Title: Self Directed Support
1Self Directed Support Changing the Role of Care
2I've gone from Ebenezer Scrooge to Father
Christmas (Quote from SDS Champion in
3What do we expect care managers to do now?
4 5- Step 1 Assessment and the Self Assessment
Questionnaire - Continue to undertake professional assessment and
eligibility check - Self assessment is completed by customer
- Self assessment is completed by Care Manager
- Then agree final score
- Care managers moderate the SAQ against their
professional assessment - Provide the customer with a point score and a
likely personal budget
6Step 2 Support Planning Give information to
customers on the process and the help that is
available to help them plan and make the plan a
reality Be knowledgeable about support planning
and the images of possibility Understand that
support planning is not the care managers job!
7- Step 3
- Confidence to agree support plans
- 80 of plans should be agreed by the care manager
- Understand the essential criteria in
Northamptonshire - Know what personal budgets can be spent on
- Changing the culture
- Seeing the outcomes
- Being brave !
8- Step 7
- Reviewing support plans
- Review against outcomes not services
- Northamptonshire part of national outcome
research work with Lancaster University and 4
other LAs - Using new review forms
- Looking at new ways of reviewing
9The SDS Champions In Northamptonshire 60
Champions from care management ,social work and
mental health teams are supporting customers
through our customer testing phase This
means we can concentrate training and information
on a smaller number of staff while we learn
10- Training for care managers
- Training was a partnership between an national
company and local knowledge - Initial 2 day programme
- Slightly different for different customer groups
particularly staff in Mental Health Teams -
- Ongoing programme for
- Agreeing plans .Developing the role of the
decision makers - reviewing support plans
11Ongoing support Champions toolkit all up to
date forms and information on a website
page Helpline someone to answer questions, log
issues and reassure a bit too! Questions and
answers monthly question and answers on the
website Champions network meetings Peer
support, discussions and up to date information
and developments ..and a chance to moan
12- Learning by doing??
- Some of the challenges
- Running two systems
- Role of the team managers
- Giving permission to do it differently
- Giving guidelines not prescriptions
13To address these Developing new customer
information to assist customers and care
managers Participating in national development
of support plan guidelines Training and support
for team and senior managers
14- It feels like a new job
- An SDS Champion is now managing to move someone
out of residential care. - Customers are feeling in control and "being able
to say what they want and not being told what
they can have" - SDS increases the number of ways you can look at
solving the problem. - By giving the personal budget the customer has
managed to reach outcomes by including natural
support to support formal networks.