Title: GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
1GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
Aircraft Management Policy in the U.S. Federal
GSA, Aircraft Management Policy 1800 F Street,
NW, Washington, DC 20405 www.gsa.gov/aircraftpoli
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
2GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
Directed by OMB Circular A-126
GSAs Role
- Write regulations
- Collect, analyze, and
- report data (FAIRS)
- Provide other technical
- support and guidance and
- foster best practices
- Sponsor the ICAP
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
3GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
Write Governmentwide Policy and Regulations
- 41 CFR 102-33
- Management of Government Aircraft
- 41 CFR 102-39 Replacement of Personal
- Property Pursuant to the Exchange/
- Sale Authority
- Draft comments to FAA Circular 00.1-1
- Government Aircraft Operations
- Draft comments to OMB Circular A-126
- Improving the Management and
- Use of Government Aircraft,
- Aircraft and Vehicle Capital Asset
- Planning Desk Guide
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
4GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
- Interagency Committee for
- Aviation Policy (ICAP)
- Members Federal agencies that use aircraft
- Established 1989
- GSA Chairs
- Advises GSA on policymaking
- Meets quarterly
- Four subcommittees
- Acquisition, Use, and Disposal
- Communications
- Management Data and Systems
- Safety Standards and Training
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
5(No Transcript)
6GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
- Government Aircraft Defined
- Government Aircraft means a manned or
- unmanned aircraft operated for the exclusive
- use of an executive agency or a contractor
- working under a contract or cooperative
- agreement with an executive agency and is
- owned, borrowed, bailed, or loaned
- Commercial Aviation Services (CAS)
- Leases or lease-purchases with the intent to
take title Charters or rents or hires as part
of a full service contract or an inter-service
support agreement (ISSA)
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
7GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
- Who Flies
- Government Aircraft
- 11 agencies OWN aircraft
- 11-13 agencies HIRE
- aircraft as commercial
- aviation services (CAS)
- Across the board, about 36 of
- the total Federal expenditure on
- aircraft went to commercial sources
- In FY05.
DoDs combat/intelligence aircraft are not
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
8GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
- Numbers of Aircraft in the Federal Fleet
Total - 1456
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
9GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
Non-Defense Government owned aircraft logged
308,000 flying hours at a cost of 688.6M in FY
Source Federal Aviation Report FY 2007
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
10GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
Federal Flight Time in Hours Reported in FY 2007
Total Hours 464,648
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
11GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
- Government Aircraft
- Missions
- Law enforcement, security operations
- Firefighting
- Natural resource management
- Disaster response and search rescue
- Transport of prisoners and illegal aliens
- Aeronautical/space research
- Agricultural activities and research
- Atmospheric/geographic/oceanographic research
- Mission-related equipment RD
- Transport of mission-related cargo
- Pilot and crew training
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
12GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
Law Enforcement Department of Justice U.S.
Marshals Service (USMS) Boeing
727 Transport of Prisoners and Illegal Aliens
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
13GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
Energy Management Department of Energy Bell
412 Responding to nuclear threats and accidents
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
14GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
Disaster Response and Search
Rescue Department of the Interior MBB
Eurocopter Bo 105 Getting ready to rappel in a
rescue mission
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
15GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
Flight Inspection and Runway Safety Department
of Transportation Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) Measuring the accuracy of
navigational aids
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
16GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
Research and Development Science Support National
Science Foundation C-130 Antarctica
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
17GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
Fire Fighting U.S. Department of Agriculture
Forest Service DC-4 Dispersing fire
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
18GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
Natural Resource Management Department of the
Interior Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Bell
Jet Ranger Rounding up wild horses for
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
19GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
Drug Eradication Department of State OV-10 Def
oliating Coca Plants
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
20GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
Atmospheric, Geographic, and Oceanographic Resear
ch Department of Commerce National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Gulfstream
G-IV Preparing for the hurricane hunt
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
21GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
Hauling Cargo National Interagency Fire
Center Bell Jet Ranger Support for Fire
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
22GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
Space Research National Aeronautical and Space
Administration (NASA) Boeing 747 Hauling
the Space Shuttle (USCG Dauphine H-65 in
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
23GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
Space Research National Aeronautical and Space
Administration (NASA) WB-57 Canberra
(Designed by the English Electric Company Ltd
., NASA 926 and NASA 928 are the only two WB-57s
still flying in the world today)
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
24GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
Space Research National Aeronautical and Space
Administration (NASA) KC-135A Reduced Gravity
Research Program
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
25Aircraft Management
26GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
Directed by OMB Circular A-126
GSAs Role
- Write regulations
- Collect, analyze, and
- report data (FAIRS)
- Provide other technical
- support and guidance and
- foster best practices
- Sponsor the ICAP
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
27GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
Federal Aircraft Interactive Reporting System
Jay Spurr, 202.208.0519 Joseph.spurr_at_gsa.gov Air
craft Management Policy Office 1800 F Street, NW
Washington, DC 20405 www.gsa.gov/aircraftpolicy
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
28GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
Federal Aircraft Interactive Reporting System
- Collect, Analyze, Report Data
- Web-based, interactive, high-security
- Inventory, cost, and usage data
- Powerful query tool for analysis
- Decision-support tools
- Quarterly reporting yearly roll-up to OMB
- Mandatory Federal cost reporting and
- new options for reporting usage/hours
- Federal Aviation Report
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
29GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
The General Services Administration (GSA)
conducts an annual study of the variable and
fixed costs of operating the different categories
of Government aircraft and is required to
disseminate the results The Federal Aviation
Report details the utilization and costs of the
Government aircraft fleet as well as information
on aircraft accidents and incidents
Federal Aviation Report FY 2007
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
30GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
The Federal Fleet Is Aging
Department of Agriculture - 39 Department of
Commerce - 27 Department of Energy -
24 Department of Homeland Security -
28 Department of Justice - 21 Department of
State - 30 Department of Interior - 24
Department of Transportation - 24 NASA - 35
National Science Foundation - 32 Tennessee
Valley Administration - 22
Average 28
Source Federal Aviation Report FY2007
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
31GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
- Government Aircraft Operating Costs
FY 2007 Summary of Cost Hours
Total - 817,039476.00
Total 464,648 Hours
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
32GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
Federal Aviation Accident and Incident Report
Mike Miles 202.219.1356 Michael.miles_at_gsa.gov Air
craft Management Policy Office 1800 F Street, NW
Washington, DC 20405 www.gsa.gov/aircraftpolicy
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
33GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
- Reporting Accidents and Incidents
- Each Federal agency is required by the
Federal Management Regulation, 41 CFR 102-33, to
report accidents and incidents to the National
Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and to the
General Services Administration -
- GSA compiles the information, compares it to
the NTSB - reports, and publishes an annual Federal
Aviation - Accident and Incident Report for the ICAP,
Office of - Management and Budget and Congress
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
34GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
2007 Accidents 18 Federal agency accidents
10 were contractor (or State, or local
government) owned and Federal agency
operated. 8 were Federal agency owned and
Source Federal Aviation Report FY2007
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
35GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
2007 Accidents 4 of the agency owned and
operated accidents accounted for 3 injuries,
and 4 fatalities. 7 of the contractor owned and
agency operated accidents accounted for 8
injury, and 2 fatalities.
Source Federal Aviation Report FY 2007
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
36GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
- Of the 18 Listed Accidents
8 appear to be maintenance/mechanical failure
related 10 appear to be pilot error related
All accidents appear to involve human factors
Source Federal Aviation Report FY 2007
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
37GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
Comparing Averages
1990-1994 21 Accidents per year 13 Deaths per
year 2002-2007 14 Accidents per year 5 Deaths
per year
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
38GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
Directed by OMB Circular A-126
GSAs Role
- Write regulations
- Collect, analyze, and
- report data (FAIRS)
- Provide other technical
- support and guidance and
- foster best practices
- Sponsor the ICAP
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
39GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
GSAs Role Provide Other Technical
- Provide training and workshops
- Help with acquisition disposal
- (e.g., excess and exchange/sale)
- Evaluate the development of Aircraft Life-Cycle
Planning - Implement Governmentwide Performance Measures
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
40GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
Current Initiatives
- Aviation Workshops _at_ FedFleet
- Aviation Safety Officers Certification Program
- Federal Aviation Awards Program
- Aircraft Fleet Life-Cycle Planning (Acquisition,
Use and Disposal) - Commercial Aviation Services
- Aviation Resource Management Surveys (ARMS)
- Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)
- Finalizing OMB A-126
- Beginning FMR 102-33 rewrite
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
41GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
Aviation Resource Management Survey (ARMS)
- An ARMS offers a comprehensive survey of an
agencys flight program that leads to the
improvement of the agency aviation program. - ARMS are not official inspections, and the
requesting agencies are the only ones who see the
- The ARMS Report is prepared for the exclusive use
of the requesting agency. - Only non-attributable trend analysis information
will be entered into a database.
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
42GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
GSA, ICAP and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
43GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Issues/Concerns
- Definition (weight/size)
- Airworthiness
- Safety
- Security
- Training
- Pilot/Operator Standards
- Communication/Frequency Control
- See/Sense and Avoid
- Air Space Use/Restrictions
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
44GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)
- GSA continues to work with Federal agencies to
meet the current and future challenges of UAS
activities including safety, operations, and
security -
- Maintains an inventory of all Government-owned or
leased aircraft which includes UAS as reported by
Federal agencies - Updating its regulations (41 CFR 102-33) to
include UAS to ensure Federal agencies operate
UAS in a safe, efficient and effective manner
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
45GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
The Goal The safest, most effective and
efficient Federal aviation operations.
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset
46GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy
And Where Can You Get Assistance?
Jan Dobbs, Director jan.dobbs_at_gsa.gov Jay
Spurr FAIRS joseph.spurr_at_gsa.gov Mike Miles,
Safety michael.miles_at_gsa.gov Bob Sherouse
Acquisition, Use and Disposal robert.sherouse_at_gsa
.gov Elizabeth Allison Communication elizabeth.a
llison_at_gsa.gov Aircraft Management Policy 1800 F
Street, NW Washington, DC 20405 www.gsa.gov/airc
Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset