Title: Kenmore West Physical Education Department
1Kenmore West Physical Education Department
- Mr. Rich Harris
- Mr. John Haynes
- Mr. Randy Ramaekers
- Ms. Ayanna Tramont
- Mrs. Carrie Vetter
- Mrs. Leanne Brandon
2Physical Education
- Required class for graduation
- 4 years of P.E. ½ credit per year
- Grade included in overall GPA
- Mandatory program consisting of 8 blocks of
physical activity - Each block is approx. 5 weeks in length (avg. 10
class periods)
3PE CurriculumStudents will select from the
following activities
- Lacrosse
- Team Handball
- Speedball
- Indoor Soccer
- Tennis
- Fitness
- Volleyball
- Floor Hockey
- Basketball
- Golf
- Circuit Training
- Dance
- Badminton
- Wiffle Ball
- Cooperative Games
- Pickle Ball
- Recreational Games
- Aquatics
- Power Walking
- Basic Training
- Stress Reduction
4P.E. Grading Rubric
4 Eager Participation Initiates activity, responds immediately to directions, exemplary behavior, excellent effort, works to potential, prompt to class 3 Active participation Initiates activity, responds immediately to directions, good behavior, above average effort, works to potential, prompt to class 2 Average Participation Does not initiate activity, responds to directions, acceptable behavior, average participation, average effort, works to potential inconsistently, prompt to class 1 Prodded Participation Does not initiate activity, responds slowly/needs constant direction, minimal effort, work output is far below potential, prompt to class
5Grading Continued
- A daily grade of 4 points is earned by each
student if he/she - Participates
- Is prepared
- Demonstrates a good attitude
- Is responsible and respectful
6Grading Continued
- Reasons why students lose points
- Legally Absent or Excused from class
- Late to class
- Unprepared
- Poor effort (as per rubric)
- Foul Language
- Misuse of equipment
- Disrespectful towards teachers or peers
- Skips class
7Make-Up Policy
- Students can make up for full credit if he/she
were - Legally absent from class
- Unprepared for class (2 per quarter)
- Exception anything after 2 UP can be made up for
½ credit - Excused from class (with a note from guardian)
- Went to the nurse during class
- Was in ISS/OSS
8Make Up Policy
Monday Thursday 255pm 330pm Fitness Center
9Student Expectations
- T-Shirt, Sweats, Shorts
- Sneakers (closed toe heel)
- Heart Rate Monitor (provided)
- Combination Lock
10Medical PolicyMr. Ramaekers Boys Ms. Tramont
- Turn in doctors note to school nurse
- Responsible for an alternate assignment while out
of P.E. (assignments found on Department Website) - See Mr. Ramaekers or Ms. Tramont for procedure
- Choose an assignment to work on
- During P.E., report to Library or Learning Center
to do assignment - Project counts for P.E. grade no project,
receive a 0 for each day you were out!
11Heart Rate Monitors
- Combination HRM electrode (encased is a chest
strap) - Provide immediate feedback
- Continuous HR recorded during activity
- Students learn to exercise according to his/her
personal level of conditioning - HR summaries recorded for each class
- Students will have documented data that their
efforts in PE do count that exercise is truly
an individual experience
12Heart Rate Monitors
- Will use in at least 3 units this year
- Students assigned a specific watch to use
- Part of being prepared for class if a student
does not use one, points will be deducted - Eventually grade may be determined using info
from HRM (minutes in Target Heart Rate Zone)
- Physical Fitness Test measuring
- Aerobic Endurance (PACER)
- Muscular Strength (Push-Ups)
- Muscular Endurance (Sit-Ups)
- Flexibility (Sit Reach)
- Body Mass Index (Height Weight)
- Goal To score within the Healthy Fitness Zone
for each test - Performed 2x Fall Test Spring Test
- Scores inputted in to software used to set goals
during fitness blocks on how to improve in each
area - Reports sent home in Spring