Title: A hungry caterpillar
1A hungry caterpillar
By Nancy Tien
2Can you see caterpillars ?
3Can you see butterflies ?
4How does a caterpillar become a butterfly ?
5Here is his story
6A little egg laid on a leaf.
7One Sunday a little caterpillar was out of the
8He is very hungry.
9On Monday, he ate through one apple.
10On Tuesday, he ate through two pears.
11On Wednesday, he ate through three oranges.
12On Thursday, he ate through four pineapples.
13On Friday, he ate through five cherries.
14On Saturday, he ate through one strawberry, one
grape, one kiwi, one peach, and one watermelon.
15On Sunday, he was not hungry any more.
Now he was a big, and f a t caterpillar.
16He built a cocoon around himself. He stayed
inside for two weeks.
17Then he nibbled a hole in the cocoon and came
18Look !
He was a beautiful butterfly!
19The End