Title: Black and White Feminism
1Black and White Feminism
2Part 1 The Debate Whos movement, whos
- Historically black women excluded
- Agenda set by white middle class women
3Part 2 bell hooks and Slavery
- - Slavery white and black slave women
- - Relationship of Envy, Hatred and Desire
- -Sexuality and desire
- - Black women object of hatred
4Part 3 American black feminism
- 1920s and 1960s Black American women and white
feminism - North vs South blacks in or out?
5Part 4 Black US Womens resistance
- 60s and 80s Black Only Movements
- Black concerns and issues
- Outside white feminist movement
6Part 5 1960s - white US womens guilt
- 1960s white American women and the civil rights
movement - Guilty for ignoring black women
- Not enough!
7Part 6 The European context post-colonial
- Support racist structures of patriarchy?
- Challenge racist structures?
- Important for understanding race, class and
8Part 7 Feminism in the UK 1960s -1980s
- Mobilise around Powellism
- OWAAD The Organisation of Women of Asian and
African Descent - Unite around shared culture?
- Whose the most oppressed?
9Part 8 Is sisterhood Global?
- 1960s Radical Feminists
- Shared biology
- Critique
- Socialist Feminists
- Public Private - Shared subordination
10Part 9 Post-Modern Black Feminists
- No universal female identity
- Hazel Carby Avtar Brah
- No Grand theories
- Look at particular experiences
- Class gender and sexuality
- Women can create alliances
11Iranian women Is Subordination and liberation
121950s US Housewife
13Colonial Indian WomanMy body is my nation
14Business women Coalition and Diversity?
15Part 10 White Women, Race Matters
- Lack of Attention to white ethnicity in the
feminist literature - White women live their lives through race
- Racism not just a black issue
- White power and gender