Title: Diapozitivul 1
1ROMGAZ Present and Perspectives
Energy in Center and Eastern Europe Forum
Bucharest, November, 2007
1. General overview of Romanian gas industry 2.
Content 2.1 Stages in the development of the
natural gas extraction industry in Romania 2.2
Natural gas importance on the Romanian energy
market 2.3 SNGN ROMGAZ SA role in the Romanian
gas sector 2.4 Main activities performed by
Romgaz 2.5 Romgaz field of activity 2.6 Romgaz
international cooperation relationships 2.7 Legal
and institutional framework 2.8 Opportunities for
Romgaz within the European energy
framework/context 2.9 Romgaz strategic goals
Bucharest, November, 2007
2.10 Measures to achieve the strategic
goals 2.10.1 Geological research for the
discovery of new gas reserves 2.10.2 Increasing
the recovery factor and production
optimization 2.10.3 Ensuring continuity, safety
and flexibility in the natural gas
supply Estimate for the evolution of the storage
capacity between 2007 -2013 2.10.4 Development
of the international cooperation 2.10.5
Consolidate the position as a leader for the
natural gas supply
Bucharest, November, 2007
4Energy in Center and Eastern Europe Forum
1. General overview of Romanian gas industry
Natural gas is an important energy source
worldwide and in Romania as well In Romania
natural gas represents more than 40 of the
primary energy sources Romania is the first
region in Europe where industrial gas consumption
was recorded (113,000 cm in 1913) Average
natural gas consumption of Romania during the
last 5 years was 17.5 18 billion cm. Internal
natural gas production is of about 12 bill. cm,
out of which 6 bill. cm is Romgaz production .
Annual import gas volumes (the source is Russia)
are of 5.5 6 bill. cm. Gas demand has
significant seasonal variations, the daily
consumption during the cold season is
approximately 2.5 times higher than during summer
season. Underground storages share in the daily
supply during the cold season is 30 from total
Bucharest, November, 2007
5Energy in Center and Eastern Europe Forum
2.1 Stages in the development of the natural gas
extraction industry in Romania
- period 1909-1950, natural gas accumulations with
significant volumes were discovered, but the
yearly gas productions were relatively small, up
to 2 billion cm/year - period 1950-1976, new reservoirs were
discovered, and the volumes of reserves and
annual productions recorded significant increase
daily maximum over 116 million cm/day produced
cumulative about 30 billion cm/year - period 1976-2007, annual productions and the
discovery of reserves have been in continuous
decline, and the level of consumption from
reserves much higher than the volumes of newly
discovered reserves.
Bucharest, November, 2007
6Energy in Center and Eastern Europe Forum
2.2 Natural gas importance on the Romanian energy
Natural gas plays and it will continue to play in
the future an important role on the Romanian
energy market
- Factors that impact the share of natural gas in
the balance of primary energy of Romania - Presence of natural gas commercial resources at
relatively high levels - The natural gas production, transmission and
distribution network is extended on the whole
territory of the country - Compared to other fossil fuels, natural gas has
the lowest impact on the environment - Favorable setting of Romania in the
international transmission system of Central and
Eastern Europe - Connection to the East-European network and
potential for interconnection of the
Western-European system and with the gas
resources from the Caspian Sea and Middle East
region. - Favorable location of the country between the
Eastern sources -The Russian Federation Caspian
Sea and the Middle East and North Africa.
Bucharest, November, 2007
7Energy in Center and Eastern Europe Forum
2.3 SNGN ROMGAZ SA role in the Romanian gas sector
- Petrom OMV
SNGN Romgaz S.A. is market leader, with a share
of supply of 40.5 on the internal gas market,
and the rest is supplied by OMV- Petrom, other
producers and import companies.
Operator of six underground gas storages with a
working capacity of about 3 billion cm/cycle and
a maximum withdrawal capacity of 20 mil cm/day
Bucharest, November, 2007
8Energy in Center and Eastern Europe Forum
2.4 Main activities performed by Romgaz
- Geological research for discovery of
hydrocarbons - Gas and condensate production
- Gas underground storage
- Gas import
- Gas commercialization
- Workover and special operations in wells
- Research, reservoir engineering and
technological engineering.
Bucharest, November, 2007
9Energy in Center and Eastern Europe Forum
2.5 Romgaz field of activity
- Romgaz performs exploration petroleum operations
in 8 blocks located in the Transylvanian Basin,
Moldavia, East and Central Muntenia and Oltenia
- Development and production petroleum operations
in 140 commercial gas reservoirs through about
3300 wells and 20 compressor stations with
nominal power of 160,000 kW - The large gas reservoirs from Transylvanian basin
which provide about 90 of Romgaz production,
have the depletion rate over 70.
Bucharest, November, 2007
10Energy in Center and Eastern Europe Forum
2.6 Romgaz international cooperation relationships
- Romgaz cooperates with companies of profile
on the Romanian territory in - the exploration, development and exploitation of
some leased blocks - WINTERSHALL - Association Agreement for
development - exploitation of RG 03 Transylvania
South Block - where the well 3 Sighisoara was
drilled and put in operation. Currently well 4 is
under production testing on the same structure,
with positive results. - FALCON OILGAS - Association Agreement for
exploration of Brodina and Cuejdiu blocks. In
Brodina block have been identified gas reservoirs
through three wells that have already been put
into production - AMROMCO ENERGY LLC - Association Agreement for
enhancement of production on 11 petroleum fields.
- SCHLUMBERGER LOGELCO INC - Association Agreement
for enhancement of production on Laslau- Mare
field by means of identifying new reserves.
Bucharest, November, 2007
11Energy in Center and Eastern Europe Forum
2.7 Legal and institutional framework
- The legal framework of the gas sector was
elaborated in compliance with the alignment to
the related Community legislation and with the
international law for development and
consolidation of a free competition market. - Related to institutions, the primary legislation
is promoted by the Ministry of Economy and
Finance, Government and Parliament. - Secondary legal frame for specific regulations in
this area is provided by Energy National
Regulatory Authority ANRE and National Agency
for Mineral Resources ANRM.
Bucharest, November, 2007
12Energy in Center and Eastern Europe Forum
2.8 Opportunities for Romgaz within the european
energy framework/context
- Romania has a favourable geographical position
which represents a strength in its participation
in the development of pan European oil and gas
major pipeline projects - A large number of depleted gas fields gives the
opportunity for converting them into UGSs both
for internal as well as for external use. - The existence of an institutional and legal
frame, adapted to European Union legal frame - The existence of physical and financial energy
markets, as well as access to the gas and power
regional markets with opportunities to develop
the system services at regional and European
level - Total liberalization of the gas and energy
market accomplished in 2007 - Increasing confidence in operation of the
Romanian capital market, which allows a
successful quotation on the stock market of the
energy companies (Transelectrica 2006, 1st
quarter of 2008 Transgaz) - Investment opportunities in the energy domain in
order to increase the energy efficiency and the
renewable energy resources, not used until now.
Bucharest, November, 2007
13Energy in Center and Eastern Europe Forum
2.9 Romgaz strategic goals
- Strengthening the position as leader on the
Romanian gas market by increasing the
competitiveness on a free competitive market
generated by the increasing number of gas
producers in the country as well as the
diversification of gas sources (sources from the
Middle East, Caspian Sea and/or alternative
sources LNG, LPG) - Diversification of the gas resources and
reserves portfolio by means of intensified
geological research activity - Ensuring safety, continuity and flexibility of
the gas supply by developing the existing
capacities, creating new capacities as well as
diversification of storage services for the new
consumption requirements - Developing international cooperation
relationships for exploration and production
projects outside Romania - Reducing the impact on the environment by
upgrading the surface facilities for the
petroleum activities performed by Romgaz and by
its partners, involved in various projects - Client satisfaction improvement by increasing
the quality of the offered products and services
(gas conditioning and gas metering in energy
Bucharest, November, 2007
14Energy in Center and Eastern Europe Forum
2.10 Measures to achieve the strategic goals
2.10.1 Geological research for the discovery of
new gas reserves
- In order to satisfy the production
requirements, Romgaz shall enhance its geological
research activities in order to discover new
hydrocarbon resources/reserves by - Acquisition and processing of 2D and 3D
seismic profiles - Performing magnetic, geochemical and
gravimetric survey - Geological research drilling (over 100,000 m)
to check the hydrocarbon - content in over 50 prospects of the eight
exploration blocks in order to comply with the
concession agreements with respect to the and to
evaluate the resources from the new discovered
Bucharest, November, 2007
15Energy in Center and Eastern Europe Forum
2.10 Measures to achieve the strategic goals
2.10.2 Increasing the recovery factor and
production optimization
- Achieving these goals is made by a series
of measures that shall regard - Elaboration of evaluation and production
behavior studies for all mature reservoirs by use
of state of the art technologies for reservoir
modeling-simulation, identifying gas saturated
areas, well completion and stimulation methods - Resizing and rehabilitation of the surface
infrastructure in order to face the new condition
and regulations with respect to safety of the
exploitation process, gas quality and
environmental protection - Introducing a monitoring system of the
production process on the entire technological
flow in order to identify problems in real time
(dispatching) of production capacities - Rehabilitation of the production from the mature
reservoirs by valuing the experience gained
through partnerships with the field related
companies and service companies - Implementation of a complex management for
operation of commercial gas reservoir.
Bucharest, November, 2007
16Energy in Center and Eastern Europe Forum
2.10 Measures to achieve the strategic goals
2.10.3 Ensuring continuity, safety and
flexibility in the natural gas supply
- ROMGAZ can contribute to continuous, safe and
flexible supply of natural gas by - Development of the current storages in order to
optimize the total and working capacity, as well
as of the withdrawal capacity which has to cover
the more and more fluctuant demand - Selection and evaluation of new depleted gas
reservoirs that should be converted into
efficient UGSs for the domestic and regional
market, and for the European regional market.
Bucharest, November, 2007
17Energy in Center and Eastern Europe Forum
Estimate for the evolution of the
storage capacity between 2007 - 2013
Bucharest, November, 2007
18Energy in Center and Eastern Europe Forum
2.10 Measures to achieve the strategic goals
2.10.4 Development of the international
Romgaz participation to gas exploration-production
projects outside Romania in order to increase
the gas resource/reserves portfolio and hereby
Romgaz passing into the category of the major
players on the regional market, and participation
to alternative projects in order to diversify the
energy sources for Romania. The current
regional context allows Romgaz to wish for the
important role as a contact bridge between the
Western European gas market and the important gas
resources area from the East Middle East,
Caspian Sea, Russian Federation and North Africa.
Bucharest, November, 2007
19Energy in Center and Eastern Europe Forum
2.10 Measures to achieve the strategic goals
2.10.5 Consolidate the position as a leader for
the natural gas supply
- Actions
- Increasing the clients faithfulness by means of
price policy and offered services, through long
and medium term take or pay contracts - Offering of attractive contractual conditions
for the client with respect to payment methods
and provision of securities - Permanent contact with the clients in order to
ensure all conditions for their satisfaction, for
the entire contract term, and compliance with the
assumed obligations in order to avoid loosing
them in the hands of the competitors - Establishing a consistent portfolio of suppliers
which should cover an optimum segment of the
retail gas market economic operators and
residential consumers
Bucharest, November, 2007
20Thank you for your attention!