Title: Register Transfer Level
1Chapter 8
- Register Transfer Level (RTL)
- RTL in HDL
- Algorithmic State Machines (ASM)
- Design Example
- HDL Description of Design Example
- Binary Multiplier
- Control Logic
- HDL Description of Binary Multiplier
- Design with Multiplexers
3Register Transfer Level (RTL)
- Large Digital system design modular approach
- modular constructed from digital device, e.g.
register, decoder, multiplexer etc. - Register Transfer operation
- The information flow and processing perform on
the data stored in register - RTL is specified by the following three
components - The set of register in the system
- The operation that are performed on the data
stored in the register - The control that supervises the sequence of
operation in the system
- Register is constructed from F.F. and gates
- 1 F.F. gt1 bit register
- N F.F. gtn bit resister
- Register can perform set, cleared, or complement
5Data processing in register
- performed in parallel during one clock
- The result may replace previous data or
transferred to another register - For example
- counter
- Shift register
6Statements of RTL
- Transfer R2?R1
- Conditional statement
- if (T11) then(R2 ? R1)
- if(T11)then(R2 ? R1, R1 ? R2)
- Other
- R1 ?R1R2
- R3 ?R31
- R4 ?shr R4
- R5 ? 0
- Digital system can be described in RTL
- By means of HDL
- Verilog HDL
- RTL description use a combination of behavior and
data flow
8The transfer statement of Verilog HDL (without a
- Continuous statement
- Procedural assignment (without a clock)
9The transfer statement of Verilog HDL (with a
- Blocking use as transfer operator
- executed sequentially
- non-blocking use lt as transfer operator
- executed on parallel
10HDL operators
- Arithmetic ?- ? ? / ?
- Logical ? ?!
- Logic ? ? ?
- Bitwise or reduction
- Relationalgt ? lt ? ? ! ? gt ? lt
- True or false
- Shift gtgt ? ltlt ? ,
11Loop statement
- Repeat,Forever,While,For
- Must appear inside an initial or always block
12Logic Synthesis
- The automatic process of transforming a
high-level language description such as HDL into
an optimized netlist of gates that perform the
operations specified by the source code - Designers adopt a vendor-specific style suitable
for particular synthesis tools - HDL constructs used in RTL description can be
converted into gate-level description
13Example of synthesis from HDL to gate structure
- Assign
- assign Y S ? I1I0
- Is interpreted as a multiplexer of 2-to-1
- always
- may imply a combinational or sequential circuit
- always _at_ (I1 or I0 or S)
- if (S) YI1
- else YI0
- Always _at_ (posedge clock)
- Always _at_ (negedge clock)
14Process of HDL simulation and synthesis
15Algorithmic State Machine
- Logic design can be divided into two part
- The digital circuits that perform the data
processing operation - Control circuits that determines the sequence in
which the various actions are performed
16Algorithmic State Machine (ASM)
- A special flowchart that has been developed
specifically to define digital hardware
algorithms - Resembles a conventional flowchart, but is
interpreted somewhat differently. - conventional sequential
- sequence of even
- timing relationship between the states of
sequential controller - even occurs while going from one state to the
next - Three basic elements state box, decision box,
conditional box
17State box
FIGURE 8.3 ASM chart state box
18Decision box
FIGURE 8.4 ASM chart decision box
19Conditional box
FIGURE 8.5 ASM chart conditional box
20ASM block
21ASM chart and state diagram
22Timing consideration
- Major difference between conventional flow chart
and a ASM chart is in interpreting the time
relation among the various operation - ASM considers the entire block as one unit.
23Design example
- Two F.F. E and F
- A 4-bits binary counter A (A4,A3,A2 and A1)
- A start signal S (starting by clearing A and F)
- S1, increment counter
- A3 and A4 determine the sequences of operations
- If A3 0, E is clear to 0, count continues
- If A3 1,E is set to 1,then if A4 0, the count
continues, but if A4 1, F is set to 1 on next
clock pulse and system stops counting - Then if S 0, the system remains in the initial
state, but if S 1, the operation cycle repeats.
24ASM chart
25Table 8-2
26Datapath for Design Example
27RTL Description
28State table for control
29Logic diagram of control
30HDL Description
HDL Example 8-2 //RTL description of design
example (Fig.8-11) module Example_RTL
(S,CLK,Cir,E,F,A) //Specify inputs and outputs
//See block diagram Fig. 8-10 input
S,CLK,Cir output E, F output 41 A //Specify
system registers reg 41 A //A
register reg E, F //E and F
flip-flops reg 10 pstate, nstate
//control register //Encode the states parameter
TO 2'b00, Tl 2'b01, T2 2'b11 //State
transition for control logic //See state diagram
Fig. 8-11(a)
31always _at_(posedge CLK or negedge Clr) if (Clr)
pstate TO //Initial state else pstate lt
nstate //Clocked operations always _at_ (S or A
or pstate) case (pstate) TO if (S) nstate
Tl else nstate TO Tl if (A3 A4)
nstate T2 else nstate Tl T2 nstate
TO endcase //Register transfer operations //See
list of operation Fig.8-11(b) always _at_ (posedge
CLK) case (pstate) TO if (S) begin
A lt 4'bOOOO F lt 1'bO
end Tl begin A lt A
1'b1 if (A3) E lt 1'bl else
E lt 1'b0 end T2 F lt
I'bl endcase endmodule
32Testing the design description
- HDL Example 8-3
- //Test bench for design example
- module test_design_example
- reg S, CLK, Clr
- wire 41 A
- wire E, F
- //Instantiate design example
- Example_RTL dsexp (S,CLK.Clr,E,F,A)
33Example_RTL dsexp (S,CLK.Clr,E,F,A) initial begin
Cir 0 S 0 CLK 0 5 Clr 1 S
1 repeat (32) begin 5 CLK
CLK end end initial monitor("A b E b F
b time 0d". A.E.F,time) endmodule