Title: Unmanned Systems Program Committee Update
1Unmanned Systems Program - Committee
Update -
Mike Francis Program Coordinator Kathy
Watkins AIAA Staff Strategist January 9, 2005
2AIAA Unmanned Systems Program -- Program Goals
- Catalyze Unmanned Systems and Technology
Constituency within AIAA and the Aerospace
Technical Community - Facilitate Resolution of National Issues
Impacting the Development, Maturation or
Application of Unmanned Systems - Focus Science Technology on Unmanned Systems
Needs and Opportunities - Promote Cultural Acceptance by Public Potential
3AIAA Unmanned Systems Program -- Key Issues
- Evolving Role within AIAA
- Within TAC the Committee Structure
- Motivating Inter-TC Collaboration
- New Opportunity Means Change in Mechanics of TAC
and Attitudes of Members - With Public Policy and Outreach
- Unmanned Systems can be the Poster Child for
- Interdisciplinary Exchange Integration
- Attracting the Non-Traditional Aerospace
Constituency - Role on the National/International Stage
- Broadly Integrated within AIAA can Result in
Leadership Role - Converting Interest to Membership
- Must Develop Innovative, Motivating Activities
- Effective Recruiting Mechanics
- Help Spawn New TCs?
- e.g. Collaborative Systems, Enterprise
Architectures, Network Centric Operations,
4 1st AIAA Infotech_at_AerospaceConference
WorkshopHyatt Regency Crystal City,
VASeptember 26-29, 2005
- AIAAs 1st Full Spectrum Technical Forum on
Information-Enabled Aerospace Systems,
Applications and Technologies - Co-Sponsored by AIAA and DARPA
5AIAA Infotech_at_Aerospace --Event Objectives
- AIAA Objectives
- Initiate a new meeting venue focused on
information technology-enabled aerospace systems,
capabilities and related topics - Create a new forum for addressing contemporary
aerospace issues one that encourages and
enables the interdisciplinary interaction and
integration required to resolve these issues - Use the event opportunity to attract and retain
new members from the non-traditional aerospace
disciplines - DARPA (J-UCAS) Objectives
- Cultivate interdisciplinary exchange among the
aerospace technical community required to advance
the state of unmanned systems technologies and
resultant capabilities - Stimulate invention and discovery for unmanned
and intelligent systems through the activities
and peer interraction that will occur at this
6AIAA Infotech_at_Aerospace -- Planned Activities
7Organization for Infotech_at_Aerospace - 2005
- AIAA Organizing Entities
- AIAA Unmanned Systems Program Committee (Event
Co-Chair) - Intelligent Systems TC (Event Co-Chair)
- Computer Systems Software Systems TCs
- Other Information Systems Group TCs
- Plus AIAA Public Policy, Membership elements
- Contributing Technical Areas
- Guidance, Navigation Control Digital Avionics
- Modeling Simulation Communications Systems
- Aircraft Design Flight Testing
- Robotics Structures
- Applied Aerodynamics Atmospheric Flight
Mechanics - Lighter-than-Air (LTA) Systems Aircraft Design
- Sensor Systems Survivability
- Air Transportation Systems Aircraft Operations
- General Aviation Systems V/STOL Aircraft
Systems - Systems Effectiveness and Safety Support
Systems - Information and C2 Systems Airbreathing
Propulsion - Others (Space Systems, )
8AIAA Infotech_at_Aerospace -- Integrated Event
- Rationale
- Improve inter-disciplinary crosstalk and
interchange - Achieve outreach to the aerospace information
integration communities - Industry, University, RD Labs, Government
- non-AIAA member constituencies
- Optimize overall technical program for the
attendees - Approach
- Issue-focused workshops
- Coordinated, synergistic plenary
sessions/speakers - De-conflicted Technical Program while minimizing
concurrency - Poster sessions, abstracted presentations
- Focused panel discussions, that address
contemporary issues with multiple perspectives - Provocative panel discussions mini-workshops
- Network-architectures effect on affordability
- Human-system interface
- Technologies for autonomy beyond the platform
level - Integrated special events
- War Stories
- Video Fest Contest
10Back Up Charts
11AIAA Infotech_at_Aerospace -- Workshop UAVs in
the Airways
- Purpose Address broad range of technical,
policy, institutional and cultural issues related
to accelerating UAVs into global airspace,
including commercial air corridors - Motivation Next generation military UAVs (e.g.
J-UCAS) and the potential commercial marketplace
for UAVs - Format TBD
- Workshop Issues
- Regulatory constraints airspace control
certification - Public acceptance and reaction
- The next steps to a solution
- Participants
- TAC - USPC TCs (Several)
- Public Policy Constituents (Public Policy
Initiative?) - Education Publications Committee awareness
- Staff Lead
- DoT-FAA with NASA and ICAO Organizations
(International) - Access 5 Program and Unite Organization
- US Department of Defense
- Potential Commercial Advocates (e.g. FedEx, UPS,
) - Congressional Public?
12AIAA Infotech_at_Aerospace -- War Stories
- Objective Unique Special Event Blend of
Entertainment Education Designed to Attract
Conference Participants - Description
- Evening Special Event
- Informal Exchange Between Unmanned Systems
Celebrities-Notables-Pioneers and Conference
participants - Typically Three (3) Speakers
- Venue Bar/Lounge-like Atmosphere
- with Beverages and Food (Hors Douvres)
- Opportunity to Record Event Use for Subsequent
Pubs/Outreach - Participants
- Speakers (Based on Theme) To be Invited
- Event Sponsor
- Staff Support to Implement (Focal Point TBD)
- Publications Education Committee Reps (TBD)
13AIAA Infotech_at_Aerospace -- Video Fest Contest
- Objective Special Event to Capture Best Video
Recordings of Unmanned Systems Attract Event
Participants - Rationale
- Obtain Video Material for Archival Use
Publications - Entertainment for Conference Participants
- Description
- Dedicated Video Displays throughout Conference
(Times TBD) - Prizes Awarded for Best in Several Categories
(TBD) - Prize Presentation at Conference Event (TBD)
- Participants
- AIAA Staff Support to Market and Organize (Staff
POC TBD) - AIAA Member POC/Lead
- Event Participants (AIAA Non Members Media
Professionals?) - Event Sponsor
- AIAA Publications Education Committees (Use of
14AIAA Infotech_at_Aerospace -- Virtual Poster
- Objective Provide a Venue for International
Involvement that Does Not Require Travel to the
U.S. - Rationale
- Novel Approach to Increase Information Exchange
with International Participants - Expand International Participation in AIAA Events
- Attract New Foreign Members
- Description
- Dedicated Poster Session Exhibit (Perusal During
Conference) - Scheduled, Prearranged Opportunity(s) for
Exchange between Technical Author(s) Conference
Participants - Web-based Communications Infrastructure
- Participants
- Authors Solicited in Advance ( Limited in 1st
year Experiment) - AIAA Staff Support to Market Organize (Staff
POC TBD) - includes conference logistics
- AIAA International Committee Membership
15AIAA Infotech_at_Aerospace -- Congressional
- Objective Provide an Educational and Information
Exchange Opportunity for Members and Staffers - Rationale
- Congress is Major Resource Provider for ST and
Systems Development Funds Knowledge is Good - Take Advantage of Near-DC Event Location
- Description (Options)
- Late-Day Reception
- Formal Briefings and Exchange (Issues?)
- Multi-day Opportunities
- Participants
- AIAA Public Policy Committee
- AIAA TAC Liaison
- AIAA Staff (Select)
- Members (Select?)
16AIAA Infotech_at_Aerospace -- Other Potential Events
- Student Activities
- Special Session or Competition?
- AIAA Concierge
- Discounted Dinner, Show on Wed, Thurs Eves
17AIAA Infotech_at_Aerospace -- Integrated
Communications Strategy
Common, Synergistic Messages for
- External Outreach
- Public Outreach -- UAV Education UAVs in the
Airspace - Public Policy Issues Education, Dialogue
Resolution - New Member Campaign Focus on Unmanned Systems
Community - Pre-Event Marketing - Conference, Workshops,
Exhibits, Videofest, - Government Congress, Developers, Operators,
Regulators, - Nontraditional Aerospace Industry Participants
- International Community
- Press Event Opportunities?
- Internal (to AIAA) Objectives
- Event Awareness and Marketing to AIAA
Constituency - Coordination with and across AIAA Stovepipes
- TAC, Publications, Public Policy, Education,
Membership - Staff Coordination within AIAA
18AIAA Infotech_at_Aerospace -- Post Event Follow-Up
- Follow-On Activities
- Post Event Publicity (Video Contest, Special
Events, ) - Funnel Papers to AIAA Publications
- Publication of Workshop Results (Website?)
- Develop/Distribute Public Policy Notes Other
Initiatives? - Short Course Development (Education Committee
Lead) - PR Materials (Videos, Website, Membership, )
- Independent Evaluation of Event Success
- Over 6-month period
- Redefine Unmanned Systems Program Committee