of BPM design for large
aperture pipe
14Commissioning Schedule
- Discussed every 5th week with LCLS
physicists/operators group - To be incorporated into large .mpp document for
links - Discussed weekly inside Injector group
- (Bong, Dowell, Limborg, Loos, Schmerge )
- Based on 2 shifts per day
- Resource loading to be refined
- 2 physicists per shift 1 control person 1
operator - guests
- Meeting will evolve in high level application
discussion - Schedule Outline
- Starts with RF Gun cold and hot test (summer 06)
- First beam at 135MeV dump (Nov.22-06 ?? Dec.06)
- 8 months of characterization and optimization
- Deliver most stable beam for acceptable charge
for BC1 commissioning at end of June07
December 06 ?
16Commissioning Readiness
- Pending issues
- Hot test schedule
- Finalize start date, detailed schedule
- Feedback Systems
- Calibrations procedure
- Magnetic calibration procedure drafted
- Screen calibration procedure
- High Level Applications
17High Level Applications
- Cathode characterization (QE, uniformity, Thermal
emittance) - Steering in L0a
- Longitudinal phase space measurements at BXG
- Bunch length measurement with transverse RF
deflector(s) - Emittance meas. (multi-wire, multi-OTR,
quad-scan, slice) - Power-steering through beamlines, with corrector
weights - Difference orbit fitting, including internal kick
- Longitudinal phase space measurement at BXS
- Tomography (Longitudinal and Transverse)
18Feedback Systems
- Pointing Stability (see Laser)
- Tolerance
- Slow (flt1Hz) lt200 ??m (or slice emittance
degraded) - Fast (1Hzltflt120 Hz) lt10 ??m (1 of 10
?x,undulator budget) - Slow feedback Sensor/ actuator
- Virtual cathode / mirrors
- Status preliminary tests at bldg 407
- Fast stability
- Design constraint (Gun injection mirror
vacuum chamber rigidly linked to optical launch
table ,i.e. less than 10??m fast motion ) - Charge Stability (see Laser)
- Tolerance
- Fast (shot-to shot) lt 2rms
- Sensor/Actuator
- first toroid IM01/ polarizer
19Feedback Systems
- Timing Stability
- Tolerance
- Fast stability (120Hz),
- laser phase w.r.t master clock lt 0.5 ps rms
- feedback system
- sensor phase monitor signal
- actuator locking electronics from Thales system
- Slow stability (lt1Hz),
- laser phase w.r.t gun phase lt /-3 ps
- to maintain emittance within 5 of optimal
20Steering in L0a
- Solenoid mispositioning
- 250 ??m, 250 ?rad
- Earth Magnetic field 2mrad/m vert.
- No space for mu-metal shielding in GTL
- By 0.35 G
- Bx 0.12 G
- Offset as large as 3mm without steering
21Simulations of steering
- Procedure
- L0a solenoid off
- Orthogonal knobs at SC0
- SC0 and SC1 adjusted to steer in L0a
- Scaling of SC0 orthogonal knobs with solenoid to
be implemented in software when
- GTL Design finalized
- L0a-L0b space issue solved
- Laser Heater region to be detailed
- Commissioning schedule under completion
- Feedback systems under completion
- High Level Applications to be written
23Response to the April FAC Recommendations
- Wakefield in Gun
- Large Energy spread in gun identified to be
related to 0-mode - ACD group will perform more simulations
- 3D-ellipsoidal laser pulses
- Presented at major conferences, in particular at
FEL05 with good interest shown from many laser
25Hot test schedule
- Objectives
- Task1 RF Conditioning
- Task2 Verification of thermal design (?f vs
Power, ?f vs T) - Task3 Close LLRF feedback loop
- LLRF feedback loop can only be closed if
availability of - Chiller, Instrumentation of detection of phase
from reflected power signal, Drive Amplifier - Four scenarios discussed
() Special PPS run klystron e beam to
spectrometer during linac downtime