Title: Legislative Update
1- Legislative Update
- NSGIC Annual Conference
- John Palatiello
- MAPPS Executive Director
- October 4, 2006
2- Nations only trade association of private
geospatial firms, formed 1982 - 160 member firms
- Commercial satellite remote sensing
- Airborne remote sensing imagery
- Value-added
- satellite and airborne remote sensing, aerial
photography, photogrammetry, GIS, hydrography,
charting, LiDAR, and related value-added and
geospatial services, conversion, integration,
consulting, hardware, software and suppliers
3Where MAPPS Members Say They Get the Most Benefit
from Membership
4- MAPPS Strategic Plan
- Revised 2006
5- MAPPS Mission Statement
- "To promote the geospatial business and
professionalism in its practice
6- MAPPS Value Statement
- The foundation of MAPPS as the premier
association of private sector firms in the
contemporary geospatial profession rests on an
essential set of core values that define, inform,
and guide our professional practice. These values
reflect the history and ongoing development of
the profession and have been advanced, expanded,
and refined by numerous public policy positions
and internal operational activities of MAPPS.
Among these are - ? Provide an opportunity for networking and
information sharing among and between member firm
principals, owners, partners and senior
executives. - ? Facilitate cooperative working relationship
among firms in the marketplace and competition in
the free market based on mutual respect and
professionalism within applicable laws. - ? Promote education and lifelong learning.
- ? Promote a strong, vibrant and capable market of
private geospatial firms in the economy and the
provision of services, data and products to
government agencies at all levels. - ? Expand the economic opportunity for member
firms. - ? Promote professionalism and ethical conduct by
members. - ? Provide service to the profession, its
clients and the general public. - ? Encourage social responsibility in the
provision of geospatial services, data and
products to improve the quality of life of all
citizens and solve societal problems. -
7- MAPPS tracks mapping, GIS and geospatial
legislation in all 50 State legislatures, based
on key words, and posts reports on our web site,
8Legislative Affairs Committee Members
- Marvin Miller, Aerometric, Inc.,
- Chairman MAPPS President-Elect
- Kass Green, The Alta Vista Company
- Michael Janus, Tenix LADS, Inc.
- Anne Miglarese, EarthData International
- Jim Page, James W. Sewall Company
- Dawn Sienicki, DigitalGlobe
- Bob Richards, Fugro Pelagos, Inc.
- Jeff Lovin, Woolpert
- Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
- DHS Geospatial Management Office (GMO)
- Flood Map Modernization (FEMA)
- MAF/TIGER (Census)
- National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP)
- National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA) - United States Geological Survey (USGS)
10Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
- Cadastral Survey funding has decreased
- 2005 Actual - 16.691M
- 2006 Enacted - 15.790M
- 2007 House 13.751M
- 2007 Senate - 15.711M
11BLM continued
- Alaska Conveyance funding has fluctuated
- 2005 Actual - 41.920M
- 2006 Enacted - 48.920M
- 2007 House 35.234M
- 2007 Senate - 40.002M
12DHS Geospatial Management Office (GMO)
- GMO funding has increased
- 2005 Actual - 8.000M
- 2006 Enacted - 13.255M
- 2007 House N/A
- 2008 Senate N/A
13Flood Map Modernization (FEMA)
- Flood Mapping has fluctuated slightly
- 2005 Actual - 200.000M
- 2006 Enacted - 198.000M
- 2007 House 198.980M
- 2007 Senate - 198.980M
14FIRM Act continued
- 2007 Homeland Security Appropriations Bill,
Senate Report - The Committee is concerned the Flood Map
Modernization Program is using data that is
outdated and inaccurate to produce its maps. The
Committee therefore directs FEMA to use newly
collected elevation data produced by using the
best available technologies being utilized by
other Federal agencies, such as the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the
National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, and the
Department of Defense. This should include
consultation and coordination with, at a minimum,
the U.S. Geological Survey and the Army Corps of
15Master Address File/Topologically Integrated
Geographic Encoding and Referencing (MAF/TIGER)
- MAF/TIGER funding has decreased
- 2005 Actual - 82.310M
- 2006 Enacted - 79.800M
- 2007 House 73.674M
- 2007 Senate N/A
16National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP)
- NAIP funding has increased
- 2005 Actual 21.100M
- 2006 Enacted 24.000M
- 2007 House 24.000M
- 2007 Senate - 2.000M
- (imagery catalog repositories and data
warehouses) - (Committee recommends that funds be allocated to
purchase high resolution satellite imagery data)
17National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
- NGA funding is CLASSIFIED
18National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Survey Backlog
- Mapping Charting
- Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC)
- Coastal Services Center (CSC)
- Shoreline Mapping
19NOAA continued
- Survey Backlog funding has increased
- 2005 Actual - 18.700M
- 2006 Enacted - 20.450M
- 2007 House - 29.000M
- 2007 Senate - 31.200M
20NOAA continued
- Mapping Charting funding has fluctuated
- 2005 Actual - 85.350M
- 2006 Enacted - 104.441M
- 2007 House 39.300M
- 2007 Senate - 43.718M
21NOAA continued
- Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC) funding has
increased - 2005 Actual - 4.300M
- 2006 Enacted - 6.190M
- 2007 House N/A
- 2007 Senate - 6.000M
22NOAA continued
- Coastal Services Center (CSC) funding has
decreased - 2005 Actual - 26.614M
- 2006 Enacted - 23.000M
- 2007 House - 10.000M
- 2007 Senate - 19.458M
23NOAA continued
- Shoreline Mapping funding has decreased
- 2005 Actual - 2.413M
- 2006 Enacted N/A
- 2007 House N/A
- 2007 Senate - 2.400M
24United States Geological Survey (USGS)
- Cooperative Topographic Mapping (CTM) funding has
decreased - 2005 Actual - 71.393M
- 2006 Enacted - 68.855M
- 2007 House (transferred to Enterprise
Information) - 67.326M - 2007 Senate (transferred to Enterprise
Information) - 64.301M
- Federal Land Asset Inventory Reform (FLAIR) Act
- Federal Prison Industries (FPI) Reform
- Flood Insurance Reform and Modernization (FIRM)
Act - Imagery, Mapping And Geospatial Enhancement
(IMAGE) Act - Pipeline Safety Reauthorization
26Federal Land Asset Inventory Reform (FLAIR) Act
- Rep. Chris Cannon (UT) introduced the Federal
Land Asset Inventory Reform (FLAIR) Act of 2005
in March 2005 - H.R. 1370, has 30 cosponsors
- House Subcommittee hearing held on March 6, 2006
27FLAIR Act continued
- H.R. 1370 will create a multipurpose land
information system and will eliminate the
duplicative, inaccurate, out-of-date inventories
the government now operates
28Federal Prison Industries (FPI) Reform continued
- Permitting prisoners access to data important to
national security, or information about
individual citizens property and assets via GIS
CADD, is unwise - MAPPS believes this is an inappropriate area for
FPI activity, and questionable to the public
interest as public health, welfare and safety are
dependent on the quality of work performed by
mapping professionals
29FPI Reform continued
- MAPPS co-leads a broad-based coalition to push
for the Federal Prison Industries Competition in
Contracting Act of 2005 sponsored by Congressman
Peter Hoekstra (MI) - H.R. 2965 passed House by 362-57 vote on
September 14 - Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee
- S. 749 by Senators Carl Levin (MI) and Craig
Thomas (WY) has 5 cosponsors
30Flood Insurance Reform and Modernization (FIRM)
- FEMA is nearing the end of a 5 year, 1 billion
map modernization program to update its flood
maps - MAPPS created a FEMA task force to explore a
MAPPS proposal on flood mapping reform and
improvement - MAPPS worked with the Senate Banking Committee to
include many of the MAPPS Task Forces
31FIRM Act continued
- S. 3589 (Sen. Shelby), unanimously approved by
Senate Banking Committee, includes flood mapping
reforms both beneficial to the public to MAPPS
members - - Extends coverage to 500-year floodplain
including levees, other vulnerable areas - - New ground elevation data using modern mapping
engineering technologies on a watershed basis
and published/modernized in digital format - -TMAC is reestablished with 12 members, 1 private
mapping 1 state GIS member will have a seat at
the table - Banking Committee Staff requested that MAPPS
develop a study/report for annual benchmarks
regarding realistic, attainable numbers
32Imagery, Mapping And Geospatial Enhancement
- S. 4006 by Sen. George Allen (VA)
- Rep. Curt Weldon (PA) will introduce companion
legislation - Office of Space Commercialization will be
advocate and watchdog, on behalf of commercial
geospatial community - Lead implementation of policies in
- - 2004 NASA IG Report (House Science Committee)
- - 2003 CRSSP (White House)
- - 2002 Tenet Memo
33Pipeline Safety Reauthorization
- Senate Commerce Committee staff contacted MAPPS
for guidance regarding the use of geospatial
technology in pipeline safety - The Senate will soon introduce a bill
- The House introduced, H.R. 5678 H.R. 5782, but
these do not contain mapping/geospatial language
34Pipeline Safety Reauthorization
- MAPPS responded to the Senate Commerce Committee
- -By noting that for many years, there has
been a concern in the community that the National
Pipeline Mapping System does not have minimum
technical requirements for the mapping a pipeline
company submits to the USDOT - -This was actually addressed in the Senate
Commerce Committees report back in the late
1980s, but never implemented by USDOT - -We suggest the legislation establish the
National Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy
(NSSDA) as a technical requirement for pipeline
mapping - -The NSSDA has been adopted by the Federal
Geographic Data Committee (FGDC), which is the
OMB-chartered Federal Committee on
mapping-related activities
- Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) FAA
- Department of Labor reclassification of
Geospatial terminology - Geospatial LoB
- Government Withholding Tax
- Unfair Government Competition
- USGS DHS Emergency Response
36Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) FAA
- MAPPS testified at a FAA hearing on January 18,
based on Aerial Photo Committee input - FAA issued a NOTAM on February 22 that reinstates
mention of the waiver process - This is a BIG victory for MAPPS!
37ADIZ FAA continued
- In the FAAs February 2006 Air Traffic Control
bulletin the FAA published a 3-page highlight on
Aerial Survey Flights - This was an educational piece marketing the
importance of aerial acquisition, photogrammetry,
and proliferation of geographical information
systems (GIS) - MAPPS is referenced in the document
38DOL reclassification of Geospatial terminology
- MAPPS met with representatives of the Labor
Department to discuss the use of the terms
industry, information technology, and
apprenticeship in describing the geospatial
community - MAPPS took issue with the use of terms
industry, information technology, and
apprenticeship and the resulting damage to
MAPPS members from taxes, liability, procurement,
39Geospatial terminology continued
- As a result of MAPPS strong and compelling case,
the Department of Labor acknowledged they had
relied too heavily on the user community for
guidance and had neglected the producer
community - On July 6, 2006, the DoL contacted MAPPS to
announce the revisions surrounding the use of
industry and information technology - These terms were removed from their internet site
and future published documents will list the
geospatial community as Geographic Information
Systems Technology
40Geospatial LoB
- MAPPS was instrumental in starting this
initiative by testifying twice before a House
Government Reform Subcommittee - GAO study conducted, based on request by Reps.
Sessions and Putnam, drafted by MAPPS - Presidents 2007 Budget contains LoBs including
Geospatial - Purpose establish a coordinated approach to
producing, maintaining, and using geospatial data
and services via efficiencies and standardization
41Geospatial LoB
- LoB announced March 2006
- MAPPS responded to RFI in May
- MAPPS takes issue with the FGDC Governance Model
- non-Federal stakeholders (MAPPS, NSGIC, etc.) not
allowed on panel to implement key decisions. - Non-Federal stakeholders will not be brought in
until AFTER key decisions are finalized - Data collected by OMB will NOT be released to the
- The Mid-Continent Mapping Center (MCMC) in Rolla,
Missouri, was to be consolidated into a National
Geospatial Technical Operations Center (NGTOC) -
closing 3 regional centers in Rolla, Menlo Park,
and Reston and create the NGTOC in Denver - According to the DOI IG, the site selection was
supported by the whole of the record.' However,
the IG found the USGS failed to effectively and
transparently demonstrate the entirety of its
criteria or communicate the magnitude of its
- House will keep funding the Rolla operation, and
will prevent any appropriation from closing Rolla
and moving to Denver - Senate will allow funding for the move as long as
Rolla gets to take part in the A-76, and compete
to keep it operations from moving to Denver, as a
Federal Most Efficient Organization
44Whats Next?
- Based on the success of the FEMA Task Force,
MAPPS President Kurt Allen is - extending that task force
- appointing two new task forces, and
- seeking volunteers to serve on them
45FEMA Task Force
- Task Force developed sound, workable
recommendations, many of which were included by
the Senate in S. 3589, the Flood Insurance Reform
and Modernization Act of 2006 - Congress will consider longer-term flood
insurance reauthorization next year
46FEMA Task Force
- Task Force will be extended to develop long term
recommendations for FEMA flood insurance program
and draft legislation for introduction in
Congress - Goal will be to have long term recommendations to
add to the flood insurance legislation, which is
up for reauthorization in 2007
47Ocean Coastal Mapping
- NOAA has an Integrated Oceans and Coastal Mapping
(IOCM) initiative that has not been well defined
nor put into effective legislation - NOAA funded NAS/NRC to write Digital Coast
report (A Geospatial Framework for the Coastal
Zone) - S. 364, the Ocean and Coastal Mapping Integration
Act does not sufficiently define a program
48Ocean Coastal Mapping
- Task Force will define an Integrated Oceans and
Coastal Mapping (IOCM) Program and draft
legislation for introduction in Congress - Goal will be to have a IOCM title to add to the
Hydrographic Services Improvement Act (HSIA),
which is up for reauthorization in 2007
49Precision Agriculture
- The Farm Bill is up for reauthorization in 2007
- There is an opportunity to develop an integrated
geospatial data program for USDA to utilize to
assist farmers with production and conservation,
as well as for USDA oversight, program management
and enforcement
50Precision Agriculture
- Task Force will define an integrated geospatial
data program for USDA draft legislation for
introduction in Congress - Goal will be to have a geospatial data program
for precision agriculture provision to add to the
Farm Bill, which is up for reauthorization in 2007
51Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
- DoD uses UAVs or drones for battlefield
imagery, troop locations, and bombing raids - Proliferation is underway in Federal agency
demand for and use of UAVs in aerial imagery
acquisition - Federal investment in UAV development and
deployment has resulted in agencies turning to
UAVs for advanced imagery technology
52Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
- FAA regulations do not permit private, civilian
sector or commercial operation of UAVs in the
domestic United States. The FAA has recommended
developing a plan to certify and regulate UAVs - Questions for MAPPS membership
- MAPPS members? Non-MAPPS members? Govt
competition? Airspace restrictions?
53Airports Reauthorization Bill
- What issues should MAPPS address
- Airspace?
- UAVs?
- NGS Airports Obstruction?
- Other?
54MAPPS et. al. V.United States of America
- 1988 Energy and Water Development Appropriations
Act, Section 377(b) - Business Opportunity Development Reform Act of
1988, Pub. L. 100-656, 102 Stat. 3853, Section
742 - Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act
Amendments of 1988, Pub. L. 100-679, 102 Stat.
4055, Section 8 - Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act of 1997,
Pub. L. 104-208 - Department Of Defense Appropriations Act,
1999Section 8101
- 1983 Supplemental Appropriations Act
- 1983 Competition in Contracting Act
- 1986 Superfund Amendments, Section 119(f)
- 1986 Water Resources Act, Section 918
- 1986 Defense Appropriations Act, Section 8087
- 1987 Defense Appropriations Act
- 1987 Highway Act, Section 111(2)(A)
- 1987 Airport and Airway Safety and Capacity
Expansion Act, Section 109(g)
- John Palatiello
- 1760 Reston Parkway, Ste. 515
- Reston, Virginia 20190
- (703) 787-6996
- john_at_mapps.org
- www.mapps.org