Title: 7th Grade Algebra - Prep
1Assessment of Course Questions
7th Grade Algebra - Prep
Content What? How? Concepts?
Chapter tests/quizzes Examples? Daily
work/demonstration Applications?
Activities Terminology? Discussion,Ch.Tests/quizze
s Basic Facts? Timed Tests Process What?
How? Routines? Demonstration Rules? Demo
nstration Participation? Demonstration
Introducing algebraic concepts to students using
real-world problems.
- How would the Order of Operations be a guide in
solving multiple-step equations and inequalities? - How do you decide which problem solving
strategies to solve real world problems - How do you solve one and two step equations?
- How do you construct an equation from a word
problem? - How do you convert and compare fractions,
decimals, and percents? - How do you perform math operations with
fractions? - What are the different classifications of
geometric shapes? - Which formulas do you use to solve for perimeter,
area, and volume? - How do you perform math operations with integers?
- Which math strategies do you use to solve real
world problems? - How can you use probability to make predictions
and draw conclusions? - How do algebra concepts relate to graphing?
27th Grade Algebra-Prep
Course Organizer Prob of the Day Assignment
Notebook Notetaking Questioning Modeling Checking
Character Counts Risk Taking
Copies of notes Study partners
Solving Equations Rational Numbers Mathematical
Operations Order of Operations Whole
Numbers Mathematical Properties Expressions Probl
em Solving Geometry Number Sense
Arithmetic Units
Algebra Units
Order of Operations
Whole Numbers
Mathematical Properties
Order of Operations
Problem Solving
Order of Operations
Problem Solving
Problem Solving
Number Sense