Title: The Business Activity Model: An Experiment in Self-Learning
1The Business Activity ModelAn Experiment in
Anthony H. Catanach Jr. acatanach_at_msn.com 610-519-
2Seminar Objectives
- Briefly review the Business Activity Models
(BAM) pedagogy. - Describe the formal assessment project funded by
the Carnegie and Pew Foundations and the AAA. - Discuss the studys preliminary results.
- Comment on future directions of the instructional
approach and study.
Please ask any questions as they may arise.
3The Business Activity Model Hopes to Treat Three
Educational Maladies
Lee S. Shulman in Taking Learning Seriously, 1999.
- Amnesia - forgetting what learned in class.
- Fantasia illusory understanding or persistent
misconceptions. - Inertia ideas are not used or applied.
So how does the BAM work?
4The Business Activity Model
- Seeks to motivate students for the accounting
profession, promote technical competency, develop
life-long research skills, advance critical
thinking, and foster communications skills. - Over two semesters, students mimic the accounting
and financial reporting processes found in the
real world by conducting analytical reviews,
soliciting information from clients, preparing
correcting entries, and drafting financial
statements. - Allows technology (CD ROM, Internet, Electronic
Libraries, Email) to be incorporated in the
classroom (instruction, administration, etc.),
but technology is purposefully kept in the
background so as to focus on the models
5General Approach
- Confront students with real life business
contexts. - Introduce ambiguity (e.g. relatively obscure
hydraulic maintenance services industry). - Require students to provide a full range of
accounting, tax, and consulting services as
members of a professional services team (i.e.
group work). - Place greater reliance on Socratic Method.
- Focus on financial statements and disclosure.
6Specific Approach
- Students are introduced to accounting issues as
they are encountered by a fictitious company
during the first seven years of its life cycle. - Groups progress from compilations and reviews
(years 1 and 2) to audit services (last 5
years). - For each year, students recommend correcting
entries, and prepare complete sets of financial
statements including all note disclosures.
7Primary Classroom Activities
- Prior to Day One - Students are provided with
client-prepared financial statements and records. - Day One - Students ask the client questions that
allow them to determine whether the financial
statements are in accordance with GAAP. Groups
also must solicit information that is needed for
correcting entries and financial statement
disclosures. - Day Two - Students present correcting journal
entries. - Day Three - Groups present complete sets of
financial statements and note disclosures.
8Unique Course Characteristics
- Class time devoted to critical thinking and
communication skills issue identification,
resolution of ambiguity, etc. (not information
delivery). - Delivery of technical information shifted outside
the classroom replace lectures with client
analytical review exercises and detailed
take-home research projects. - No CPA exam focus.
- Course revisions are continuous (thanks to the
FASB). - Integrates course with other classes (audit, tax,
But Does the BAM Work???
9The History of the Business Activity Models Use
- Until the past year, the model has been used only
at the University of Virginia. - Skeptics have argued that great professors and
great students account for any apparent
success. - Formal assessment was not possible until
materials were complete. - Historically, few resources existed to facilitate
adoption by other institutions (training, user
manuals, etc.) - Yet, this past year, five new institutions
adopted the BAM, with another coming on line this
Now Assessment Can Begin!!!
10Formal Assessment Project
- Begun in the Fall of 1999 with financial support
provided by the Pew Foundation and the American
Accounting Association. - Research also supported by the Carnegie Academy
for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
11Project DescriptionDoes the Business Activity
Model Work?
- Does the model accomplish its goals?
- How well does it work relative to more
traditional courses (both in the short-term and
long-term)? - Does it affect subsequent courses in the
12Research Design and Method
- Multi-phase, longitudinal investigation during
the course (Phase I), subsequent to the course,
but before graduation (Phase II), and
post-graduation (Phase III). - Variety of tools and metrics student, faculty,
alumni, and employer attitudinal surveys focus
groups and standardized tests (certification and
professional exams). - Except for questions designed to capture
demographic information or written comment
feedback, most questions require responses on an
ordinal scale from one (strongly disagree) to
five (strongly agree).
13Progress To Date
- Three attitudinal surveys were created, pilot
tested, and delivered to over 300 intermediate
financial accounting students at five U.S.
universities. - The following results were compiled from two
surveys of the first semester intermediate course
at each school. - Second semester responses are being coded.
14Student Profile
- Average age 21.5 years (70 ? 20 years)
- Other characteristics 54 female, 85 juniors,
19 minority status, 4.7 foreign, and 23.6
transfers - Major 62.4 accounting with another 31 double
majoring in accounting with another discipline - Academics mean GPA of 3.3 (53 in top 10 of
high school class) - Experience gt 60 reported no previous experience
with accounting - Work 20 (5-10 hours per week) and 30 (10-20
hours per week) - Study Hours 44.1 (10-20 hours per week) and 16
(more than 20 hours per week)
15Critical Thinking
- Students enjoy identifying and solving problems,
but admit to difficulties in formulating
decisions. - After the BAM, students agree that ambiguity and
uncertainty hinder their ability to solve
problems. - 17.8 rate uncertainty as their greatest dislike
for the course - 22.4 suggest that the course can be improved by
reducing uncertainty - Students acknowledge that the BAM encouraged
critical thinking - Median response of 4 on a 5 point scale (strongly
agree) - 10.3 rated critical thinking and analysis as
what they most liked about the BAM
16Group Work
- Student attitudes toward working in groups was
generally positive and consistent throughout the
semester. They acknowledge that working with
others is important and that group exercises are
an effective learning tool. - However, there are several inconsistencies
- 26.3 rate group work as what they like most
about the course - 16.8 rate group work as what they like most
about the BAM - 16.3 cite working in groups as one of the least
attractive aspects of the BAM
17Communication Skills
- Student ratings of the importance of oral
communication skills to business declined during
the semester, as did their beliefs that oral
presentations reflected their knowledge. Yet,
more students rated their communication skills
higher at the end of the semester than at the
start. Neutral on whether the course improved
them. - Students rated the importance of writing to
learning lower at the end of the semester, while
valuing essays as useful in evaluating
knowledge more at the end of the semester than
at the beginning. Neutral on whether the course
improved them.
18Research Ability
- Students prefer courses that rely on detailed
texts over those that encourage library research
and readings, even though they are comfortable
with computerized research tools. - After one BAM semester, students report a higher
expectation that the course text should have
most of the answers. - These responses are consistent with student
concerns over the uncertainty they face in
19Motivation Toward the Profession
- Most students recognize the value of the
accounting major in providing access to business
opportunities. - However, student ratings of interest in
accounting as a major declined slightly after
the first semester and students were neutral as
to whether the course increased interest in
accounting. - Nevertheless, students agreed that the BAM
enhanced their understanding of the profession
and addressed important business issues. - 43.9 indicated that the BAMs realism was what
they liked most about the course.
Wait A Minute Here!!!!
20Isnt it ironic that most students appreciate the
BAMs realism, but dislike its uncertainty? Stude
nts dont equate the business world with risk and
21Course Rigor
- Students were almost unanimous in their
assessment of the course as being time consuming,
challenging, and interesting. - 12.1 cited information overload for the course.
- 11.0 disliked time-consuming nature.
- Generally agreed that the BAM was a valuable
learning tool. - 17.3 reported the BAM to be what they liked most
about the course. - 10.1 recommended that nothing be changed in the
But How Do the Instructors Feel?
22Instructor Feedback
- I really enjoy doing the BAM and the students
seem more interested in class, although I dont
think they like having to depend to meet outside
of classAlso, I think theyre struggling on how
to learn on their own. - There is a lot less frustration among the
students that I thought there would be. As for
me, I am having a ball. This is by far, the most
fun I have ever had teaching (moderating) an
intermediate accounting class. - I love teaching the course this way and hope to
do a much better job in the future. I had some
difficulty in knowing what to really emphasize
and reinforce in class discussion so that
students had a better idea what to studyour
students really seem to enjoy the interaction and
23Interim Result Summary
- Students dislike the uncertainty and miss having
Students appreciate the models realism and
faculty enjoy using it.
Too Early to Tell on Model Effectiveness!
24Intriguing and Unexpected Findings
- Effect of Changing Student Demographics on
Curriculum Design and Implementation
Double Majors
Student Hours Worked
Extra Curricular Activities
Theoretical Model and Approach May Be Sound, But
Demographics May Prevent Desired Outcomes.
25Intriguing and Unexpected Findings
The Influence of Student Expectations on
Curriculum Implementation
Other Students
Metrics May Not Properly Capture Model Outcomes.
26Immediate Implications of the Current Work
Reinforced the need for multiple metrics and
research methods, as well as careful program
Opened the door to a new investigation that can
be initiated, while awaiting completion of the
longer, longitudinal project.
27The New StudyResearch Contributing to
Professional Practice
- I will match student demographic and attitudinal
data from the current project to newly collected
student internship feedback data. This will
allow me to - Report on firm internship program performance.
- Match student profiles to internship program
This Means That My Carnegie Project May Impact
Both University Curriculum AND Professional Firm
Training Programs
Good measures will allow us to capture the
gut-wrenching drama and conflict found in
Preparing to do Battle
The Thrill of Victory
The Agony of Defeat
29Thank YouQuestions and Comments
- Catanach Jr., A. H., D. B. Croll, and R. L.
Grinaker. Teaching Intermediate Financial
Accounting Using a Business Activity Model.
Forthcoming in Issues in Accounting Education
(November 2000). - My web page http//www19.homepage.villanova.edu/a
nthony.catanach/BAMHome.htm - Melody Marcus at McGraw Hill Irwin
(212-904-2029 or melody_marcus_at_mcgraw-hill.comm). - McGraw Hill presentations on Tuesday at 1015 AM
and 315 PM in the Mariott (rooms 309 and 310).
Stop by their booth to sign up. - Contact Mary Harsten (St. Marys University), Bob
Hilbelink (Dordt College), Dave Kircher (Ohio
University), Brock Murdoch (Cal State Chico),
and Gerry Dougherty (Villanova University).