Title: Nzev projektu
1VB - TU Ostrava Fakulta elektrotechniky a
informatiky Katedra elektroenergetiky Fakulta
ekonomická Katedra financí
Výzkum reení vlivu výpadku v dodávce elektrické
energie na ocenení nedodané energie
2REITELÉ Dr. Ing. Zdenek Medvec Katedra
elektroenergetiky Ing. Luká Prokop (VV)
Katedra elektroenergetiky prof. Dr. Ing.
Zdenek Zmekal Katedra financí EkF doc. Dr.
Ing. Dana Dluhoová Katedra financí EkF Ing.
Miroslav Culík, Ph.D. Katedra financí
EkF Ing. Tomá Tichý, Ph.D. Katedra financí
3Cíl výzkumu Vytvorit obecný technicko-ekonomický
model pro ocenování nedodané energie
4Cíle výzkumu pro rok 2006
- Výzkum matematických metod pro tvorbu
typizovaných prubehu zatíení - Tvorba typizovaných prubehu zatíení na základe
reálných merení v prumyslu - Výpocet mnoství nedodané energie z typizovaných
prubehu zatíení - Rozbor vlivu na ocenení nedodané elektrické
5Plnení cílu výzkumu pro rok 2006
- Cíle výzkumu pro rok 2006 jsou prubene plneny
(viz prezentace na konferencích) - Ohlasy na publikované príspevky jsou velmi
pozitivní - Jedná se o velice aktuální téma, diskuse na
konferencích k prednáené problematice jsou
6Practical Applications of Theoretical Relations
Damage Function Analysis
PLP number of casting furnace NJET costs of
replacement of casting furnace damaged jets PF
number of filters on casting furnace which must
be replaced NFILTER costs of replacement of
casting furnace filters. NFALLOUT-1 costs of
damaged material on casting furnace mFURNACE
quantity of damaged material on casting
furnace NHEAT costs of technology restart
restart of casting furnace tHEAT time of
technology restart casting furnace mROLLINGMILL
quantity of damaged material on rolling
mill NFALLOUT-2 costs of damaged material on
rolling mill NREFILL costs of fixed extinguishing
systems refill NSERVICE costs of fixed
extinguishing systems service nCOVERAGE summation
of fixed costs and lost profit of analysed
enterprise. tINT time of electrical power
interruption TTECH time of technological break in
evocate with electrical power interruption
7Practical Applications of Theoretical Relations
Damage Function after taking nominal values of
partial costs
mFURNACE - parameter of damage function and it
fluctuate from 0 to 2000, value of this
parameters depends on conditions of technology
processing k1 - parameter of damage function and
it has two values, 0 if fixed extinguishing
systems was used during electrical power supply
interruption, 1 if fixed extinguishing systems
was not used during electrical power supply
interruption tHEAT, tINT - variables
8Practical Applications of Theoretical Relations
Final Damage Function for this Enterprise
The Influence of Outages Density to Total Annual
Interruption Costs
9- Prezentace na konferencích
- Medvec, Prokop Partial Results from Practical
Application of Estimation of Energy not Supply.
In sborník konference ELEKTRO 06, ilinská
Universita, 2006, 3 s., ISBN 80-8070-544-5 - Prokop, Medvec, Tinka Estimation of Energy not
Supply using time series. In sborník konference
ELEKTRO 06, ilinská Universita, 2006, 4 s., ISBN
80-8070-544-5 - Hradílek, Prokop Practical Application of
Estimation of Energy not Supply. Brno FEKT, VUT
Brno, 2006, ISBN 80-214-3180-6
10- Prezentace na konferencích
- Prokop, Hradílek, Medvec Sensitivity Analyses of
Damage Function for Industrial Company. Tallinn,
Estonsko Technical University of Tallinn, 2006,
4 s., ISBN 9985-59-647-1 - Prokop, Hradílek, Medvec Economical aspects of
electrical energy supply reliability in industry.
In sborník konference PEA 2006, Gaborone,
Botswana IASTED, 2006, 2 s., ISBN 0-88986-616-3 - Prokop, L., Medvec, Z. Economical Aspects of
Electrical Power Supply Reliability in Industry.
In sborník konference ELEN 2006, Praha FEL CVUT
Praha, 2006, 4 s., ISBN 80-239-7650-8
11Prezentace na konferencích Culík, M. Real
option application for modular project valuation.
In Mathematical Models in Economics, Plzen,
September 2006. Tichý, T. Some efficient ways
of simulating stochastic processes of Lévy type.
In 4th Chorzow Conference of Banking and Finance,
Chorzow, September 2006. Dluhoová, D.
Application possibilities of real option
methodology in transition and emerging markets
economies. In Contemporary Issues in Finance,
Banking and Isurance. Theory and Practice. Wyzsza
szkola bankwosci i Finansów, Katovice, May 2006.
12- Prezentace na konferencích
- Culík, M. Modularity valuation in the energy
sector real option approach. In Contemporary
Issues in Finance, Banking and Isurance. Theory
and Practice. Wyzsza szkola bankwosci i Finansów,
Katovice, May 2006. - Zmekal, Z. Possibilities of the real flexible
switch options methodology application in the
energy company and project evaluation. In
Contemporary Issues in Finance, Banking and
Insurance. Theory and Practice. Wyzsza szkola
bankwosci i Finansów, Katovice, May 2006. - Tichý, T. Modeling the electricity spot and
futures price structure. - In Managing and modeling of financial risks,
Ostrava, September 2006.
13- Publikace v casopise
- Culík, M. Ekonomické posouzení projektu provozu
vetrné elektrárny. In Energetika, rocník 56,
c.8-9/2006, s. 270-273, ISSN 0375-8842.
14Dekuji za pozornost