- Lecture week 13
- Time Series Econometrics Forecasting
- Important part of econometrics analysis
- Various methods of forecasting
3Approaches to Economic Forecasting
- Exponential Smoothing Methods
- Single-Equation Regression Models
- Simultaneous- Equation Regression Models
- Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA)
Models - Vector Autoregressive Models (VAR)
4AR, MA, and ARIMA modeling of time series
- AR
- (Yt -?) a1(Yt-1 - ?) ut ..
..AR(1) - (Yt -?) a1(Yt-1 - ?) a2(Yt-2 - ?) ut
...AR(2) - (Yt -?) a1(Yt-1 - ?) a2(Yt-2 - ?)
ak(Yt-k - ?)..AR(k) - MA
- Yt ß0ut ß1ut-1.........
MA(1) - Yt ß0ut ß1ut-1 ß2ut-2......
..MA(2) - Yt ß0ut ß1ut-1 ß2ut-2 ßkut-k
..........MA(k) - ARMA
- Yt ? a1Yt-1 ß0ut ß1ut-1 ....A
RIMA(1) - Yt ? a1Yt-1 a2Yt-2 aKYt-K ß0ut ß1ut-1
ß2ut-1 ßKut-K ....ARMA (p,q)
5The Box-Jenkins (BJ) Methodology
- Identification
- To find the appropriate values of p and q
- Correlogram and partial correlogram
- Estimation
- Parameters of the AR and MA
- Linear (OLS) models
- Nonlinear models
- Diagnostic checking
- Check if the residuals from this model are white
noise - Forecasting
- Superior compared to traditional econometric
- AR (p)
- ACF Decays exponentially or with damped sine
wave pattern or both - PACF Significant spikes through lags p
- MA (q)
- ACF Significant spikes through lags q
- PACF Declines exponentially
- ARMA (p, q)
- Exponential decay exponential decay
7Volatility of Financial Time Series
- Absolute Percent Change
- Variance of Spot Price around its trend
- Moving Average of Standard Deviation
- Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity
8Autoregressive Conditional Hetroscedasticity
(ARCH) Steps followed
- Most frequently used
- ARIMA(p,d,q) modeling
- Box-Jenkins (BJ) Methodology
- Test for ARCH effect
- ?2 a1 a2 ?2t-1 ?2t-2 ?2t-k
- Generalized Autoregressive Conditional
Heteroscedasticy (GARCH) modeling. - ?t2 a1 a2 ?2t-1 a3 ?2t-1
9Steps in the Box-Jenkins Methodology to model
ARIMA(p,q) process
10Autoregressive Conditional Hetroscedasticity
Effect (ARCH) (cont)
11ARCH/GARCH Approach to measure volatility in SAs
exchange rate Non stationarity confirmed)
12Sufficiency of First Differencing to convert
exchange rate to stationary series confirmed
13Step 1 Identification of p q in the ARMA
process- ARIMA(1,1,0) process identified
14Step 2 Estimation of ARMA(1,1,0) process
15Step 3 Diagnostic test using ARIMA(1,1,0) model.
Adequacy of the model confirmed
16Test for ARCH effect conducted the presence of
ARCH(1) confirmed i.e. conditional variance or
volatility of exchange rate is not constant.
17GARCH modeling conducted the significance of the
GARCH(1) variable confirmed overtime change in
the volatility of exchange rate
18Conditional Standard deviation (a measure of
volatility in the SAs exchange rate) frequency
of SAs exchange rate volatility has increased
since end of 2001 it is increasing.