Title: 10th Grade
110th Grade
2Graduation RequirementsStudents must earn 230
credits and pass the CAHSEE Algebra I to
qualify for a high school diploma.
3The Four Systems of Higher Education in California
Private Colleges or Universities
Private Colleges or Universities
4CSU/UC A-G Requirements
- History/Social Science 2 years required
- English 4 years required
- Mathematics 3 years required
- (4 yrs. recommended)
- Laboratory Science 2 years required
- (3 yrs. recommended)
- Language other than English 2 years required
- (3 yrs. recommended)
- Visual and/or Performing Arts 1 year required
- College Preparatory Elective 1 year required
- All courses must be completed with C grade or
higher - CSU/UC approved course list for LCC is available
online at - https//doorways.ucop.edu/list
5College Admission ExamsYou will take them in the
spring of your junior year but prepare for them
by taking.
The PLAN in November
The PSAT in October
Make sure information is up-to-date
p College Prep Course meets A-G requirements
r repeated course
Non Academic
AP Course extra grade point
7Should have 90 credits
8What classes do I have to take as a junior?
- English
- US History
- Mathematics
All juniors must take 6 classes All courses are
9EnglishYou must choose 1Mark your choice with
an X
E1531 English 12 P E1532 AP English Language P
Italicized Weighted Course
10Social ScienceYou must choose 1
Mark your choice with an X
US History P AP US History P
11MathematicsYou must choose 1Mark your choice
with an X
Algebra I P Geometry P Geometry Honors P Algebra
II P Algebra II/Trig Honors P Discrete Math
P Math Analysis w/Trig P (Pre-Calc.) Pre-Calculus
Honors P Statistics P AP Probability Statistics
P AP Calculus AB P AP Calculus BC P
C grade or higher is required to move to next
12ScienceYou may choose 1 or moreMark your choice
with an X
Earth Space P Marine Biology Biology
P Chemistry P Chemistry/AP Chemistry P (2
pds.) Physics P AP Biology P AP Physics B P AP
Environmental Science P
Lab Science
13Remaining Courses
- Using the choices from the electives on the
- back of this form, choose remaining courses
- with alternates to complete your program.
- Write the course number and title. Write
- them in the order of preference, with the
- first course being the one you want the most.
- Course Course Title
- 1st G5683/Spanish III
- 2nd B6552/Draw Design
- 3rd B6581/Video Film
- 4th E1653/Creative Writing
Example only
14Applied TechnologyPractical Art
- ROP Computer Aided Drafting
- ROP Civil Engineering Architecture
- ROP Principles of Engineering P
- ROP Digital Photography
- Instructor Approval
15Business Computer TechnologyPractical Art
- Business Math
- Computer Applications
- Graphic Communications
- Illustration for Publishing
- Marketing Principles
- Web Design
- ROP Digital Media Production (TV)
- ROP Stagehand Tech
- ROP Virtual Enterprise (pending CSU/UC approval)
- Internship
- Work Experience
16- Dance (PE or Visual Performing Art)
- Beginning Dance P
- Intermediate Dance P
- Advanced Dance P
- Home Economics/Careers Technology
- (Practical Art)
- ROP Culinary Arts
- ROP Child Development Careers off-campus
- (provide own transportation)
17Performing ArtsVisual Performing Art
- Acting I P
- Intermediate Acting P
- Advanced Acting P
- Advanced Drama Honors P
- Drama Production P (7th period)
- Recording Arts
- Concert Band P (Beginning)
- Marching Band PE /Jazz Band (7th period)
- Symphonic Band P (Advanced)
- Percussion (Drums)/Color Guard
- AP Music Theory P
18Physical EducationYou must choose 3(number in
order of preference)
- Physical Education
- Aerobics
- Baseball
- Basketball Co-ed
- Basketball Boys Team
- Basketball Girls Team
- .
Beginning Dance P Intermediate Dance P Advanced
Dance P Pep Squad (Cheer) Instructor Approval
Volleyball Weight Lifting Wrestling ROP Surf
Lifesaving Surf PE Marching Band PE /Jazz
Band (7th per.)
Football JV Football Varsity Skate PE Soccer
Co-ed Softball Girls Team Tennis
Off-campus class-provide own transportation
19- Publications
- Journalism
- Advanced Journalism (Instructor Approval)
- Yearbook (Instructor Approval)
- Social Science Electives
- Psychology/ Sociology P
- Social Justice P
- AP European History P
- AP Psychology P
Practical Art
20Speech Other English Electives
- Academic Literacy (Instructor Approval)
- Creative Writing P
- Fiction Film P
- Speech
- Lincoln Douglas
- Policy Debate
21Visual Arts Visual Performing Arts
- Drawing Design P
- Painting P
- Sculpture P
- Imaging P (Computer Art)
- AP Art History P
- AP Studio Art P (drawing)
- AP Studio Art 2D P (design)
- AP Studio Art 3D P (sculpture)
- Fine Art Digital Photo P
- Video Film P
- Advanced Video Film (7th per.- Instructor
22World Languages
- American Sign Language II P
- American Sign Language III P
- French II P
- French III P
- French IV
- French V
- AP French Language
- AP French Literature
- Japanese II P
- Japanese III P
- Japanese IV P
- Spanish II P
- Spanish III P
- Spanish IV P
- Spanish for Professional Communication P
- AP Spanish Language P
- AP Spanish Literature P
- Spanish for Spanish Speakers I P
C grade or higher is required to move to next
23Additional Electives
- ASB (Officers Instructor Approval)
- CAHSEE English/Language Arts
- CAHSEE Math Support
- Independent Study PE (Instructor Approval)
packet in office - Off Campus Class (permission form required)
- Office Aide
- PLATO (Success Program)
- Science Lab Assistant
- Teacher Aide
- Unscheduled Period 1 or 2
- Unscheduled Period 5 or 6
Not an option unless you are taking an approved
off-campus course.
240 period classeseveryday class 630-730 a.m
- Chemistry
- AP Studio Art 2D
- PE/Health
- ROP Computer Aided Drafting
- Statistics
- Interest form must be turned to counseling
office when you meet with your counselor next
25How can I find out what a class will be like?
- Visit the counseling web page
- Ask your teachers and/or counselor
- Thursday, March 6th at lunch in the student
center Elective Fair - Thursday, March 6th at 6 p.m. in the theater
AP/H/Elective Night
26Things to consider when choosing your courses
next year.
- Do my course selections correlate with my post
high school plans?
27- How much time can I reasonably commit to studying
given my responsibilitiesoutside of school? - (work, athletics, other)
28- Have I met the course prerequisites?
If I take an Advanced Placement (AP) course, am I
willing to accept the challenge of a
college-level course?
30Will I be able to change my schedule next year?
Read the Schedule Adjustment Guidelines Choose
your courses wisely. The choices you make now
will determine your 2008-2009 schedule.
Schedule changes will not be made to accommodate
teacher requests, off-campus classes, or
extracurricular and athletic activities.
31Schedule Adjustment GuidelinesContinued
- Mandatory schedule changes will be made
- for students who completed an approved
- summer school course or for students who
- failed a course.
32Schedule Adjustment GuidelinesContinued
- Adding/Dropping courses requests will be
- considered during August school business
- days. Courses will be added to replace a
- dropped course if
- they improve integrity of schedule for graduation
or college eligibility purposes. - there is space available in an elective class
during the same period as the dropped course. - After the first day of school, requests will
require a - conference with an administrator. If approved
the - student may be required to make up missed work.
33Schedule Adjustment GuidelinesContinued
- Level Changes (from an honors/AP course
- to a college prep course) will be considered
- During the first four weeks of the semester,
- if there is space available. Prior to any level
- change being made, student and
- parent/guardian must have contact with
- current teacher.
34When will I meet with my counselor and what do I
need to bring with me on that day?
You must bring a completed and signed (by both
you parent/guardian) course selection sheet to
your English class on Thursday, March 13th or
Friday, March 14th. You will meet individually
with your counselor at this time. It is very
important that you have alternates for each
elective class chosen. Student and
Parent/Guardian signatures are required to
complete the registration process.
- Applications are available in the counseling
office during the month of March. See
application for due date. -
- Summer school is important if you are behind in
credits and/or if you need to make-up D grades. - (remedial)
- Summer school dates are on your handout.