Title: Michigan Merit Examination (MME) Science
1Michigan Merit Examination (MME)Science
- OEAA Fall, 2006 Conference
- Rodger H. Epp
- MDE Science Assessment Consultant
2MME Science
The MME science test is a required component of
the MME. MME ACT Work Keys Mathematics
Science Social Studies supplemental tests
NCLB requires a sufficient assessment of the
science curriculum. The ACT science items align
only to Strand 1 of the Michigan Science
Curriculum Framework
3MME Science
Prerequisites for this presentation are The
Michigan Science Curriculum Framework (MSCF,
Summer, 2000) see, http//www.michigan.gov/documen
ts/MichiganCurriculumFramework_8172_7.pdf and Th
e Michigans new high school Science Content
Expectations (SCEs, October, 2006) see,
00.html The following presentation uses and
requires familiarity with the organization and
coding of the above documents.
4MME Science
- The MME Science Test Blueprint
- Spring and Fall 07 08
- Aligned to the Michigan Science Curriculum
Framework (Summer, 2000) - ACT test OEAA Science Supplemental
- -- 40 (science) MC items -- 44 MC items (0
CR items) - -- aligned to Strand I -- aligned to Strands
5MME Science
The 44 operational items have the following
distribution against the Michigan Science
Curriculum Framework Strand II with 1 domain
will have 5 test items Strands III, IV, V will
have 3 test items per domain Strand III has 5
domains for 15 test items Strand IV has 4
domains for 12 test items Strand V has 4 domains
for 12 test items Table 1 lists the number of
benchmarks per domain the 3 items within a
domain could align with 1 to 3 benchmarks
6MME Science
OEAA will produce 8 forms of the MME Science test
in 2007 and 2008. Each form will have the
same 44 operational test items. Forms will
differ by the 8 field test items included on
each form. The field test items are integrated,
undistinguished, among the operational
items. Field test items are NOT used to
measure student performance
7MME Science
MME the New Michigan High School
Science Content Expectations (SCEs, October,
2006) OEAA does NOT plan to offer the MME
aligned to the SCEs before Spring,
2009. Any plans regarding test design for a
SCE-based Spring 2009 MME Science test are only
in initial stages. The final plan needs to
receive OEAA, MDE, and U.S. DOE approval.
8MME Science
The Spring 2009 MME Science test design task
The MME science test will represent the 2009
SCEs with a Standard-base / standard matrix /
field test design. The supplemental science MME
will cover essential SCE in Science Reflection
and Social Implications, Biology, Chemistry,
Earth Science, and Physics Assess student
performance against SCE content, standards
9MME Science
OEAA Contact Information Rodger H. Epp Michigan
Science Assessment Consultant 517-373-1931
(phone) 517-335-1186 (fac) eppr_at_Michigan.gov