Title: Parent Career Planning
1Parent Career Planning Orientation
2Career Planning Group Quiz
True or False?
- Career choice is one of lifes most
- important decisions.
- Selecting a career that matches your
- interests, skills and values increase
- your chance for success and happiness.
- Tools/resources are readily available
- to make an informed career choice.
- Today, most students/parents use
- these tools.
3Result Poor Choices, Waste and Frustration
My son just graduated from college. He doesnt
have a clue what he wants to do. Maybe
forensics. Maybe art.
My daughter is a sophomore in college and she
hates her major (accounting). She is changing
majors, but doesnt know what to choose. That
means at least one more year of college that we
cannot afford.
Now that I have a college degree, I need to
think about a career. I majored in Marketing,
but Im not sure thats what I want to do.
I wish I had known four years ago what I know
now. I would have taken career and college
planning more seriously. My major was easy and
fun, but now I cannot get a decent job.
4Tonights Objectives
5Our Kids Face Intense Workplace Competition
Workplace Competition
Free, Global Communication
6Life Expectancy Has Risen And The Safety Net Is
- In the past
- Work for the same company. Retire at 65.
- Full company pension w/health care.
- Enjoy retirement for 3-5 years, then die.
- Today
- No Defined Pension plans. Fund your
- own healthcare.
- Social Security is questionable.
- Live to be 80 or 90 yrs. old.
- You are on your own.
7Career Planning Group Quiz
- 300 High School students given 10 minutes to
list - as many occupations as possible. Average?
- a) 70 b) 50 c) 25 d) lt 15
- Americans average how many different jobs
- between ages 18-34?
- a) 2 b) 3 c) 5 d) 10
- In the United States, what percent of 18 to 24
- year-olds are living at (parents) home.
- a) 10 b) 20 c) 30 d)gt50
8The Goal
SHOULD BE (in this order) 1) Select a career
that fits my interests, values, and skills. 2)
Select an education path that prepares me for
this career. 3) Obtain the required
education/training. 4) Choose an attractive
industry and a winning company.
9Helping Students Get It! In High School
Why do you attend school?
How many hours do you invest in school from
grades K12?
Think about all the time you invest in school
and multiple that by 6 times.
That is the amount of time you will spend in .
10Your Career
Hours Invested