Title: Knights in the Middle Ages
1Knights in the Middle Ages
-Professional warriors who fought their lords
battles. -Knights were employed by Vassals to
serve the king in military service. -Usually
fought against rival knights of other lords.
-Knighthood was grounded in the feudal ideal of
loyalty, and based on a complex system of moral
codes. -Breaking any of those codes would
undermine the knights position and the very
institution of knighthood.
2-The primary duty of males above the serf class
was military service to their lords. -Boys were
often trained from a young age to become
warriors, -Knight training often took place in
houses other than the boys own to ensure the
training was strict. -When the training was
complete he was dubbed, or ceremonially tapped on
the shoulder. -Once dubbed, the youths title
became Sir and he was given full rights of the
warrior caste.