1NuSTAR, FAIR the UK Community
Physics Department,University of Surrey
DL, October,2006
2- Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research
GSI today
SIS 100/300
SIS 18
Rare Isotope Prod.target
Super FRS
Super FRS
100 m
3The Present Rare Isotope Facility at GSI
- Low primary beam intensity (e.g. 108 238U /s)
- Low transmission for projectile fission fragments
(4-10 at the FRS) - Low transmission for fragments into the storage
ring and to the experimental areas - Limited maximum magnetic rigidity
- (_at_ FRS for U-like fragments, _at_
ESRcooler performance and magnets, _at_ALADIN, to
deflect break-up fragments) - Limited space in front of the production target
- Limited space at the experimental area 1
- Limited space at the ESR injection area 2
- Beam-line magnets, area 3, are not designed for
fragment beams
4(No Transcript)
5The Super-FRS and its Branches
NuSTAR- Nuclear Structure Astrophysics and
Reactions Collaboration
6UK Community and NuSTAR
? Groups at Paisley, Glasgow, Edinburgh, York,
Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham,
Surrey, Brighton and Daresbury.
- theorists at Manchester(4) and Surrey(5)
- groups at Strathclyde, Belfast
and Cardiff interested in other aspects of FAIR
? In total about 75 academics of whom 9 are
theorists, 8 or 9 are in other fields and
about 45 have their principal interests in
FAIR. ? Strongly engaged in NuSTAR-
-Chairman of NuSTAR BoardGelletly (Surrey)
-Spokesperson HISPEC----------Podolyak (surrey)
-Deputy Spokesperson DESPEC-Woods
(Edinburgh) -Spokesperson LASPEC-Campbell
(Manchester) -Spokesperson
EXL-------Chartier (Liverpool)
-Spokesperson ILIMA-----Walker (Surrey) ?
Grant awarded to build active stopper for
DESPEC-Edinburgh/Liverpool/Rutherford. ?
Strong involvement in RISING, EXL tests, ILIMA
tests etc. ? Daresbury and Rutherford personnel
engaged in electronics and data acquisition.
7Contributions - experiment
- DESPEC Gamma ray array
- DESPEC Active stopper
- Electronics and data acquisition for NuSTAR and
sub-projects - Mechanical arrangements for HISPEC/DESPEC and
elsewhere. - Tracking detectors for NuSTAR-for example Diamond
detectors - (Surrey and Rutherford)
- ?Beamlines all aspects from design to assembly
and test. - ?Heavy ion spectrometer for R3B design to
assembly and test. - ?AGATA
- ?Detector development generally-Si, CdZnTe,
Diamond etc.
8The high-energy branch of the Super-FRS A
universal setup for kinematical complete
measurements of Reactions with Relativistic
Radioactive Beams
The setup
- The R3B experiment
- identification and beam "cooling" (tracking and
momentum measurement, Dp/p 10-4) - exclusive measurement of the final state
- - identification and momentum analysis of
fragments - (large acceptance mode Dp/p10-3,
high-resolution mode Dp/p10-4) - - coincident measurement of neutrons,
protons, gamma-rays, light recoil particles - applicable to a wide class of reactions
9Experiments at the low-energy branch
Energy-bunched slowed-down and stopped beams
? Decay spectroscopy
(DESPEC) ? In-flight g spectroscopy
(3 100 MeV/u) (HISPEC) ? Laser spectroscopy
(LASPEC) ? Ion traps (MATS) ? Neutron capture
(NCAP) ? Antiprotonic nuclei (Exopbar)
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11Experiments at the low-energy branch
Monoenergetic degrader
in-beam g-ray spectroscopy
Slow beams (100...3 MeV/u)
Monoenergetic variable
a, b, g -decay spectroscopy
Stopped beams ( 25meV)
He-filled ion catcher
LASER spectroscopy
ISOL-type beams (10...100 keV)
EBIS analyzer
in-trap ex- periments
Highly- charged ions
12FAIR-the Complex of Storage Rings
A unique combination where one can apply all the
lessons from the SIS-FRS-ESR complex and build on
CR-Efficient collection and stochastic
pre-cooling to ?p/p 10-4 in fraction of ?s
RESR-beam can be decelerated to 100MeV/u in 1 s
at 740 MeV/u
13EXL Exotic Nuclei studied in light-ion induced
reactions at the NESR
Schematic view of a cross-section of the EXL
detector system, with the details shown on the
14Setup for EXL test experiment at ESR.
Experimental Storage Ring
Circulating Beam
15Test of EXL Idea using the ESR - 2006
O.Kiselev et al.
16Test of EXL Idea using the ESR - 2006
O.Kiselev et al.
17- RISING Rare ISotope INvestigations at GSI
- 2 major campaigns so far
- 1) Fast (in-beam) Campaign
- 2) Stopped (isomer/?-decay)
- Campaign
We are in the middle of the isomer part of this
campaign. Next year we will be looking at beta
decays-in principle the method will be very
similar to the experiments to be described in
the lectures by Paul Mantica. All the results I
will show are preliminary and not fully analysed.
18EXL- What information can we expect?
?First real programme of reaction studies with
exotic nuclei in a ring. ?Detector system will
handle a wide range of different types of
reaction. ?Exclusive measurements-hence of
interest with stable beams too.
Elastic scattering -nuclear matter
-haloes,skins,central densities Inelastic
scattering -surface collective states/electric
giant resonances/analysing powers
-bulk props.in asymmetric
matter/compressibilty/soft modes Charge exchange
-GT/spin-dipole resonances/spin-isospin excns.
-neutron skin/spin
excns./stellar weak interaction rates Transfer
reactions -spectroscopic factors/s.p. particle
and hole states/pair transfer
interaction/pairing interaction Quasi-free
scattering -s.p.spectral function/cluster
-s.p.structure/nucleon-nucleon correlations/in-med
ium interactions
19ELISe Electron-Ion scattering in a Storage Ring
Aims- a)Charge distributions from (e,e)
scattering. b)Selective excitation of low-lying
collective states,giant resonances and new
soft modes using (e,e/). c)Electrofission
studies. d)Studies of (e,e/N) and cluster
20Experimental Setup
15 Euroball Cluster detectors
Fragment Recoil Separator (FRS) g detector
array CAlorimeter TElescope (CATE) FRS
optimised for required primary fragment TOF
between S1 S2 (30m), hence ? MWs (x,y)
positions also used for tracking
Unmodified figures courtesy of GSI