Title: Introduction to Econometrics
1Introduction to Econometrics
- Lecture 5
- Extensions to the multiple regression model
2Lecture plan
- logarithmic transformations - log-linear
(constant elasticity) models - dummy variables for qualitative factors
- simple dynamic models with lagged variables -
the partial adjustment mechanism - an application to illustrate the above - A study
of cigarette consumption in Greece by Vasilios
Stavrinos (Applied Economics, 1987 pp 323-329)
3Log-linear regression models (1)
- In many cases relationships between economic
variables may be non-linear. However we can
distinguish between functional forms that are
intrinsically non-linear (and will need to be
estimated by some kind of iterative non-linear
least squares method) and those that can be
transformed into an equation to which we can
apply ordinary least squares techniques.
4Log-linear regression models (2)
- Of those non-linear equations that can be
transformed, the best known is the multiplicative
power function form (sometimes called the
Cobb-Douglas functional form), which is
transformed into a linear format by taking
5Log-linear regression models (3)
- Production functions
- For example, suppose we have cross-section data
on firms in a particular industry with
observations both on the output (Q) of each firm
and on the inputs of labour (L) and capital (K). - Consider the following functional form
6Log-linear regression models (4)
7Log-linear regression models (5)
8Log-linear regression models (6)
The parameters ? and ? can be estimated directly
from a regression of the variable lnQ on lnL and
9Log-linear regression models (7)
10Log-linear regression models (8)
11Dummy variables (1)
Dummy variables (sometimes called dichotomous
variables) are variables that are created to
allow for qualitative effects in a regression
model. A dummy variable will take the value 1
or 0 according to whether or not the condition is
present or absent for a particular observation.
For example suppose we are investigating the
relationship between the wage (Y) and the number
of years of experience (X) of workers in a
particular industry. Our initial model is Y a
b X u However we are concerned that the
wages of female workers may be below that of male
workers with similar experience. To test for this
we can introduce a dummy variable to distinguish
between the observations for male and female
workers in the regression.
12Dummy variables (2)
Define D 1 for male workers and 0 for female
workers. The overall equation becomes Y a
b X cD u where c will measure the
differential between male and female workers,
having taken account of differences in
experience. We can run a normal multiple
regression with X and D as explanatory variables.
Assuming that c is positive it means that the
regression line for male workers lies above that
for female workers - c measures the extent of the
upward shift. We can use its t value to test
whether these differences are statistically
13Dummy variables (3)
Ramu Ramanathan (1998) includes a data set
compiled by Susan Wong relating to 49
professionals in an industry (23 are for females
and 26 for males). The results show a large and
significant difference in wages (which range
between 981 and 3833 with a mean of 1820).
14Yi b1 b2 Xi b3 Di ui
Dummy variables (4) Testing for differences in
Yi (b1 b3) b2 Xi ut
For men Di 1.
wage rate
For women Di 0.
Yi b1 b2 Xi ui
b1 b3
years of experience
15Yi b1 b2 Xi b3 Di b4 Di Xi ui
Interactive dummies Testing for differences in
intercept and slope
Yi (b1 b3) (b2 b4) Xi ui
wage rate
b2 b4
Yi b1 b2 Xi ui
b1 b3
years of experience
16Dummy variables and time series data
- With time series data we can have
- impulse dummies just affecting a particular
period - step dummies affect remains on for a number of
periods - We might also have seasonal dummies
- e.g. lnQt b0 b1 lnYt b2lnPt d1D1t
d2D2t d3 D3t ut - D1 1 for quarter 1 observations, 0 otherwise
- D2 1 for quarter 2 observations, 0 otherwise
- D3 1 for quarter 3 observations, 0 otherwise
- Beware of the dummy variable trap
17Partial adjustment mechanisms (1)
18Partial adjustment mechanisms (2)
19Illustration cigarette consumption in Greece
(see Stavrinos, Applied Economics, 1987 19,
20Stavrinos results