Title: The Very Hungry Caterpillar
1The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Reference Carle, Eric. The Very Hungry
Putnam Publishing Group New York, 1989.
Adapted by Nuwer Chen
2On one Sunday morning, there is a small, hungry
3It eats many kinds of fruits.
4On Monday, it eats one apple. But it is still
very hungry!
5On Tuesday, it eats two lemons. But it is still
very hungry!
6On Wednesday, it eats three papayas. But it is
still very hungry!
7On Thursday, it eats four oranges. But it is
still very hungry!
8On Friday, it eats five bananas. But it is
still very hungry!
9On Saturday, it eats six watermelons. But it is
still very hungry!
10The next day, is Sunday again.
11It eats up one nice leaf.It is not hungry
12It is not tiny. It is so big!
13It builds a house, and stays inside for a long
14And then . . .
15You see!It becomes a beautiful butterfly!