Feminism, Masculinity, and Gender - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Feminism, Masculinity, and Gender


Feminism, Masculinity, and Gender Dr Chris Pearson Culture of force (1890s+) See Christopher Forth, The Dreyfus Affair and the Crisis of French Manhood (2004 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Feminism, Masculinity, and Gender

Feminism, Masculinity, and Gender
  • Dr Chris Pearson

Lecture outline
  • Gender history
  • Femininity and feminism
  • Masculinity

Gender history An overview
  • Associated with postmodernism
  • Gender identities are fluid and historical they
    change over time
  • Against biological determinism nothing about
    the body determines univocally how social
    divisions will be shaped
  • Joan Scott, Gender a useful category of
    historical analysis, in Shoemaker and Vincent
    (eds.), Gender and History in Western Europe,
    (1998), 2

  • Man and women are at once empty and
    overflowing categories. Empty because they have
    no ultimate, transcendent meaning. Overflowing
    because even when they appear contain to be
    fixed, they still within them alternative,
    denied, or suppressed definitions.
  • Joan Scott, Gender a useful category of
    historical analysis, in Shoemaker and Vincent
    (eds.), Gender and History in Western Europe,
    (1998), 61

Histories of masculinity
  • White, European masculinity constructed against
    outsider males, such as Blacks and Jews
  • George L. Mosse, The Image of Man, The Creation
    of Modern Masculinity (1996)
  • Masculinities come into existence at particular
    times and places and are always subject to
  • R. Connell, Masculinities (1995), 185

Gender relations
  • Masculinity and femininity exist and change in
    relationship to each other
  • Masculine and feminine identities are not
    distinct and separable constructs, but parts of
    a political field whose relations are
    characterized by domination, subordination,
    collusion and resistance.
  • Michael Roper and John Tosh (eds), Manful
    Assertions Masculinities in Britain since 1800
    (1991), 8

The new women
  • The new women was most commonly represented as
    a dangerous creature, masculinsed but man-hating,
    emancipated politically and sexually, a
    perversion of the natural order of things and a
    threat to morality and civilisation itself.
  • James McMillan, France and Women, 1789-1914
    (2000) 142

Mademoiselle Ly a new women
  • As a women who fashioned her identity around
    her professional accomplishments and her call for
    womens political and sexual emancipation, she
    subverted the traditional domestic image of the
    honorable woman.
  • Andrea Mansker, Mademoiselle Arria Ly Wants
    Blood! French Historical Studies 294 (2006),

Changes to womens lives during the belle époque
  • Republican expansion of education in the 1880s
    e.g. Camille Sées law of 1880 introduces female
    secondary schools
  • More and more women enter university 2,772
    French women enrolled at the universities by
    1911-12, a twentyfold increase from the 1889-90
    period. (Mansker, p. 639)

Professional women
  • Teachers 57,000 female teachers by 1906, almost
    50 of the profession
  • Office and clerical work for banks, railway
    companies etc
  • By 1914, 30 of the female workforce were
    employed offices and department stores
  • McMillan, France and Women, 148-9

Marie Deraismes (1828-1894)
Léon Richer (1824-1911)
Gradualist, liberal feminism
  • Feminism could best advance by making small
    dents in the hard wall that patriarchy had
    constructed against womens claims. The
    feminists task was to locate the loose brick and
    hammer against it. It was a realpolitik.
  • Claire Goldberg Moses, French Feminism in the
    Nineteenth Century (1984), 199

Richer on the family
  • Since man alone was enfranchised he alone moved
    on. Woman, his daily companion, excluded from
    this benefit, stayed behind, and within the
    passing of half a century an enormous distance,
    an abyss, inexorably divided the two sexes. Out
    of this division was soon born, within the heart
    of families, irreparable dissatisfaction,
    ruptures that one had not suspected.
  • Quoted in Moses, French Feminism in the
    Nineteenth Century, 201

Women not ready for the vote, according to Richer
  • I believe that at the present time it would be
    dangerous in France to give women the
    political ballot. They are in great majority
    reactionaries and clericals. It they voted today,
    the Republic would not last six months.
  • Quoted in James McMillan, Housewife or Harlot
    (1981), 84

Hurbertine Auclert (1848-1914)
Hurbertine Auclert, speaking in 1876
  • In spite of the benefits that came from our
    revolution of 1789, two kinds of individuals are
    still enslaved proletarians and women. Women
    proletarians have an even more deplorable fate...
  • We have no rights. As interested as we may be in
    the happiness of our country, we are pitilessly
    turned away from all meetings, whether elective
    or legislative... We count for less than noting
    in the state. A stupid and profoundly ignorant
    man counts for more in France than the best
    educated woman. He can name his legislators
    woman cannot. She is a creature apart who is born
    with many duties and no rights.

Madeleine Pelletier
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  • For a feminist, the extreme care of ones
    person and a studied sense of elegance are not
    always a diversion, a pleasure, but rather often
    excess work, a duty that she nevertheless must
    impose upon herself, if only to deprive
    shortsighted men of the argument that feminism is
    the enemy of beauty and a feminine aesthetic.
  • Margerite Durand, Acting Up, French Historical
    Studies (1996), 1119

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  • In mimicking the real woman, they exposed its
    artifice as a role that can be staged even in the
    most unconventional of lives. By mimicking
    femininity, Durand... was able to defang her
    opponents and at the same time reveal the
    artifice of gender identity.
  • Roberts, Acting Up, French Historical Studies
    (1996), 1130

Modern femininity in Femina
  • Beyond the domestic ideal showed women
    performing professional and other roles
  • Its coverage presumed that women could achieve
    important advances on their own by raising their
    sights and exploring their own individuality.
    Lenard Berlanstein, Selling Modern Femininity,
    French Historical Studies, 304 (2007), 635

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Achievements of French feminism by 1914
  • No vote for women but
  • Married women allowed to dispose of their own
    incomes (1908)
  • Paternity suits allowed (1912)
  • Raised issue of womens rights

Perhaps the greatest tribute to the force of
feminist ideas and activism in fin-de-siècle
France was that it precipitated a major public
debate and gave rise to a vitriolic antifeminism
that forced men (especially those in political
power) to take a position on the women question.
Karen Offen, Depopulation, Nationalism, and
Femininsm, American Historical Review (1984), 661
French masculinity under threat?
  • Defeat to Prussia (1870) and the Commune shook
    the confidence of middle class Frenchmen
  • French men feared deep down that foreigners saw
    them as lacking in the honor and warriorlike
    virility still widely believed to embody
    masculinity itself.
  • E Berenson, Trial of Madame Caillaux, p. 114

  • The First Empires women had been overwhelmed
    by the intense and magnificent whirl of activity
    accomplished by men who returned home between two
    battles to get them with child, only to hasten
    back to the front having left behind the
    overpowering image of conquerors.
  • Le Gaulois (1900), quoted in Berenson, Trial of
    Madame Cailloux (1993), 115

Male honour codes
  • Hangover from the ancien régime
  • In private, men must display sexual vigour and
  • In public, they must be ready to defend their
    reputation and honour, hence the popularity of
    the duel
  • See Robert Nye, Masculinity and Male Codes of
    Honor in Modern France (1993)

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Sketch by Alfred Grévin (c.1880)
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Culture of force (1890s)
See Christopher Forth, The Dreyfus Affair and the
Crisis of French Manhood (2004)
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