Title: Career Planning and Development
1Career Planning and Development
- Arkansas Dept of Workforce Education
- Office of Career Guidance, Exploration, and
2Arkansas Act 730
- The Arkansas College and
- Career Readiness Planning Program
- Requires consistent precollege readiness
assessments to increase successful student
transitions into postsecondary education And, - Measure student readiness for future learning
without remediation to improve college and
workforce readiness
3Consistent career readiness results in successful
employment from
- Consistent career guidance and exploration
- Consistent career employability training
- Consistent Career Portfolio Development
- Consistent education in the SMART Core Curriculum
(college preparation) - Consistent career planning with career preparation
4The 2010 Meltdown Solving the Impending Job
- 47 of job applicants lacked the reading, writing
and math skills for the jobs they sought - 73 of US employers cited very or somewhat
difficulty hiring qualified workers - 40 said applicants have poor or no employment
5U.S. Literacy Woes
- 50 of current workers had serious reading,
writing, and math skills - 5 of all American adults speak English so poorly
they cannot hold a high-paying job - 90 million Americans face higher health risks
because their low literacy leads to trouble
understanding medical terms - 60 billion per year is lost in productivity
6Assessing the Pipeline to Americas Workforce
- More than 50 of employers couldn't find
qualified applicants for entry-level jobs - Over 50 of adults are unhappy in their jobs
- A 2004 Gallup poll indicated that more than 55
of people in the workforce were not engaged in
their work - An estimated 80 are underemployed
7Where are the students?
- Arkansas has a 69 adjusted graduation rate from
those who began the 9th grade - Between the 8th grade and the 11th-12th grades
(where most college and career planning is being
done) many students have already dropped out - Highest number of GED recipients are in the 16-17
age range
8 Increasing the high school and college
graduation rate of male students in Arkansas by
only five percent could lead to a combined
savings and revenue of almost 77 million each
year by reducing crime-related costs (Alliance
for Excellent Education, June 2007).
9Where are the Boys
- According to Arkansas Kuder data
- There are 12 more girls in the 11th and 12th
grades compared to a 50/50 ratio in the 8th
grade. - According to Ark Dept of Higher Ed
- There are about 10 more girls graduating than
boys from 4-year universities.
10Arkansas DWE White Papers
- If Arkansas high schools and colleges raise the
graduation rates of Hispanic, African-American,
and Native-American students to the levels of
white students by 2020, the potential increase in
personal income would add more than 785 million
to the state economy.
11 - If Arkansas likely dropouts from the class of
2006 graduated instead, the state could save more
than 94 million in Medicaid and expenditures for
uninsured care over the course of those young
peoples lifetimes.
12- 1/3 of college students leave after their first
year in college - Almost 50 of college students never graduate
- 30 of college students leave school at the end
of their first year and another 30 take five or
six years to earn their degree - Dropouts from the class of 2006 cost the state
more than 2.7 billion in lost wages, taxes, and
productivity over their lifetimes
13The Institute of Education and the Economy
- Many different types of career guidance
interventions are effective - Career development activities positively
influence school attendance and completion - Simple planning will help students connect their
goals and steps to reach them
14Results from Lapan, Gysbers, and Sun concluded
students in Missouri
- Make better grades
- Have more college and career information
- Believe their school has a positive climate
- Feel middle school is safer
- Have a better relationship with their teachers
- Are more satisfied with their education
15A HSTW study concluded
- Students who completed a 4-year high school plan
increased math test scores - Students spent more time talking with counselors
- Math, science and reading scores improved
- Career guidance increased college-prep math and
science classes
16Information is Vital2010 Meltdown by Edward
- Schools can help students by helping their
parents - Career aptitude and personal interest assessments
need to be provided in middle schools - Future workers need higher quality education
which integrates arts and sciences with emerging
17Improve the quality of career planning
interventions provided to students
- To help students meet personal goals
- To help students successfully transition through
the educational system smoothly - and efficiently
- To help students graduate successfully
- To help students become employable with
employability skills and industry certifications - To help students successfully reach career goals
18Career Exploration and PlanningInterventions in
Middle and Junior High Schools
- Kuder Galaxy (provided to 50 elementary schools)
- Career Orientation (8th grade requirement to
explore the world of work and assess self) - Kuder Navigator with assessments
- -Interests, Skills Values with a Person Match
- ACT Explore (Interest and aptitude for learning
resulting in the World of Work Map with clusters
and pathways) - Career Development Portfolio (state required
4-year planning with parental involvement )
19Assessing The Whole Person
20High School Interventions
- Keystone (9th grade transition elective)
- Kuder (10th grade re-assessment after
exploration) - ACT Plan (Improved academic achievement, career
preparation, and post-high school planning) - Or PSAT (Individual strengths and weakness on
college readiness skills)Arkansas State Law
2010-2011 - Workplace Readiness (11th-12th grade elective
using KeyTrain to prepare students for WorkKeys) - Work-based Learning (JAG, Internship Youth
Apprenticeship electives)
21KeyTrain in Secondary Schools
- Students in Workplace Readiness will be required
to use KeyTrain to prepare for the ACT WorkKeys
Assessments. - Work-based learning programs including Internship
and JAG will allow students to use KeyTrain in
schools where Workplace Readiness is not being
22WorkKeys Implementation
- Dept of Workforce Services contracted with
Thinking Media to provide KeyTrain to dislocated
workers and high school students in grades 11 and
12. - ACT WorkKeys assessments were purchased to
provide job seekers with the CRC credential.
23Where do we begin?
- Assess current knowledge with KeyTrain pretests
- Identify occupational needs for career goal
- Assign KeyTrain lessons so the student can work
at their own pace to the level they need to
achieve - Bridge the gap between being unemployable and
being hirable.
24WorkKeys Identifies Skill Gaps
- By comparing the job profile and individual
assessment results, skills gaps can be identified
Skills Gap
Skills Gap
Individual Results
Job Profile
Applied Mathematics
Reading for Information
Locating Information
25Job Seekers
- Must score at least a level 4 on the KeyTrain in
Reading for Information, Applied Mathematics, and
Locating Information. - Must also register with the Arkansas Job Links
- Instructor refers KeyTrain completers to a
two-year community college for the WorkKeys
assessment - Career Readiness Certificates are then awarded to
students receiving the Bronze, Silver or Gold
26Arkansas Career Readiness Certificates
- The state has awarded a total of 10,912
certificates signed by the Governor of Arkansas
and the Department of Workforce Services - 2,907 Gold (27)
- 5,886 Silver (54)
- 2,119 Bronze (19)
27(No Transcript)
28ArkansasAtWork.orgArkansas Career Readiness
- Governors Initiative Video Spot
- http//www.dws.arkansas.gov/CRC/Governor.htm
- We must have a career ready workforce
- Radio Spot
- http//www.dws.arkansas.gov/CRC/audio/DWS20CRC20
(Employers)20e.mp3 - Brochure
- http//www.dws.arkansas.gov/CRC/PDF/CRC20Employer
29Sum of all the Parts for a Career Ready Workforce
- Career Guidance, Exploration Preparation
- Career Development Facilitator
- Career Development Portfolios
- Kuder (ArkansasWorks)
- ACT Explore, Plan and WorkKeys
- Placement and completion in CTE programs of study
- KeyTrain (ArkansasAtWork)
- Arkansas Career Readiness Certificate
30Career Development Facilitators
- A (CDF) is a person who has been specially
trained to work with students or dislocated
workers to assist with vocational and educational
planning, assessments, and workforce preparation
from middle school through postsecondary
education and the adult workforce.
31Positions for which CDFs could be trained for
Student Career Development Coach Career Action
Plan Program Facilitator School Career Guidance
Counselor Job Search Trainer Co-op and Tech
Center Coordinators Employment/Placement
Specialists College Counselor/Recruiter
32Network of CDFs working alongside professionals
with more extensive training Dept of Workforce
Education Staff Secondary School Counselors and
Career Tech Program of Study
Teachers Two-year Community College Counselors
and recruiters Career Pathways
Administrators Workforce Services Center Staff
33Career Development Portfolio
- Collection of assessments
- Record of accomplishments
- Contains resumes Application Examples
- Education and training Plan of Action
- Opportunity for creative self-expression
- Process for career development
- Self-discovery evaluation
- Business industry certifications
34DWE Involvement
- Kuder support
- CDF training and supervision
- Carl Perkins funding through schools and
educational cooperatives - Statewide Career Development Portfolios with a
two-year crosswalk for two-year community college
majors in CTE programs of study - Articulation for concurrent credit for CTE
programs of study.
35WorkKeys is a System
Job Profiling to match applicants with jobs
Skill Assessments Measures an individuals skill
Career Guidance
Education/ Training Efficiently closes skill gaps
36- This is to certify
- Johnny B. Good__
- Successfully completed
- Arkansas High School Graduation Requirements
- Arkansas Dept of Education Smart Core
- Advertising Graphic Design Program of Study
- Adobe Premier CS3 Certification
- GOLD Arkansas Career Readiness Certificate
- Skills attained Proficient in Adobe Premier Pro
- Multimedia
- 3.5 GPA
- CTSO Member FBLA Skills USA
- Concurrent College Credit Earned Fundamentals
of Graphic Design - Freshman Composition
37- For more information please contact
- Ray Henson, Program Manager
- Dept of Workforce Education
- Office of Career Guidance, Exploration, and
Preparation - Three Capitol Mall, Suite 408
- Little Rock, AR 72201
- 501-682-1616
- raymond.henson_at_arkansas.gov