Title: Anatomy of Accelerators
1Anatomy of Accelerators
2Linear Accelerators
Electrodes are separated by small gaps and placed along a straight line. When particles move inside the field-free region of a given electrode, the direction of the accelerating electric field is reversed so that particles are always accelerated in the gaps tbetween the electrodes.Illustration Fredrik Stendahl
The 3 km long linear accelerator at
Stanford.Photo Stanford Linear Accelerator
Source http//nobelprize.org/physics
3Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
- Fermilab is home to the Tevatron, the world's
highest-energy particle accelerator.Four miles
in circumference, the Tevatron is housed in a
tunnel about 30 feet below the big ring you see
in this aerial view of the laboratory. A series
of accelerators is used to send particles racing
around the Tevatron at 99.9999 percent of the
speed of light in a vacuum. The particles
complete the four-mile course nearly 50 thousand
times a second.
Source www.fnal.gov
4Two kinds of particles, protons and antiprotons,
are sent around the ring in opposite directions.
At two points in the ring, streams of these
particles (called "beams") are steered right into
each other, and collisions, at the rate of almost
two million each second, are watched.
Computer view of proton-antiproton collision.
Source www.fnal.gov, http//quarknet.fnal.gov
5Antiproton Production
- To make antiprotons, protons are accelerated to
120 billion electron-volts (120 GeV) and strike
them against a solid target. Out of the target
come both antiprotons and secondary protons.
There are about five secondary protons to each
antiproton. - The system gets about 50 million antiprotons per
shot off the target.
Source www.highbeam.com
6 Antiprotons were produced by operating the Main
Ring at 120 GeV. The antiprotons were collected
in a Debuncher ring before they were transferred
to the Accumulator where stochastic cooling was
applied. After cooling, the antiprotons were
injected into the Main Ring and Tevatron for
acceleration to 1 TeV. With the recent extension
of the Fermilab complex, the main Ring has been
replaced by a new rapid cycling 120 GeV
synchrotron, the Main Injector. In the same
tunnel, an 8 GeV storage ring, the Recycler, has
been constructed using permanent magnets. The
Recycler acts as a repository for cooled
antiprotons, thus permitting a high rate of
cooling in the Accumulator which works best with
low currents, to be maintained. The Recycler also
receives antiprotons left over and decelerated
after completion of a storage in the Tevatron.
Stochastic cooling, initially installed in the
Recycler, will be enhanced by the addition of
electron cooling in the near future. Source
7In a single head-on collision between proton and
antiproton in the Tevatron, hundreds of new
particles are usually created. According to
Einsteins formula Emc2, the maximum mass that
can be converted from kinetic energy corresponds
to the mass of about 2000 protons, if all the
kinetic energy of the proton and antiproton in a
single collision were to be converted to mass.
Source /nobelprize.org/physics
8DZero Collider Detector
- Fermilab's two collider detectors--CDF and
DZero--are about four stories high and weigh some
5,000 tons (10 million pounds) each. The particle
collisions occur in the center of the detectors,
which are crammed with electronic instrumentation.
Source www.fnal.gov
9Source http//quarknet.fnal.gov
Source http//quarknet.fnal.gov
10Source http//quarknet.fnal.gov
11CDF Collider Detector
- Each detector has about one million individual
pathways for recording electronic data generated
by the particle collisions. The signals are
carried over nearly a thousand miles of wires and
cables--each one connected by hand and tested
Source www.fnal.gov
12Schematic of Modern Detector
Source particleadventure.org
13Interaction of Particles with Detector Components
Source particleadventure.org