Title: ELISe Letter of Intent (FAIR/NUSTAR)
1ELISe Letter of Intent (FAIR/NUSTAR)
INTAS project
- Status Report
- Work to be done
- Technical Report Implications/Formalia
- Physics Case (Talks Discussion)
- Technical ( dito )
- Responsabilities
3FAIR specific simulation calculations
- Production
- Transport
- Separation
- In-ring losses
First version can be found on our document
server http//www.gsi.de/gsitools/
4Expected Yields/production process
K.-H. Schmidt et al.
5The NUSTAR facility
R3B tomorrow
EXL hadron scattering ELISe electron
6The Ring Branch
from Super-FRS
Collector Ring bunch rotation adiabatic
debunching fast stochastic cooling isochronous
NESR electron cooling experiments
eA Collider
RESR deceleration (1T/s) to 100 - 400 MeV/u
7Electron-Ion scattering in a Storage Ring(eA
Collider) ELISe
- 125-500 MeV electrons
- 200-740 MeV/u RIBs
- achievable luminosity
- 1025-1029 cm-2s-1 depending on ion species
- spectrometer setup at the
- interaction zone
- detection system for RI in
- the arcs of the NESR (see EXL)
8Letter of Intent - PAC June 14-16
- This is a proposal with clever objectives, based
on the very successful results of electron
scattering experiments - The experimental developments needed in this
proposal are i) the eA collider, ii) the
electron spectrometer and focal plane detectors,
iii) heavy ion spectrometer and focal plane
detectors (same of EXL). - This proposal implicitly uses parts of the NESR
ring as a spectrometer. Thus it is important to
consider this in the design of this ring. The
luminosity of the collider needed for this kind
of experiment was estimated to be of the order of
1028 cm-2 s-1. The committee was concerned that
the technique may not be widely applicable due to
luminosity limitations and would like to have a
reliable estimation of the regions of nuclei
where the required luminosity is achievable. - The collaboration has the needed expertise in the
physics field. Concerning the storage ring
aspect, GSI is the best place in the world
- So far
- INTAS project FP6/EU 100 k / 2y
- KVI, Chalmers, CSIC/Univ Complutense, GSI,
- Kurchatov Moscow, IPPE Obninsk, INR (RAS)
Moscow, JINR Dubna - Objectives (i) Simulation/Physics Scenario
- (ii) RD electron spectrometer
- - Simulation
- - Detector
prototypes/Luminosity Monitor - (iii) RD in ring
detector system - - Detector
10Technical ProposalDead line Jan. 15th 2005
- Technical Proposal for the Design, Construction,
Commissioning and Operation of the - ELISE experiment
- Abstract
- Figure of the proposed exp. or acc. setup
- Members of the ELIse Collaboration
- City A, Country, Institution, Names of persons
- City B,
- City C,..
- Spokesperson Name E-Mail
..Telephone Number . - Deputy Name E-Mail
..Telephone Number.. - Contact person _at_ GSI Name E-Mail
..Telephone Number..
11Technical Proposal
- A Introduction and Overview
- (Physics case, uniqueness worldwide, why
FAIR is needed, competition, relation between
observables and physics, Physics needs determine
targeted precision, Specifications, Physics
Performance) ? Theory -
12Technical Proposal
- B Systems
- (1) Sub Projects of the Experiment, (with
its necessary RD, Prototyping, Tests, Milestones
to reach specifications for each subproject) -
- Simulations
- of the detectors
- of the beam
- Radiation Hardness Design
- Construction
- Acceptance Tests
- Calibration (if needed),
- requests for test beams ? n subprojects
13Technical Proposal
- B Systems (continued)
- Trigger, DAQ, Controls, Computing
- (3) Beam/Target Requirements
- - spill structure, intensity, etc.
- - running scenario (e.g. time
planning/year) -
- (4) Physics Performance
14Technical Proposal
- C Implementation
- Cave/Annex, Civil Engineering, Cranes,
- - floor plan
- - electronic racks/ cooling/ power
supply/ gas cryo systems - (2) Detector Machine Interface
- - vacuum/ beam pipe/ target
- - in-beam monitors detectors/ timing
- - radiation environment shielding
- Assembly and Installation
- ? How will the system be mounted ?
Procedure/ Space
15Technical Proposal
- D/E/F Commissioning/Operation/Safety
- G Organisation and Responsabilities, Planning
- (a) work packages
- (b) management boards, project leaders,
- (c) responsibilities/obligations per institute
- cost and manpower estimates
- (RD, construction/operation)
- (e) schedule/milestones
- organistation
- H/I/J Relation to other proj./Other Issues/Refs
16Time table
- S.P.Kamerdzhiev
- Calculations of excitations in unstable nuclei
within the Extended Theory of Finite Fermi
Systems - L.V.Chulkov
- Elastic scattering in the eA collider
- A. Kelic
- Fission studies at the eA collider
- D. Rohe
- --about quasielastic scattering
- Vladimir Avdeichikov
- "Status and Perspective Si-CsI telescop detectors
in the UHV surrounding" - J. Udias-Moinelo
- --about the simulation framework/electron
spectrometer simulations - Y. Kalmykov TU Darmstadt
- --experimental studies towards a zero degree
e-scattering spectrometer - Vladimir Nedorezov
- "Photonuclear experiments at storage rings"
- Helmut Weick
ca. 20 min discussion
- 1230
ca. 15 min discussion
1330 - 1530
1600 1830 Discussion
17ELISe Collaboration
- Spokesperson
- Deputy
- GSI contact
18 NUSTAR DAQ system Haik Simon GSI Darmstadt
- CurrentGSI Multi Branch System
- Near futureDigital Signal Processing
- Far futureNUSTAR DAQ system
EXL, R3B, ILIMA, ELISe, ? panda, CBM,
19What does/should a common DAQ provide ?
- DAQ (module drivers, i.e. information and
- knowledge about module bugs, )
- Event format ? Common Analysis Clients
- Taping/Mass Storage ANSI labels, rfio
server/client, - Framework/Interoperability between experiments
20What could be interesting also
- Synchronisation of standalone DAQ systems along
the beam line - Time distribution system (TDS)
- Firmware upload scheme
- Slow control
- Feedback loops
- Monitoring ! (Increasing complexity, no
connectors, )
21Performance of a TDS - Igor Konorov / TUM
COMPASS / panda - I3HP - JRA
Provides time reference metadata
of the event for up to 8 DAQ systems (via fiber)
Server/VME 6U
22MBS DSP Multibranch ( up to N ? M )
Complicated systems can be realized multiprocesso
r digital signal processing rfio to disk array or
tape robot
FOPI readout scheme
Y.Leifels, P.Kozcon
23NUSTAR / about 660 collaborators (!)
- GHz sampling
- slow control coupling
- decay studies
- slow control coupling
- MHz sampling PSA
? Common DAQ group